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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I had some of that poop coffee a couple of years ago. It was good. But I would like a professional to brew me a good cup of poop coffee at one point to ensure it's served the way it was intended. I buy beans from a local roastery in my hometown. It's a bit expensive - up to $28 for 230 grams. All of their beans are fairly light roasted which gives them this very berry-like flavor. It's brilliant. But I always have some Marley Coffee in my fridge. The Get Up, Stand Up blend is great for both espresso and filter coffee. Hm, I just noticed that Marley Coffee has a blend called Blue Mountain. I'll see if they have that one the next time I'm out of beans.
  2. Ah, I take it all back after reading this post I found on a sound forum: "While I haven't heard the second season of the show, I agree with Gary on this. As a re-recording mixer, I have heard plenty of my shows degrade once on air. One of the biggest things we are faced with now is the use of expanders by the networks. In a misguided attempt to compete with the volume levels of commercials, broadcasters are resorting to expanders in order to keep program material at an 'average' raised level. In effect they are trying to reduce any sort of dynamics on a program so the 'viewer' doesn't complain about low volume. By doing this you get a pumping effect between dialogue lines where the dynamics are low, which in turn brings up the ambiances that are playing low in the mix. The level bumps of the ambiances could easily be the result of the expanders. Also, as Gary also pointed out, you never know how broadcasters are airing your show. I worked on a show that was having its video transmitted via satellite, audio via landlines, having both signals recoded onto a recycled Beta SP, and then re-transmitted via microwave to the local service provider. Can't really compensate for that. I know that once the mix leaves my stage it's out of my hands and it can be really depressing to watch a show I've spent a lot of time working on get butchered, but you do the best you can."
  3. But how can that be? The channel must have some ITU/EBU settings that each show must follow, right? But yeah, it's way overcompressed.
  4. Hmmmmm... at least it doesn't take place in a forest - yet. By the way, was it the rip I downloaded (yeah, I did something bad) or was the sound mix all over the place? It sounds like they have a compressor that was fucking everything up. All the loud effects were turned down immediately, and when there was nothing but a roomtone or some background effects it was louder than the dialogue that came after it.
  5. Man, that old guy who looks like a kid cracks me up every single time.
  6. He's handsome, but the film is pretentious beyond belief. It tries so hard to be "weird".
  7. I like how the medium was able to just beat the ghosts up in this one.
  8. Man, that old guy who looks like a kid cracks me up every single time.
  9. Yes! Classic! The remake is even better! Haha, I was just about to slap you across the face. Have you seen the animatronics they made for the prequel which ended up being replaced/"enhanced" by crappy low budget-looking CGi? Yeah, we've both seen it. I actually really liked it but the ending was a big let-down. If you guys have any other recommendations, then feel free to throw them in our direction.
  10. One of my friends and I have been on a Survival Movie mission and so far we've watched... Cliffhanger Never seen it before. I liked it. One of the best Stallone movies I've watched apart from some of the Rambo and Rocky movies. 7/10 The Edge Never seen this one before either. This was pretty fucking effective even though it's 18 years old. Bart the Bear was awesome and scary! 8/10 The Thing I love this movie to death. 10/10
  11. That new the Walking Dead show starts tonight. I'm full of hope. I've been watching a lot of Rick and Morty lately and that show is probably my new favorite animated show. Oh and one last thing This post was made using dictation because I'm on the toilet.
  12. Well, North Korea really do like their sabre rattling and they like stirring up shit only to put their own people in place... and not so much the rest of the world. They've done this before, right? Didn't they send in a couple of bombs some years ago and killed a whole lot of people?
  13. In 20 minutes or so I'll be eating sweet potatos with lime and freshly chopped chili and some spicy chicken
  14. I was thiiiis close monday. It takes a lot to get me angry, but I fucking lost my shit at a meeting. I actually ended up yelling at my boss. Had a looooong conversation with my boss afterwards which resulted in a meeting with another colleague, which has now resulted in a lot of changes that we'll present to all the worker bees Monday morning. I asked for my colleagues to change one tiny thing (make sure that all the files we recieve are 48kHz, 24bit) and then they told me that that was way too much work. And I'm not kidding.
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