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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina


    and they fucking did it, in the middle of the night, full 500-pages text was released like an hour before vote with unreadable handwriting, no one had the time to analyze it, if this isnt the swamp i dont know what is.


    mconnel, paul ryan and trump, biggest pieces of shit politicians of the modern era, wish karma was real so these fucking cunts get whats coming to them but unfortunately we live in a universe with no sense of justice or karma, all 3 cunts will live their full lives 80 years + rich and healthy, they are going to laugh at how easy it was to manipulate half the country all the way to the grave, they"ll never show remorse, they are incapable of it.


    where is hope and justice in this universe? there is none, this universe is shit, the only people that get ahead in life are the ones incapable of having ethical and moral thoughts, the one who have to problem pulling the trigger as long as it benefits them, once in a blue moon one lucky ethical compassionate bastard gets ahead 


    my mom a single mother, worked her ass of for my brother and i, where is hope and justice for her? she lived a moral and ethical life and what did she get in return? jack shit


    im utterly defeated, now i'll just wait for my death, hopefully i'll get a few hits of happiness here and there but this world and human species is fucking nonsense, nothing of value can be found here, nothing worth fighting for, no justice, no hope only misery and more misery.


    Ayn Rand, the miserable cunt, shes the one who gave birth to the trumps and paul ryans of this world, what a hag


    Bravo. You articulated how I feel about the whole pile of shit quite well.


    ^ +1  #FTGE


    Where the fuck is the endgame for all this stupidity? Cuz DICKHEADS gonna keep smashin' that DICKHEAD button until it broken like, say, a two-liter machine or my faith in humanity.

  2. yeah I def recall this being from a watmmmer, video made to a VHS Head track IIIRC, though that could just be the cann a'bis a'talkin


    Enewhooew gif is gud and passes the dank turing test

  3. As a halfway decent albeit limited drummer I can relate.  I definitely enjoy playing but it's frustrating to reckon with limitations in ability, like, I keep good time, bring interesting/complementary rhythmic ideas to the table, etc. but am totally undone by a fundamental, immutable limits to my dexterity. Sure if I had hours on end to practice (which I don't) I could bluk up on the muscle memory & whatnot but the returns are diminishing as fuck. 

  4. When I was a wee Dob my fam had a membership at a summer pool club in nearby Massachusetts, which in hindsight was pretty ghetto/whitetrash. I member all the cool older kids would huddle around the ms pac-man machine trying to get a play but only with a nickel.  It took just the right kind of coin drop and coordinated shake of the machine, but I'll be damned to this day if they didn't get it to work every 20 or 30th time.

  5. ^ D~++~I~++~C~++~K~++~H~++~E~++~A~++~D


    Honestly which one does he want more, WW3 or Civil War 2 SecretOps 2 Part II: The Cucking 


    guess we all assume the net will naturally become less of a hell scape


    Protected by the Beast Rebels of the Hellscape (B.R.O.T.H)


    Best viewed through Hellscape Navigator 2.0 or rewer

  6. ^toplel


    Also re the earlier twiddle, I too read it as alluding to the estate tax, what with the venn diagram of "cunts w/ private" jets and "cunts who most stand to gain from repeal of estate tax" having a bit of overlap innit.  Actually IMO such a thing as an estate tax is pretty fucking stupid in principle, and I actually wouldn't mind seeing it go provided these monied cunts (and corporations) would just fucking stop with the dodging of taxes at all costs (literally).  Panama papers II electric boogaloo just flew by the other week and all we get is  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (i'm guilty too, but none of us here could be arsed to bring it up in one of these threads, so..


    I mean I hate the extent to which I'm taxed too but niBBas need to step back and recognize that taxes bankroll the backbone of civil society, infrastructure, essential services, basic administration, etc.  Of course this is immpossibru seeing these cunts' thought processes stop abruptly at themselves, and, let's face it, the Republican party is just plain better positioned to serve this subspecies. 

  7. The final third of this album is killer, the rest I'm not completely sold on yet.  (IMO) Too much sound design-y focus leaving other compositional aspects lacking, harking to recent/ish feels re: ISAM and Object's Flatland.  Will give this more spins tho on the chance that it might click, as albums have been known to do.

  8. And Trump was over there making jokes about they're inconveniencing the US budget and throwing rolls of paper towels like they were free tshirts at a pep rally. He's a fucking shame.


    I believe the more precise term is D I C K H E A D


    lol. cocksuckers.


    D I C K H E A D S


    Hannity must possess the biggest shit-eating grin hereto known to mankind, just imagine all diarrhea sloshing between those cheeks, sluicing through the spaces between teeth, kept contained only by the tightest of perched lips affixed firmly to the taint of his one true orange fecal overlord. 




  9. Had to post this when I saw this thread resurrected.  It's the beautiful closing track on Dilla's donuts - loved it since I first heard it, but just recently came to appreciate how subtly brilliant the parts of it are woven together.  On first bump it's ostensibly 4/4 boom bap, except its a 6-beat loop that's spliced at the "&" of 6 (and not the 1).


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