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vamos scorcho

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by vamos scorcho

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REW316xZU9g
  2. no mentions of nobukazu? i'll let you speak of takagi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fvYoh7R3sU
  3. i need to have a listen to momentum. i'm not familiar with that one. i will participate in said "polygon cities sync."
  4. thats pretty intense. and seductive.
  5. absolutely into drone, all my favorite ambient music could easily be classified as drone, and viaa versa drone as a genre term/ music scene has always felt a bit false to me for some reason. still i would love to hear more pure drones
  6. i got into it with some dubstep guy on another internet website... sick of that "flavor of the month" bullshit. it's kind of infuriating.
  7. just want to be clear that 92982 came out last year... and it is already my favorite. for what it's worth. every stars of the lid album i would rank among my favorites. steve roach has a few great "drift/trip" records. instead of just sleeping off while listening to them, you can treat it as an interstellar travel. BRIAN ENO - AMBIENT 1 JOHN CAGE - SONATAS AND INTERLUDES FOR PREPARED PIANO ( i consider this ambient ) MORTON FELDMAN - rothko chapel / piano+string quartet
  8. 1. william basinski - 92982 i like ambient music to be mostly nonmelodic, to stretch out in drones over long durations, to be nonintrusive, quiet, and sleepy. i believe this is the best ambient album ever made.
  9. i thought it was really good but i haven't listened to it for a little while. i was blown away by some of the noisy parts.
  10. i'm going to listen to this again tonight and force my way through the whole thing. i start to get bored of it really fast but i think there are some great tracks on the scond half i haven't listened to.
  11. i'll be sure not to open this thread ever again, but we'll see what happens
  12. actually this is really glitchy. many parts of it sound like some glitch machine is mining hours worth of audio. some of it has no real melodic cohesion. in other words, it is random short samples playing rhythmically. i think this has been done before, but not as many are aware. it's like slowed down breakcore - check this track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtyLSv2t0gg also look into the group : Satanicpornocultshop - the track aiff skull.
  13. vhs head is at or above flylo status with the release of this album this is THE NEW
  14. anybody have a link to this they can pm me? like a link to a jpg of vhs head?! LOL! seriously though. please.
  15. going to get skyline. then drinking some whisky and watching x files all night. :::))) i think i might make that pussy drink one of my new quirks
  16. Chodechomper lol. chodechomper. thats a new one.
  17. Yo happycase. the other night I ate a "firecracker." it is weed mixed with nutella on a graham cracker then you cook it. i tripped incredibly hard. also i realized some shit a few days before that i hadn't realized about you. i am over here chillin in my world. nice to know you're in your world too. during the trip i became you and understood finally what consciousness is like on that next level, which i have come to assume completely the level is that you inhabit. i didn't get it before. that level is not for me, it's too much. etc etc etc etc fucking shit fucking booble noodles..... :) i have to throw that in.
  18. It's not my place to judge or to comment about anyone's high school genitals, but I believe Vamos has a chicken nugget for a weiner and the chubby muslim in the background? let's hear it for chubby muslim. Whether that chicken nugget has transformed like an orchestra of bat noises and crunchy cereal choco-chocolate milk mix, i dont know i am poor and need more money. happycase is the kid behind vamos about 5-6 years ago now?
  19. fuck. i enjoyed that post, lube. friends forever. i think i should change screen names and start over now because i have soiled this one. but i want you guys to know, if i do change screen names, i had a really good run as vamos. there were ups and downs. and there will be controversy soon on the boards. i am glad to see this screen name go. it carries the burden of "vamos."
  20. enter, i was joking by the way. but if you were not i am hurt. i actually don't think this thread is funny anymore. i was just kidding around for the most part. i just want to go back to the good old days before i made threads.
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