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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. in the US summat went drastically wrong, its not just legal oxy & illicit smack, its xanax & *insert prescriptions here* that seems to have escalated beyond anything you might expect from such a nation


    Well for starters, in an early slippery (slippy) step into the capitalist shitopia we inhabit in today (don't remember exactly but presume Reagan-era), our lawmakers and courts decided it was a-o-kay for pharma to directly advertise prescription drugs to the public, tv, newspapers, magazines, everywhere; thence bringing us such hits as "Ask your doctor if <drug> is right for you,"  "Side effects may include... <effect>, <effect>, and diarrhea," boner pills, and the latest hit single, opioid epidemics.  And the best part is all the cunts are making mad bank off it too!


    Genuinely curious, do other countries / cultures tolerate this shit?

  2. 1. Sorry for your loss, that sucks!


    2. There was discussion in an 'chre subforum thread about the how the Keynell Ae Remixes disappeared from blerp.  Not sure anyone knows why, but yhey were never available as flacs AFAIK, just as VBR mp3s, which I too bought in the early days of blerp (FWIW it's no longer in my acct either).  If you need to reacquire those you could Probably Make some calls to some people & get sorted.  Can't help with the OPN release though.

  3. This came to my work inbox today from one Mr Jarry Chillers and does not dissapoint.  Italic comic sans are his too! 


    I'm thinking of starting a band called Jarry Chillers & the Demur Rage


    Good Morning!!!

    I have been waiting for you since to contact me for your Conformable Bank Draft of (One Million United States Dollars) but I did not hear from you since for a couple of weeks now. Then I went to the bank to confirm if the draft has expired or getting near to expire and Mr. Godwin the Director Bank of Africa told me that before the draft will get to your hand that it will expire. So I told him to cash the One Million Dollars to cash payment to avoid you losing your funds under expiration as I will be out of the country for 1 Months Course and I will not come back till ending of December 2017. What you have to do now is to contact FEDEX COURIER SERVICES as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your Consignment to you because of the expiring date. For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance premium,

    The only money you will send to the FEDEX COURIER SERVICES to deliver your Consignment direct to your postal Address in your country is ($90 USD) being The Security Keeping Fee of the Courier Company so far. Again, don’t be deceived by any body to pay any other money except $90 US Dollars. I would have paid that but they said no because they don’t know when you will contact them and in case of demur rage.

    You have to contact FEDEX COURIER SERVICES now for the delivery of your fund package with bellow information:

    Directors Name: Frank Chukwu
    Email Address : mr.frankchukwudima@fastservice.com

    Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your Postal address and Direct telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the Delivery and ask them to give you the tracking number to enable you track your package over there and know when it will get to your address.
    Let me repeat again, try to contact them as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay and remember to pay them their Security Keeping fee of $90 Dollars for their immediate action.

    Note this. The FEDEX COURIER SERVICES don’t know the contents of the
    Box. I registered it as a BOX of Africa cloths. They did not know the contents were money. This is to avoid delaying of the BOX. Don’t let them know that the box contents money OK.

    They are waiting for your urgent response.
    Yours Faithfully,

    Mr Jerry Chillers

  4. You have to remember that democrat establishment is just a slightly less disturbed and none less corrupt racketeering operation.  Come down to Rhode Island sometime and I'll show y'all some doozies. DICKHEADS are currently trying to ram down some taxxxpayer-funded ca$hne$$ for a new stadium for a minor-league baseball franchise, owned by millionaires.


    From the people that brought you Cunt Shilling's 38 Studios clusterbumblefuck



    flol @ pence nfl publicity stunt fail. can you imagine if biden or someone pulled this shit? they would never be forgiven. but this will blow over in a few days just like everything else does. 


    I'd like to send an extra special shout out of dicks to Mikey P, eat a whole bag of 'em you racist bottle of anus-bleaching gel

  5. Yeah Paul Ryn is a grade A cunt alright, no better than the two assholes he rims.  that's why I encourage you to flood your out-of-state campaign cashness towards  unseating Dickhead Eddie Munster in the coming midterm.  Dude Randy Brice has a legit chance of beating him due largely in part to the fact that Ryn is a complicit, spineless shitbag in all this mess.


    Part of me is surprised that teh catlic church hasn't excommunicated Ryan and Pence already, but then I remembered that I grew up in the church, and then it all makes sense :cisfor:

  6. Unrustle those jimmies right now young man, that was merely a vehicle to express a couple of metaphors I had brewing as to what a hypocritical shitbag Lyin' Ted is.  Even if I thought Fuckface warranted his own thread (and I don't) at least it'd be topical, which can't be said about lotsa General Banter these days.


    Thanks Obamacare

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