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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I wonder what will happen to trump and what stories we’ll hear when he is no longer president?
  2. So... it's ok. There were scenes that were genuinely hilarious. I honestly hope that Greg Sestero's description of Tommy Wiseau on-set is 100% true, because some of those scenes in The Disaster Artist are so toe-curling. James Franco does a good job as Tommy Wiseau. There was only one scene where I felt like the real James Franco seeped through all the make-up and otherwise great acting. I feel kinda weird about James Franco hiring his brother to play Greg Sestero though. Especially because their gestures and facial expressions are so identical. Anyway, I think this movie is a proper way to close the book on The Room. Like, REALLY close it, tie it up, and bury it in the ground. And what I mean with that is, that it was a movie made by someone who seriously thought he was going to make a fantastic movie that would become a huge success. He even sent it in to the academy hoping for a nomination. The movie was a huge failure, which then became popular for all the wrong reasons. Tommy Wiseau backtracked on his initial remarks and said it was a comedy, and now someone has made a comedy about the horrible production, which has already been nominated for a bunch of Golden Globes and will probably end up being nominated for a couple of Oscars. So all of this has now made The Room even more popular and even more profitable so in the end Tommy Wiseau got exactly what he wanted but for all the wrong reasons. So I'm wondering how this actually makes Tommy Wiseau feel because I honestly can't figure out if he's enjoying the spotlight or is simply there to make money. I know he has travelled around the world screening The Room so he must be enjoying it to some degree. But it really makes me feel weird that this guy made something he thought would be amazing, only to see people laugh at it. And while everyone was pointing fingers and laughing at it, he quietly snuck up behind them and started laughing with them. For some reason this makes me feel weird inside. Like, this is either the longest con ever or one really sad story which made the crying clown rich. Oh, really!? Damn...
  3. I bought some bitcoin, ether, and bitcoin cash a couple of months ago. Things went well and then it didn't. I don't mind though because I haven't really lost any money yet.
  4. Man, I’m still looking for a office I can turn into a studio. So far I’ve found two amazing buildings. The first one was beautiful but terribly insulated. I was about to go see it for a second time but then some bastard decided to ask for a rental contract. The second office was pretty much perfect, but the landlord was afraid that I was going to be noisy. Ffs...
  5. Ripping is the worst. I got a trimmer and it’s ok, but sometimes you just have to get your fingers up there
  6. That b-field microphone doesn't seem that clear though, but that could just be the video. You can buy some online that sound fucking amazing. Crystal clear sound.
  7. I am so fucking pissed at one of my friends. Fucking slacker!
  8. Isn't it public knowledge that China is the only country North Korea is doing any kind of deals with?
  9. I was just trying to get a wider perspective of your story. But yeah, your sister sounds like a brat. She'll grow out of it though. Or you will grow out of caring ;)
  10. I've spent two nights building the Ghostbusters HQ out of LEGO... it's wearing me down.
  11. I'm fucking stuffed. So much duck in mah belly.
  13. It’s 2:45 AM and I am fucking hungry
  14. I once threw my underwear in the toilet because I was too tired to think straight.
  15. WHAT?! its goooooooooood you have to find the right amount for your tastes, it's sweeter than sugar. Use a high quality honey too. You don't put sweet shit into your black coffee. That's just sacrilegious. Unless the coffee is so bad that you actually have to alter the taste completely in order to drink it
  16. The guy in the middle is Brad Muir who used to work for Double Fine and now works for Valve. He’s famous for his smile/mouth, so that at least explains HIS expression
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