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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Re: cringe, gotta love how the hypocrisy of US campaign finance "laws" are on full display there


    But totes OK for dickhead-in-chief to re-twat on his flappyspittle account :ok:

    12 hours ago, bitchroast said:

    jesus fucking christ what a disgusting fat sack of shit of a human bean. 


  2. ^ These "ppl" can go fuck a duck.  They're like sexual deviants who need to own the libs to get off, only in this instance they can't, so cue the blueballed hissy-fits.

    On 7/6/2019 at 7:58 AM, Rubin Farr said:

    Can't have a 4th of July without a fireworks store explosion.


    Flol I thought this only happened in the Naked Gun


    • Haha 1
  3. K, American here and this shit is bewildering.

    Firstly, I consider myself to be a relatively liberal and open-minded person, and this is the first time in my 40+ yr life that I've ever heard a whiff of the original 13/13 flag being offensive in any way.  Someone has one hanging on their house about two block away.  At some point fools be going out of their way to be offended.  At the same time fuck Nike, fuck flag-waving c*nts, fuck nationalism.  Kapernick is a weird dude, on one hand I have massif respekt for what he's done, but get in bed with Nike? CTFO, a core part of their business model for the past 30 years has been exploiting black people.

    Lastly, lol at the dumbfuck kneejerk reaction from Cruz 'n co., they and Nike can go pump each other.

    • Like 1
  4. They totally mixed it themselves.  Mixing is child's play, 1-d chess to Shan and Ren.  Doubters check out the '08 BBC Experimental MAH mix.

    I thought part of the story with Inacoonadavida was that there was pressure, either explicit or implied, for the release to fit in with the aesthetic of the greater Artificial Intelligence series, no?  Maybe warp were hands-on, though I think it's just as possible that the 'chre wanted to go with the tide of their new label in order to keep a good thing going.  IIRC to one of them mentioned in AAA that if it wasn't for whatever coin they got for the Buck-Tick remix, the whole operation would've gone tits up.  Knife's edge shit right there.

    I too am oddly fascinated at how both dese mixes clock in at exactly 1 hr (to the 1/1000 of a second), much like how all 4 NTS sessions were precisely 2 hrs

  5. 8 minutes ago, fizzkinz said:

    Yea I mean, did I think it was going to be 2 hours straight of new BOC, of course not. 

    But some fresh material. 

    I guess you hit it though... after so much of Autechre delivering more than anyone could ever imagine over the years, everyone else is basically just a tease/troll 

    Squarepusher an his massif (including those whomst've written TJ off several releases ago, like meself) would contend that his was the MVP set of this xperxienxe and I cannot disagree. The Ae was fantastic of course, like 2+ hrs new cumworthy Lego Feet basically.

  6. Link to a stream rip? rite this way pls


    fwiw totes boying this (and a boatload of the other stuff so far an to follow) should it come to pass

  7. 4 hours ago, jaderpansen said:

    gescom "zero" ftw.


    4 hours ago, Lada Laika said:

    Now this is more like it!


    3 hours ago, bitchroast said:

    very keen to hear this. love the Lego Feet 4 part 2xLP release. that old shit absolutely slays.

    Yeah I still cane (kaen) lego feet on the regular, love this proto-ae lofi alien hiphop fuckery era. OMG I can't waaaai

  8. ^ those are all fun fantasies but they've all bought in w/ shit-for-brains to the point of no return.  I imagine the more likely scenario is that they'll kick it up a notch with the tried 'n tru playbook tactics (disinformation, fearmongering, scapegoating, voter suppression, etc.), clear some lanes for foreign interference, and maybe dabble in a little rigging themselves.  The fact that nothing has (and likely nothing will) come of the Mueller Report is basically a green light for these bitchass ho's to continue with their fuckery.

    Has anyone been crunching the numbers on the house and senate seats up in 2020 yet?  Have dems copped on to how they can't effect shit while Turtlefuck & co. run the upper chamber?

    8 hours ago, ignatius said:

    i don't want to hear any of these people's voices anymore. honestly, they're all quite sickening how boldly they lie. 

    I was watching a clip of that Watergate guy's testimony when without warning it cut to that paedo-enabling knuckle-dragger Jordan and his retard fury.  Tab insta-closed.

  9. 19 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    JMFC, I skimmed these recent posts and blithely assumed that the numbers on the left pertained to, you know, infrastructure, and that the NOs were just tacked on for measure.  Nope, just all dumbfuck propaganda for consumption and regurgitation by dumbfucks.  Thinks shit-for-a'brains doth protest much?

  10. Just trotskied in to say that I'm quite digging this album, his composition (songcraft?) powers that were sorely lax on isam are back in full effect imo.  It's a refreshing palette of timbres he's working with too - one of the things I loved about his post-Supermodifed run is that he had by then established a fully trademarkable my-fucking-sound yet continued to unfurl and evolve it in new and interesting directions.  This feels like such an excursion but into a parallel Tobin universe.

    Also how is it that no one has yet shoppe'd ye olde cover album with various peekers-out from behind the trees in the background, like some wildlings or creepy corporate meme guy?    

  11. 3 hours ago, joshuatxuk said:

    NPR's Morning Edition changed their theme song and I am really fucking bummed out about it. I'm usually one to accept change, or at least come to terms with it, but this one is a really hard pill to swallow. It's like seeing an old diner or pub demolished or renovated completely. It's a familiar comfort removed from my morning, one I've had around me since I was a kid.

    What's made it hurt even more is that NPR has slipped into this gradual state of increased mediocrity. They've perpetually put out good in-depth features, niche stories and decent arts and & culture coverage but the news content and political coverage went from CSPAN and BBC standards - dry, muted, but substantive and with teeth - to the same complacent and superficial tone of the cable news and American major networks. No more "the world is going to shit, but here's how to at least feel informed about it" it's like "is the world going to shit, and if so why not enjoy it! meet the instagram hashtaggers redefining the idea of corporate media being a bad thing." The new music pairs with that vibe - ersatz of the original coupled with overtly safe and marketed appeal. I hate it.  

    Do they still use that old Four Tet track for segues?  I like Four Tet even, yet that shit got real tired real fast.  It reminds me of years ago when I'd occasionally tune in to a morning sports talk station *shudders* and they'd do this news banter segment every day, during which the instrumental of Korn's Freak on a Leash would be playing at low volume in the background, every day.  Day after day without fail.  Made me wonder whether the jocks had to endure it as well or if it was just for the listeners.

    Anyway your second part is spot on, I don't listen to NPR much anymore but the news coverage definitely feels neutered these days.  Like how Fox made the transition to hardcore pornography so gradually that I barely noticed.

  12. On 5/10/2019 at 4:59 PM, ignatius said:

     regardless, expensive pain in the ass but whatyagonnado? nothing.. can't have shit filling up the basement.

    QFT, home ownership sucks but so does renting so IDK. Entropy ftw m83

    On 5/11/2019 at 9:34 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    FWP1: hair sprouting outta my earlobes.  wtf.  Actually noticed this happening quite a while back, but the rate at which it grows back is alarming.  We're talking pube sized hairs.  I shudder just typing that out.  No idea exactly when this started happening.  Are you 20-somethings dealing with this BS yet?

    In my early 40s and am on the more hirsute side of the spectrum, so I speak from experience - just come at it with whatever tools you have, tweeze or trim or w/e.  Part of getting older has been switching from "must destroy" mode to ok manage.

  13. Last Sunday bassment had a bit o water in it (innit), turns out our sewer line out was clogged and shit came up thru the lowest fixture (toilet in basement). Shit only got worse :emotawesomepm9: in the time since, got the roto rooter dude out here today and lo, the thoroughly rooted 80-y.o. clay sewer pipe out the house is fubar, needs to be replaced, and is 8 feet below grade in our front yahd.  Looking at $5-6K easily, fml

  14. Have a look at the Scandinavian and central European countries. Why can't the US have something like this? I'm not an expert of Obamacare. I know it was flawed but from my standpoint it was at least a step into the right direction.


    We for starters we have these behemoth health insurance and pharmaceutical companies* that are filthy lucrative in our mutant capitalist system, and be sure their boards and shareholders want nothing more than to maintain the status quo, keep that yacht rock cheddar rolling in.  So they lobby (bribe) a bunch politicians on both sides of the aisle, money well spent when you compare what relatively little they have to shell out compared to the margins they make and the fuckall taxes they pay.  Establishment Dems and Reps then go play their good cop/bad cop game for show, like a good WWE match from time to time one will appear to have the upper hand.  The ACA/Obamacare was Dems shot at trying to have it both ways (placating the industry whilst claiming/framing it a win for their base and the public in general), and in some ways it was a step in the right direction but it was neutered to begin with, plus shit like this doesn't fly when the other party wants nothing more than to destroy it.


    *BTW per Citizens United these entities are considered people with rights, including free speech, and apparently throwing money around in to stuff like superpacs constitutes free speech.


    Sounds legit right?


    As an added bonus, no one goes bankrupt/into crushing debt because they are sick.

    In my experience, doctors are some of the hardest working people you will meet, and the work they do is often times the literal difference between life and death, so they deserve to be paid well. They are also often very compassionate, but they show it in a professional manner. They have to be somewhat detached, otherwise the work would overwhelm them, much like police who investigate child exploitation/human trafficking. To accuse them broadly as a group of people who place no value on human life is ridiculous and insulting.

    The whole medical bankruptcy thing is disgusting, also the fact that that Purdue pharma family of cunts can't/won't be held accountable for the blood on their hands.


    From my experience most doctors here are good people, it's the profit-driven system that's insane.  If you check the AMA and other professional groups positions on healthcare policy and legislation, they tend to fall on the side of compassion and reason.  Medical professionals are actually getting squeezed pretty hard these days, especially the younger ones coming up with massive student loan debt and malpractice insurance that'll make rents in SF look cheap.

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