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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Fuck hair. Shaved my head yesterday and it feels amazing.
  2. Hm, that's very weird... I just demolished an audio file in ableton by cutting it up, exported it, and opened it in my Adobe Audition (my preferred editor), and there are no clicks caused whatsoever. The click should be visible in the spectrogram, but there's nothing there and the file sounds fine. I just tried converting these files into MP3s and there are still no clicks. What program did you use for the conversion? I've had varied results with MP3 conversions depending on what program I've used. One thing that's confusing me about the tick in the MP3s is that MP3s automatically add a tiny bit of silence at the beginning and end because it can't exist without being divisible with x amount of samples or something like that... right?
  3. Is there no snap to zero crossing function in Live?
  4. Clearer view of his notes. They're amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if his name was written on the other side, "I'm Donarld Trummp - your prez"
  5. Totally. I honestly hope people grow tired of them very soon because I was just reminded that we're only a third of the way through their 5 phase plan. o____o
  6. yikes. i thought it was awful and pretty obvious that they were shoehorning what they believed made guardians of the galaxy "good" into the thor universe because the other ones were inexcusably boring Maybe I was just tired or something. I'm not saying it's a good movie or anything, but it's one of the better Marvel movies... To be honest though, I stopped paying attention during the last 30 minutes or so when the action got going.
  7. "It's too melancholic..." fffffffffffuuuuuuuu...!
  8. Thor Ragnarok - pretty hilarious. I loved how it didn’t take itself serious at all. I mean, it’s still a Marvel movie but at least this one tried something new
  9. Just rewatched King of Kong... so good. And now with Billy Mitchell being called out for cheating here a couple of weeks ago only makes the documentary that much better. You can't write a better character than Billy Mitchell.
  10. I was not interested in a third season either, but ended up loving the crap out of it. Sure, there are super awkward things in the third season that made me curl my toes, but the good parts were so good they made me forget all the “fun” scenes with Lucy...
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsBYtE0HOU0
  12. I wish every single muslim in the US would join the NRA. I wonder if that would change anything?
  13. I'm quite fond of Heksehyl. Fffffffffuck yes!
  14. I just got a call from a client on behalf of their client and they wanted to renew the license for some music I did about a year ago.
  15. My MacPro (the trash can) has started to slow down whenever I upload something. It's really fucking weird and annoying as hell. EDIT: Fixed it!
  16. i have a trauma with Scandinavian countries atm so that's why i'm waiting for a better time to watch it, i'm not going further into it because it's really FWP and i'd get ridiculed over here... Ok, now I need to know what's up...
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