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Everything posted by Squee

  1. HA! I remember reading that in school. I love the mole scene.
  2. 19kHz!? That's insane. I think my drops out at around 16-17-kHz. Yeah I thought mine would drop off at around 16kHz but to my surprise it kept going. Stevie G: no it was a permanent exhibit at the Montreal Science Centre. i always wondered this, ive not actually done the test recently but i was on 18khz 3 years ago, however, why is it that i can very clearly hear the difference in music when playing with eq levels over 19khz? Right! I once attended a lecture where this super old chap, who was super cool, talked about kHz for 3 hours. Someone then asked why for instance 96kHz sounded nicer than 44.1kHz since we can't hear anything about 20kHz and the guy told us that it's same reason why vinyl sounds nicer. A 44.1kHz gets cut off at 22,05kHz in a super brutal way. It's like jumping off a cliff. The roll off on 96kHz recordings is so smooth and so nice that it creates all these super subtle overtones that makes it sound as if someone lifted a blanket off your speakers. You can try this experiment in your studio... create an analog sine signal, triangle, and then a square wave at the same frequency - for example 15kHz. In theory all the harmonics in the square wave should be 30, 45, 60 kHz and so on. And all of these frequencies should be outside of our hearing range, but you will still be able to hear a difference.
  3. Right, here we go... Attorney: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/infowars-alex-jones-performance-artist-playing-character-lawyer-conspiracy-theory-donald-trump-a7687571.html And then... Alex Jones...
  4. I didn't read the article but didn't Alex Jones' attorney say, "oh, but it's just an act". And then right before entering the court house Alex Jones periscoped/streamed himself from his car saying that he was not acting.
  5. 19kHz!? That's insane. I think my drops out at around 16-17-kHz.
  6. The three elements of life. lol straight bullshit. innit? lol Next year they'll fly people directly into a volcano. It's lit!! Fyre Festival!
  7. https://www.fyrefestival.com LOL
  8. It had all the potential to become a good b-movie horror monster film... but it shits the bed pretty early on.
  9. For those of you who haven't seen this mentioned in the FWP thread you're in for a treat... So this is how the festival was promoted And this is how it was described ...and it ended up like this.
  10. "season 28" this is gonna be good Yeah, this is gonna be the one.
  11. I played 30 minutes of Outlast 2 last night. Yes, it's scary but I'm already stuck. I'm not stuck in the sense where I still find the game intriguing. Instead it's just frustrating. I got so pissed at the game that I ended up just running up to the enemies to get a closer look at them. So I guess I've already destroyed the game for myself. Man, I can't wait for Microsoft to fully implement their refund system.
  12. this is fucking amazing https://twitter.com/FyreFraud/status/857801707581034496 HAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  13. What the hell was up with all the missing sounds?
  14. So radio ads don't actually have to be overly compressed because the radio broadcasts don't do anything to the signal. But in order for radio commercials to pop out people compress the living shit out them. With tv commercials there's a difference because of the ITU and EBU standards that dictate how loud your audio track can be over a specific amount of time. So if your track is super compressed the end result will actually get quieter whereas if you let the audio track be a bit more dynamic the peaks in the quiet audio track will actually surpass the peaks in the compressed audio track. I probably explained this in the worst possible way. But since everyone is compressing the living shit out of their commercials you simply have to do the same otherwise your commercial will end up sounding weird in comparison.
  15. is it me or does reverb not translate well when coming through tv?once my speakers for my stereo died so i ran the audio through my tv and it sounded really shitty. Hmmmm... shitty as in how, man?
  16. How about some Tomb Raider playable in your browser? http://xproger.info/projects/OpenLara/
  17. Because gamers feel entitled to shit on everything because they know better. Every now and then you wonder why a game company does something that seems weird, but what people fail to remember is that game companies are there to make money in every way possible. They are companies. Not joy factories that don't have to worry about revenue recognition and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure Nintendo had a good reason to stop the production of the NES Classic. I hardly doubt that Reggie just woke up one morning and was like, "nah, fuck this money printing machine..."
  18. you'll like it It's fucking amazing! where is it hosted!?!? What? I downloaded it from the Wii U Shop.
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