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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I don't like the music either. The only thing I like is the kick.
  2. HOly shit this is my new favorite video. YES!!!
  3. I've been asked to do a remix for someone. It's a vocal track and I hate the vocals. I don't know what to do?
  4. I rewatched Starship Troopers last weekend. It's still brilliant!
  5. Ok, so they're not rebooting or remaking The Matrix. They're simply going to write more stories set in the The Matrix universe.
  6. Yeah, I hate that. "Oh, so I created this sound by combining two stones, a contact mic, 13 modular systems, and the sound of a magnetic fields around a tv"... and then it just sounds like a distorted sawtooth waveform or something. I once went to an exhibition at a museum where some guys from Israel had been invited to perform on the opening night. They had brought along a whole bunch of shit. They had lined up three tables full of equipment and it sounded like complete ass. It noise. Just pure noise. It was fucking terrible.
  7. I was thinking this would be more of a plus, like you just have to live with what you recorded and can't go back and fart around with it. Would make it of limited use for gigs though. True - but it can be annoying when you're a picky asshole like me ;) But you're right, it is a plus in most cases...
  8. Nice, that is good to hear because that is the kind of stuff I want to do with it. What's weird about the envelopes? dunno just weird Yeah, and since the whole thing is analog your setting might change over time which is a fucking pain in the ass in case you need to go back and fix something that you just recorded.
  9. Man, Dead Rising 4 kinda ruined everything that was great about 1, 2, and 3. It's forces you through the world, it gives you all the crazy weapons right from the get-go, and it's way too easy. Also, they removed the time aspect which I always hated, but now that they've removed it I see why it was there.
  10. Could you disable some plugins in your AU/Plugin manager? I once had that problem with a project for an art installation and ended up disabling a bunch of plugins I knew I was using in Logic's AU Manager, I then opened the project, bounced a bunch of tracks, to save up memory and then reopened the project and lo and behold... it worked!
  11. omfg, that's so bad I hope it's true it is true, it was screened at sxsw. also he apparently wants to make a sequel to gladiator where he brings back russell crowe's character. Oh, he's been babbling about that for years.
  12. I ate an entire pizza. I'm still hungry.
  13. Yyyyyeeeaaah... but I'm taking one for the team. Also, Malcolm MacDowell... EDIT: Teh fuck? Danny Trejo? EDIT2: Ok, fuck this, I'm watching Goodfellas instead.
  14. While working I watched Friday the 13th - the terrible 2009 version. It was terrible. I'm now watching Rob Zombie's Halloween... I remember it being terrible.
  15. Nice, how do you like it? It seems to have the most real-time control of all the volcas, and seems to be able to make quite a variety of sounds. I'm still eyeing that, and the sample. I like the Keys but oddly I find myself using it less than I thought I would. I think this is partly because I haven't known it as long as, for instance, my pishy old Casio keyboard, which is like an old friend I can fire up and start making tunes with right away. That said the Keys is great and I should probably make more use of it than I do. One thing I've found it's really good for is windswept, stormy kinds of sounds; playing with the time knob for the delay with the feedback up high can make really nice wind-sweeping-across-the-moors sounds; I find myself doing stuff like this more than the kind of standard acidy arpeggio stuff. Will post an example later on. The Keys IMO responds well to slow, slow incremental knob movements, you can coax some nicely organic stuff out of it this way. That said, I still need to spend more time with it; I reckon there's lots of little secret alleys that I haven't explored yet. I've got the keys and the bass as well (right under my monitor) and I rarely use them for anything except for live takes of me just fiddling around with them. But with that said they can make some pretty cool sounds. The keys is a bit of a one trick pony though.
  16. How do you like the MS-20? I'm thinking about getting one of those and/or the 0-coast. I'm enjoying my Microbrute (finally!) more than anything else right now and the MS-20 looks like even more monosynth (with audio input!) to love. It's great! I thought I was gonna use it for bass related stuff but I've ended up using it a lot more for stabs and squiggly analog sounds. The Sub Phatty though... holy shit...
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