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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. ^ yep yr right, hivein' on the one.  I vaguely recall it does that on a few of the soundboard releases but I could never be arsed to remember which ones they were.

  2. Dour starts at 11:17


    oh shit that, totally wasn't hearing it.

    That's the part I've been referring to as the 'medieval robot monk choir' since the first bootlegs dropped


    It's the sound of a party in a beehive and some shit keeps knocking on their roof.


    ^love both of these descriptions, it's always been the 'thwunk-thwunk-thwunk-zizz' part for me up to now.  I like it in isolation but on a lot (all?) of the sets the transition into it is just way too jarring.  That sparse/reverby section that usually precedes its pretty grounded to the meter (i.e., stabs on the 1 of every other measure or every 8 beats) and yet beehive party seems to bust through the drywall on anything but the 1. 

  3. ^ I enjoyed that the first time you posted it! (edit - @ mixl)


    I also enjoyed your post too aux, great points I concur with but didnt get to read b4 posting


    Based on my own weighing of the information (YMMV), I'm pretty convinced at this point that civilizations are the great final filter; i.e., they (we) flicker and burn out on timescales that are but a hairline on the timeline v honest posted.  Also, interstellar and intergalactic distances are huuuuge, so the chances of any two civilization blips lining up at the same time to communicate with each other are infinitesimal.  Also, even if we happened to receive a message from halfway across our galaxy that message would have been transmitted tens of thousands of years ago, and by the time we reply they will have been long gone.  Humans only harnessed radio waves, gotten into space, etc. within the last 150 years.

  4. lol


    We had a leak in our basement last Saturday, it was coming through a pair of butted floor beams which didn't compute until we realized straight above was a wall, thru which our 2nd floor plumbing (sink and only bath for a fam of 4) ran thru & down.  Turds out whoever did the plumbing in the house whoknows how long ago made it totally inaccessible clusterfuck & our plumber had to make a half dozen cuts into my walls/ceiling just to diagnose the prob.  Basically every-ting is shit (including a massive leak in a lead pipe drain), and waiting on an estimate tomorrow which I can readily imagine being a couple of K (2 x 2 days labor + material), and that's before we even get to restoring everything ripped apart to do the actual work.  Plus for the next several days (since he can't start til next week) I'll have to bathe my children at my parents or at the Y.

  5. ^ hey funboys get a room :catrecline:



    cylob got maced?

    such drama. stay out of malibu lebowski!

    IDM subculture sees itself like this


    but it's really like this


    or maybe i have that backwards

    no you got it right


    Yeah, ppl don't think it is, but it do


    also lol



    West coast east coast UK some German guy IDM/ventriloquist feuds


    yeah, I'd like to see some sort of Anchorman-type battle royale with all the classic warp, rephlex, schematic, merck, kompakt, etc. luminaries in on the action.  Also, Ceephax kills Squarepusher by way of trident to the heart 

  6. ^ shame they could never werk out a sponsorship deal, imagine owning a Special Aedition North Face jacket.  I'd kick snow all over the place while rocking that shit


    Also, right now on WATMM there's an OPN thread in full swing that looks like magic the fucking gathering


    If that's IDM subculture I'll take 10,000 Seinfeld leaving show gifs pls

  7. also, rising sea levels may be caused by rocks



    A member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology evinced skepticism about climate change during an exchange with a witness about rising sea levels.


    Instead, Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks offered an additional culprit: soil or rock deposits into the world's waters.



    The most disturbing thing about this article was the part about an official U.S. Government Committee actually tweeting this:


    A day after the hearing, the committee tweeted a link to an op-ed from The Wall Street Journal denying climate change caused sea-level rise.



    Imagine going back and reading this in 20, 40 years from now... future generations will rightly condemn these corrupt fucks for their crimes against humanity.



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