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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I really like the waiting room at Pyongyang Train Station
  2. Bought one about a month ago. It's the fucking best. It took me no more than a week or two to be able to ride to and from work without slowing down even though it's uphill most of the way. Also, it's a great way of waking up.
  3. I thought I had seen the director's face before - and I had. He made The Force Unleashed.... aaaand the Force Unleashed 2.
  4. That's good. The last one was a bit of a train wreck.
  5. Looks good! It looks GREAT! I hope they dump that terrible theme song from the first game though. ...and I hope they fix the voice acting, because daaang...
  6. Watched 2 episodes of Mr. Robot last night. I liked it. I want his backpack.
  7. Who? Me? In English. Half of my thoughts are in English because of my old job where pretty much all my colleagues were from South Africa and Canada Yeah sorry, I was asking you - since Zeph is from Canada and all. It wasn't an attempt to slight your English either, was honestly just curious. I didn't think you were :) Yeah, the brain sucks when it comes to stuff like that. I used to be pretty much fluent in German, but after a couple of years of not speaking any German I for some reason started mixing it up with Spanish.
  8. Who? Me? In English. Half of my thoughts are in English because of my old job where pretty much all my colleagues were from South Africa and Canada
  9. Earlier today I couldn't remember what a bathmat was called. Our old one got thrown out for some reason I don't recall, and today I was putting down a towel in its place. When informing my girlfriend of this I said "this will be our new... foot... stander..." and then we laughed about how stupid I am. lol
  10. lol Earlier today I couldn't remember what a towel was called
  11. Well, I've never really been into any of the Final Fantasy games or MGS games. Of course, Nintendo has put out some awesome games, but.. I dunno, games are starting to bore me.
  12. lol what? I really don't like Japanese games. Especially not the ones from the past 7-8 years ;)
  13. frustrating how? it is harder than previous mgs's for sure. especially at first when you're adjusting to the fact that enemy soldiers can actually see you from far away. definitely makes successful sneaking feel more earned. i adjusted pretty quickly though (at least i think i did...) Never played an MGS game before so this is my first dive into that universe. I've watched them play it on GiantBomb though. Anyway, it controls better than expected given that it's a Japanese game, but I think it's the way it's structured. The menus are a fucking trainwreck and so are some of the controls. For instance, you have to hold down three buttons in order to interrogate a guard.
  14. The sushi guy looks like he's about to fall asleep. Poor guy. His face is green.
  15. Best advice ever. Fwp: the line at this sushi place is long and I'm hungry
  16. Such a creep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWgMbXnsE7o "Dirty old man"
  17. I'd say so, yeah. The universe is extremely immersive unlike any other game I've ever tried. Also, atmosphere is fantastic. They've somehow managed to create a nature that is so much more alive than any other nature you've ever experienced. I think it's because of their wind system and the lighting effects they've got going on. It's really hard to explain actually. You'll know what I mean once you see it. Also, the missions in the game are huge. Side quests can end up taking hours, because they keep expanding story-wise. I simple "find the killer" mission can end up leading to something unforseen. Also, I love the fact that it's a mature game. It's a game that delves in a mature fantasy universe, so you'll see a bunch of decapitations and bewbs. It doesn't hold itself back and I resepct that. Also... Yeah, that's what I keep hearing, that the side quest stuff is supposedly insanely good. And good exploration aspects is always a huge seller for me. I've even heard some calling in one of best RPGs ever made, but I'm not sure I believe that to be true. I just don't hope it has too much stereotypical and silly fantasy story elements about dwarfs, elfs and whatever, that stuff I can't handle, and that easy to ignore in Skyrim. The more mature aspects sounds interesting, as long as it isn't just for shock and sensationalistic purposes as in Game of Thrones. I've also heard it has a bit of functional issues because of latest updates? - is it unplayable at the moment? Anyway, I think I will buy it tomorrow, I've not heard anyone call it bad yet, seems almost universally praised everywhere (even despite the functional and polish issues). Weeeell, there are dwarves, elves, mages and all that shit, but they're not spoon feeding it to you. They're there and they're a part of the world and they I love the approach they've taken with it because for instance, there's a city in the game that's insanely racist so they ban all the mages and elves so that ends up being part of the story. I really like the mature aspects because they down overdo it. They don't fill the screen with genitals and smear breasts all over your face. If you go to a bath you'll see naked people because that's a thing and that's it. I was afraid it was going to be all pubescent, but they seem to have done a pretty good job at making it a part of the "natural" scenary if that makes any sense.
  18. I'd say so, yeah. The universe is extremely immersive unlike any other game I've ever tried. Also, atmosphere is fantastic. They've somehow managed to create a nature that is so much more alive than any other nature you've ever experienced. I think it's because of their wind system and the lighting effects they've got going on. It's really hard to explain actually. You'll know what I mean once you see it. Also, the missions in the game are huge. Side quests can end up taking hours, because they keep expanding story-wise. I simple "find the killer" mission can end up leading to something unforseen. Also, I love the fact that it's a mature game. It's a game that delves in a mature fantasy universe, so you'll see a bunch of decapitations and bewbs. It doesn't hold itself back and I resepct that. Also...
  19. Played MGS: Ground Zeroes today... good but frustrating.
  20. Woooooah... that is making me dizzy and fascinated all at once.
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