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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. ^ This piqued my curiosity about stellar density in the Milky Way - according to what I could find (surprisingly not that much, though first hit brought me here) the density of stars towards the center of our galaxy is roughly 100x that in our spiral arm.




    Ever notice how people can't help but pronounce "orangutan" with a g sound and the end of the last syllable? O RANG U TANG

  2. Fun fact: Campfire Headphase was unwittingly created by the boys in making the first installment (S1:E1) of the Netflix direct-to-8mm series "You've Been Bibio'd!" starring Casey Affleck and DJ Khaled.  They even joke about in "Iradelphic" (S1:E3) and "Dead bug on a windowsill" (S1:E8).

  3. DJ Happy Meal (<--- great sponsorship opportunity; cut together 80s happy meal commercials; smell the fresh money pouring in)


    DJ Trademark Infringement


    DJ Corporate Attorney


    DJ Cease & Desist


    DJ Steve McJobs

  4. ^ never thought of it up to now, but what dad in their right mind would let their daughter anywhere near that prolapsed hemorrhoid, let alone work directly for it? I presume fam is crony cashness but this should be something absolutely non-partisan, even the most sycophant defenders have to know its a slimy perv.


    Also fuck abortion as the tired-ass wedge issue pandered to the semi-retarded that it is.  Christ, always some shit-laden pol hack is telling you their opponent wants nothing more than to rip out every possible fetus in your state at 8.99 mos.

  5. Along these lines, I'm looking to crowdfund a new app that instantly and henceforth launches yakety sax* anytime a/v of DICKHEAD is detected playing on your PC, tablet, or smartphone.  Will probably need to invest in some voice and face recognition technologies but the data requirements would be, like, really low.  George Soros has already pledged to match all contributions up to $49


    * First 3 youtub comments are pur gold

  6. ^ Oh Mingey!


    Thakns (deadass) for the response U, valid points taken.  It's been so long since she spawned Dr. Phil that I totally forgot, fuck that guy.  And yeah I see how you view her from the power perspective; I've long dismissed Michael Jordan and Jay-Z as cunts for many the same reasons.  Guess I never really paid mind to her as no one within my sphere of influence was ever into her brand of shit.


    I can't find any clips (surprise) but years ago on the Man Show Jimmy Kimmel would go blackface as Oprah for skits.  His Karl Malone was much funnier imo -



    love 'n lite

  7. i don't think i've ever had such a poor understanding of a contemporary, hot and important topic than of this whole e-shekels biz. i'm totally full republican on this thing. is there a youtubed explanation of this thing with cool graphics that lasts less than 5 minutes?


    Saw this the other day, illuminating:




    Mostly ambivalent about this shit, but I do find the energy requirements to "mine" to be absurd and highly unsustainable (though p much everything else we do is unsustainable too, but w/e amirite).  I am however fascinated about information theory and how data, in addition to having it's own entropy, must necessarily be tied to the physical domain and the thermodynamic entropy that holds sway over the universe as we know it.


    Nothings for free. Take it away boys.



    i'm noticing a severe lack of tayne in this thread...


    computer, what have you got for me?




    Now Tayne I can get into!

  8. If you guys dont get rid of this fucking ape soon he’ll ban elections and you’ll be stuck with him and his goons for the next 20 years


    Believe me, every day I fantasize about taking him out



    to a fancy restaurant, where over dessert (prob a fancy chocolate cake) I tell him "You're Fired!!!"




    people voted for the orangutan after this


    ill never let it go, people who voted for trump will be a laughingstock for the rest of their lives



    Ah, didn't realise this was the cunt that got the boot recently. Watch her go on the Spicer press tour of pretending that she was in on how much of a joke the White House has become.


    Mine schadenfreude overfloweth.  U know you're a piece of shit when Robin Roberts - possibly one the most straight-shooting, inoffesnsive morning show hosts you'll likely see - slips n a "bye, Felicia" on national tv


    Richness starts around 2:30 in


    ^apologies for the video still feat. DICKHEAD

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