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vamos scorcho

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by vamos scorcho

  1. what is it about the idea of a 'pizza fountain' or, 'a water fountain overflowing with pizza sauce' that is so innately... salvia-esque? LOL water bottle mountains. i hope nobody thought i meant some environmental shit like 'giant mountains of plastic bottles!' absolutely not. i meant giant vibrant canyons and mountains with these huge water bottles... like Natural Mountain... with cartoon faces... flying through the canyons.
  2. more like yeahhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh
  3. I've never been all like 'omg SPLAZSH!!!!!!' more like, yeah. it's fucking great. at this point it's pretty much my go-to car music for Spring/Summer. when all else fails
  4. for some reason I hated this yes some of my personal favorites are probably the Adam Curtis series of docs about America, terrorism, PR and so on. The best information-wise being Century of the Self. 10/10 one of my favorite movies everrr lesser known but fully mindblowing. not exactly a documentary, not exactly anything really.
  5. I'm back at high school. it's lunch. i'm eating lunch with an anorexic version of my first love. i didn't know it was her. the tables are full. i have a camera. i am filming. people don't move around much. she's from a different friend group. anyway, she gets up mad. we walk past the non-anorexic version who starts calling my name. they're both horribly pissed that i'm not paying proper attention to either one. they're both probably the same person though... fuck. anyway, i am really hurt that they don't want to keep talking to me. so i leave the lunch room early kind of sulking. and then there is a catastrophy. the lunch room is closed off. there is a problem. it is overcrowded. there might be a stampede. also my uncle's child is in there. we're all sitting outside waiting hoping that they will be able to avoid a stampede and the murder of the child. well, eventually it all works out after a long wait and a bunch of super weird imagery. while we were waiting i was trying to rewind my camera to find the footage i took inside the lunch room with my first love. so, when they finally get everyone out of the lunch room all i see is a stream of parents in a line, all holding the hands of their children in one hand, and in the other hand the fucking memoir about the incident which they have somehow already written.
  6. had a dream about noise music i was in some music theory class. and the teacher was chiding people. my friend was showing the teacher his art music. and it was very noisy. he would slam socks against the wall and it made an awesome ringing rhythm. like pouding on trash cans. anyway, the teacher was criticizing his sock music. and i stepped in, like 'these fools simply do not understand! i know the problem!' and i told them, 'YOU DO NOT HEAR THE OVERTONES IN THE NOISE! THE OVERTONES IN THE NOISE ARE WHAT MAKE IT MUSIC!' implying that noise can bear melodies within. well then the male teacher became enraged and started drawing this diagram of the notes on the board. like, 'THE OVERTONES!? THE OVERTONES!?!?!?!? I'LL SHOW YOU OVERTONES!' so then I said, NO! it is not logic! it is hearing! these overtones transcend control! they are beyond your mathematical logic! they can only be created from what is already there! the logic is on a next level! and then I said, 'lets leave, Merzbow' to my friend. idk why. other dreams i was on a boat and i had a shitload of marijuana seeds. and i was trying to get a good price for them. i thought i could sell them. i was going to be rich.
  7. Class Warfare - noam chomsky eh Ulysses - james joyce [still] Tibetan Book of the Dead [kind of] and random crap online about self actualization / maharshi and maybe A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
  8. to fiznuth: that's extremely motivating for me to stick to what i said in my post. sounds like what i want out of my companion. to kaini: i was about to say, i feel like most people own pets for the wrong reasons. the majority. you want them to be your friend but it isn't like that. it has to go deeper than that. honestly, i can't wrap my head around it yet and i feel like a terrible owner with my labrador. I don't know what to make of our relationship and I've started to feel like maybe having a pet is just a bullshit thing to do entirely. it just seems like i've attached values of personality on him that aren't really there. if he isn't an intelligent creature then in reality he's just acting on impulse. and if you think about it that makes the pet owner a bad person automatically. just a thought though.
  9. this. they're so friendly and simple. if I ever do get a dog when I'm living alone like Mad Max, a blue heeler:
  10. nice. the last one was very good
  11. night slugs is a good label http://rougesfoam.blogspot.com/2011/01/artl-night-slugs.html
  12. they're incredibly good actually. the atmosphere they make is creepy as hell
  13. earl sweatshirt is the best of it. these guys are another of my favorite discoveries this year. so much promise.
  14. fuck the god damn internet, i really don't know how to communicate properly. well boys, ignore my judgements and pretension. just know that it's everybody for themselves in the world of opinion!
  15. this page does not at all agree with me. 1. helikopter string quartet - i don't consider it gimmicky - it seems like a work of art that is out to hone in on a specific feeling. i think it's basically pure genius and i understood where it was coming from the second i heard it. 2. this album is very simple to understand and "get." in a way, it's pop music - at least to somebody who is aware of how far out music can get. like i said, the concept of taking loads of sources and samples and turning them into something coherent and crazy is really great. i don't really care for this version of that concept though. 3. glitch music on the other hand - why does that word bring so much hate? some great stuff under that "genre."
  16. if anybody wants that hyu album pm me or post in here and i'll send it 2 you
  17. something rhymed straight hard so i thut id writ pem it's a great sound that's nowhere to be found and the music is too good to pass since it's hard to find then i may speak my mind and allow the hounds to eat grass i got the great shee on the great what see dee but i'll upload it later on MF for free so grab a tall pint or flick your bic right and enjoy hyu you very well might
  18. found the hyu album, nice. lots of praise for that one throughout the history of watmm.
  19. somebody's gotta send me that hyu album
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