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Everything posted by hijexx

  1. "Shut up man, this is how we get dental" hahahah
  2. Never thought of TJ as bourgeois. I like shopping at Trader Joes. All the folks who work there seem like they actually like their job too.
  3. It was Hedphelym but yeah things got spooky when the wind blew in. Honestly if it were any other artist I would have bailed. I had one of those disposable ponchos but it was pretty much useless. Freezing and shivering and miserable hahah, only thing that kept me going was the show!
  4. Meanwhile in Philadelphia...
  5. I'll take one! Crazy to think I was up there this day last year and counting the hours until the show vs. what New York is like now.
  6. Someone told me once that you should not drink and take antibiotics
  7. US president still doesn't understand the difference between a bacteria and a virus
  8. A video branded by "Occupy Democrats" where the news host says "Wuhan Virus" The irony is rich. I agree with the sentiment that Trump goofed for sure.
  9. Whoever the publicist is that dreamed this up kinda failed IMO.
  10. My guess is it's just going to be a rebroadcast of the boxing day stream. But it's blocked for me.
  11. LP DAT is 32000hz * 2 channels * 12 bits for 768000 bits/sec SP DAT is 48000hz * 2 channels * 16 bits for 1536000 bits/sec Basically a clean double. I'm ignoring 44100hz SP I always thought red calx slo and red calx from the SC dump were just recordings of the same tape but each rec was played back at a different DAT speed. I know it's a digital tape but the diff between SP and LP is a clean double, it's not outside the realm of possibility that there might be some hardware out there that could read and write it that way. At LP the head spins at half speed and the tape runs half speed too. Never had any hands on experience with DAT hardware though so I could be barking up the wrong tree entirely. Anyway here's some classics from the SC dump enjoy
  12. Which one has the mud flaps?
  13. I don't know much about Boris Johnson but this thread makes him sound like a not so swell guy
  14. I had ordered the wax and cds already but when the album leaked in August 2001 I couldn't wait to hear it. Laid in the floor with my headphones on and listened to the whole thing in one shot. Meltphace and Taking Control scrambled mah brainz
  15. Basically already have a 5 track EP + remix, thanks AFX!
  16. The real conspiracy theory is going down on X22 Report on Twitter. Man that is a whole 'nother universe of conspiracy theory. It's like Pizza Gate times 1000
  17. Post Pictures Of Your Jerry Maguire VHS Collection
  18. Thanks! I live in a red state in America with a sociopathic President. I need all the luck I can get.
  19. I'm tired of hearing all the people who three months ago didn't have the word coronavirus in their vocabulary all of a sudden parroting random opinions about the efficacy of N95 masks and how it's socially irresponsible to use them if you're not a healthcare worker. All of a sudden everyone is an expert in epidemiology and an authority on who can and can't use certain commercial products. I have a box of N95's that I've had for years. It's like a 3 pack. They are enough for me. I'm not sitting on a stockpile. I've been sheltering in place since the first week of March and only going out to buy groceries. I wear my mask because I've done enough research to make the risk calculation for myself. If some scold tries to lecture me about how I shouldn't be wearing my mask they're getting my middle finger in their face.
  20. So masks are not effective and healthcare workers need them. Got it.
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