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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Walls are closing in... you know what to do, long walk down the short pier... first and only president to have ever done it, ratings would be HUGE, a fleshbag-of-feces transformed instantly to the stuff of legend... plus you can leave the presidency to Ivanka (so long as it's in your will), and the best part of all is that it'd really get under Obama's negroid skin, since he's been planning on offing himself to promote a new book.


    Anyway for the CN hookup Ben Carson is ya boi, he used to be a surgeon and has that gear on him all the time.  Alternatively, Secrete Service can fix it to "look" like autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong, if that's how you want to go out.


    - Unnnamed Trip Advisor / Legal Council

  2. Wha in tarnation... any context to this? Not the JP/Guardian stuff, but where this stuff is coming from LS all of a sudden (or gradually, I dunno).  I love stereolab but haven't really kept up with what they've been doing since.


    Anyway I realize its OT but blame DLo for pinching this loaf in the Dickhead thread

  3. 5 is indubitably the best elseq and spac aces WoVV brings the lush nulls rite when the edible starts to kick in. At first I didn't like the build > rapid decrescendo through fuck filter > repeat thru slightly different fuck filter part but it's since grewn on ya boi 

  4. rude


    always makes me think of these, membra?




    'ello's right though, Diarrhea-toms can go suck himself into an instantaneous black hole of inescapable eternal darkness and despair.... and have FUN XD XD XD


    Thraed is like Wattums Shitpost Snackbar gobble gobble womp womp

  5. $5 says he doesn't know what the letters I and Q stand for in IQ, despite flinging feces with the term so often.


    Iwanka to Ivanka


    Nice wordplay aside, but  :catnope:


    Next time Ms. 2-guillotine-neck gets you randy just look at some current pictures of Ivana and think about what the other half chipped in genetically.


  6. Whoa whoa friends, I am 10^n% in agreement on the necessity of voting, I've already voted once this year and plan on doing twice more this year, both in our Democrat primary (more on that below) and the general election.


    If I could put that troublesome quote back into context, I meant to direct my ire to the broken facets of our political/electoral system that neuter the voting process and it's purported aim to reflect the will of the people - 2 party hegemony, the electoral college, primary vetting that requires candidates to preach to the party's true believers, etc.  


    I live in Rhode Island, a state of great natural beauty and for the most part, nice people.  At the same time our politics is corrupt as fuck: cronyism, nepotism, pay-to-play, abuses of power, etc.  Obviously shit is rampant throughout the US and elsewhere, though ours has a unique odor due to the fact that RI one of the bluest states in the land, with a hypermajority (>80%) of our state legislature is Democrat.  The guv's also a corrupt D in the pocket of Wall St (more specifically, some ex-Enron cunt) though due to a bug/feature in the state constitution, she actually has less power than the House Speaker.  The 4 congress-men-men-men our state sends to Washington - including Rep Chichi Cicilline - are also Ds.  When you think Rhode Island, think D.


    Tons of people here have grown tired of the bullshit and voter participation continues to trend up, which is a good thing.  Also, many have woken up to the fact that in a state like ours, the primary is actually more important than the general election (although this still remains lost on some people).  We're one of those states where you don't have to be a card-carrying whacko to vote in a party primary, though you can't vote in both.   FWIW Bernie spanked Hillary here in the 2016 primary in what was seen as a clear rebuke of the Dem establishment in these parts.


    So to this current election cycle and the case study Cilcilline.  Now he might look cute in a congressional committee on occasion, but David Cicilline is a piece of shit - you're just gonna have to trust me and his 25-30% approval rating at home, I'd be happy to expound if necessary.  Of course, myself and other reasonable people would rather not have his brand of slime as our "representative."  The repubs here are a nonstarter due to their ilk being massive cunts on the national scale and the locals have no money, organization or leadership.  Besides, even if they were somehow formidable, would a sane person really want another R in congress?


    He'll have some progressive opposition in the primary, but he'll also have the full backing of the DNC, the Local Dem establishment, and oodles of dark money (via ad time bought by superpacs to tell dumbfucks what a great jerb Cilcilline is doing and why w/ Trump you can't afford not to have him in congress).  I will nonetheless walk into a primary as a "registered" RI democrat (even though the lot of them comprise our own miniswamp impervious to drainage), vote for the most viable opposition candidate, along with others in other races that are more in line with what a party supposedly espousing progressive causes ought to be doing.


    Anyway, the point of the OG vent was that people can #VoteInNovember all they want, yet here as I will be exercising my voting rights to their maximum, we're still looking at another two years of Cilcilline (term limits what), and none of this changes the balance of power in Washington, since our chips were already stacked on blue going back decades.  The umbrage I take with a mantra of "vote in November" (esp. as a response to whatever latest thing Dumblefuck does and how congress does nothing about it) is that is dumbs down a nuanced system to a single task and ignores a very flawed system, one that can and should be fixed but for very special reasons won't be.


    yeah bob imo you're always on point and i'm glad you're still voting but it can still make a real difference. think about some of the billz you can vote in too, maybe something that helps people get access to healthcare and basic resources, or water without lead.


    Yeah I'm with ya M1000.  The public doesn't directly vote on policy matters here, there are a few referenda on the ballot each year, though they're largely about floating bonds for schools, infrastructure, and the like.  rest assured I only vote for the good ones!

  7. ^indeedie. Batttlebots: Imbecile Edition


    enjoying this 10 hour video record of the strzok testimony better than any show i've seen recently. cicilline kills it at 6:45:00.


    Cicilline is an absolute tosser and one of the most corrupt (D)ickheads to be spewn from the cesspool of non-ethics that is RI.  Locally he enjoys an approval rating somewhere around 30%, largely b/c everyone here knows that as mayor of Providence he basically sold the city's already tenuous fiscal standing up the river, and subsequent mayors have been doing nothing but three card monty to keep the state's capital afloat. And yet he'll easily win reelection b/c ain't nobody to oppose a niBBa.  Local mafia Dems of course aint havin it either.


    And fuck this 'vote in november' bullshit, wake those dumbfucks up to the fact thatmy vote (and I will vote) means nothing in the calculus of Game of Thronz Retard Fed Gov't Edition Platinum



    Caffeine tho


    Unrelated and pointless - that freedom-hatin crisis actor David Hogg looks a lot like an IRL Bart Simpson

    He really doesn’t though.



    yeah not at all, not even remotely =/



    I was thinking more of the proto-Bart from the Tracy Ullman show (left) & would challenge you both to fight me were it not for this thread being so P O I N T L E S S



  9. There's a joke in the iconic barbershop scene from Coming to America that I literally never got until now, some 25+ years after seeing it countless times.



    It comes right on the heels of the great "If a man wants to be called Muhammed Ali..." speech by the old Jewish guy (Eddie Murphy), so in retrospect it was easy to miss.



    The Arsenio Hall barber replies "His Mama named him Clay, I'ma call him Clay," and all the other barbers agree, but that's his surname!



    I love comedies like this (e.g., spinal tap, blazing saddles) that you can watch again and again and still find new humor in the crevasses.

  10. FWIW it also serves as watmm'z shitposting sandbox too FYI KBRB



    600 posts
    1 topics




    RIP bredren


    Also, "Toonces the driving cat, the cat who could drive a car." And yet every episode Toonces y su contujo go over a cliff.  so can  Toonces can really drive a car??


    Hoo membre?

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