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vamos scorcho

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by vamos scorcho

  1. oh man, exactly. for a few years i would smoke every night in my room (during high school). i would listen to different albums every night. really the funnest times, i would be seeing shapes floating around in the air and patterns and hilarious thoughts while listening to beach boys or john coltrane or what have you - weed taught me the ways of autechre, eric dolphy, maybe even my bloody valentine. most of my favorite albums are opened up in new ways while i'm high. and improvisation becomes a spiritual, mindblowing, beautiful experience of communication from person to person. on the other side though for those same few years for the first hour or so of being high i would literally just sit in the pitch black of my room staring up at the ceiling - basically meditating on my thoughts. for weeks on end i would enter into infinity and voices from outside of my brain would tell me the ways of the universe. whats great is that the voices actually told me pretty legitimate shit. existence is a fractal. the universe is existence. everything exists at all times everywhere forever while no things exist nowhere some of the time behind a dry wall in the courtyard of maple dale high school and "believe me motherfucker that fan is way too loud." i was a teenager as most are when they start and i didn't know that what i was doing was probably unhealthy. i've seen "god" so many times while high. i've had thoughts inserted into my head by corporations. i've believed that if i didn't become christian and praise jesus that i was going to go to hell for eternity (this is extreme paranoia in my eyes). a message on a tv screen told me to kill my friend. not to mention the countless hours of extreme stress and high heart rate that smoking weed caused in my body - probably adding up and taking a toll later. i only type all this to say - i've had some crazy times from weed! i miss those first 50 times smoking. i've never laughed like that since, and probably never will again.
  2. i hate the internet. i regret everything i type.
  3. that said, if the government or my parents are reading this, i don't use coke or heroin. but i did try coke once and it was hilarious how great of a time i had. someday i'll try heroin once. my philosophy is that you should do what you want to do to your body, you should experience what you want to experience. no shit. but you cannot make drugs a consistent part of your life. weed is terrible for me and just about everyone i know. we smoke it once a day for weeks on end and that's enough to make us lose all motivation, become depressed, anxious, insane, paranoid, over analytical. i seriously think weed is a dangerous drug - as all drugs are - and though it should be legal, there should also be warnings on the package NOT to do it if you have any mental health issues. also there should be support groups for getting off of marijuana - it doesn't have to be hardcore like AA or NA meetings, but it should be treated more seriously than it is ("WEED ISN'T ADDICTIVE," "WEED ISN'T A GATEWAY DRUG," "WEED IS HARMLESS," etc).
  4. i didn't quote you for the right reasons. i thought people were quoting you because they like coke and heroin too. didn't even read your whole post. i've been taking 60 mg of adderall once or twice a week for the past month or two. it is indescribably fun to work on music while on it.
  5. this is dxm (in its good moments) for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RFunvF0mDw this is it in its bad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHfZjS4P4Ws
  6. dude dxm in one word: weird dxm in a sentence: dxm is the worst drug because it inflicts you with down syndrome for 8 hours.
  7. alcohol in 10th grade weed 10th grade shrooms 11th adderall 12th ETC id say at weed i was dead and i didn't know it. shrooms were good once or twice but after that they ruined my brain chemistry and made me paranoid and anxious from a horrible trip. now i'm pretty much a chemical addict. no single drug really, just anything to make me not bored. if i could go back in time i would have done shrooms once and never smoked weed. i don't smoke anymore thank fod - i think that one is the worst for me. makes me very unstable.
  8. this is salvia: salvia is responsible for my current belief system
  9. pretty much absolutely nothing other than taking way too many drugs, dropping out of school, and making music obsessively - sickeningly awesome avatar there
  10. listening to this gives me the impression of seeing the underneath of everything, like every moment of existence is intensely picked apart. i might say this is easily, easily their most emotional album yet
  11. the feeling this album is giving me right now is one of extreme inhuman misery and depression
  12. its kind of funny how autechre's music can be so easily replicated compared to say squarepusher, aphex or boc wrong
  13. i'm losing myself in these long winded i am lost in the long winded post
  14. there is trademark autechre obsessive detail in those tracks, less focus on synth sounds and effects
  15. though i should say, on listening to that once or twice or three times all the way through i feel a huge amount of excitement for the album, like i haven't felt in years i would bet something big that that promo is in fact autechre at first i couldn't believe my ears at all, flangers and shit!? then it made sense. the natural progression of their music obsessive
  16. are you guys kidding me. have you no faith in ae? this promo shit is clearly amateur work that said i have a great deal of faith in ae though i actually could get into this and some of it is awesome and convincing it's actually very possible that this promo is for real i rescind my statements
  17. i like the artwork as much as the two you mentioned m+dimensions is overrated in me abock baock boack boack boack boakc bokcokac a have you heard of the BAOACK AROUND THESE WAYS THE BOACK WITLL IT WILL IT WILL AND FIND ME IT WONT IT SHALTN FIND ME IN THESE DIRE TIMES AND YOU WILL SEE THE AWWARATHG OF THE BOAT THE BOAT WILL COME AND THE BOAT WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL2222222j2j2j2 my b my b my b don;t any of you take acid anymoreanymoreanymore jk jk jk heineken + jay reatard is dead RIP JAY REATARD sike jay reatard's a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sike i'm not actually that drunk. but yeah Jay Reatard died. any fans in here?
  18. quaristice is their most refined, subtle album. it's about the mood each piece creates. it's also my favorite theyve always just gotten better with each and every album, whether or not people realize it at first though of course thats arguable
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