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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Waaauuuuw... So, someone at work had hired a freelance sound engineer to work on a big project. He was supposed to clean 27 pretty long recordings and then master them. He told the project coordinator that it was taking him a long time, so he wasn't sure if he could finish it in time. So I volunteered to help him out. He had told the coordinator that he had already finished 10 recordings, so I only had to go through the last 17. I gave his finished files a quick listen and quickly concluded that he was full of shit. There was absolutely no difference between the original recording and the mastered files. Oh, and did I tell you that the deadline is tomorrow? So yeah, I just spent the last 10 hours (six of those hours were after work hours) fixing his shit.
  2. Perfect! But holy hell, when I reached that part of the game I skipped that song like a motherfucker.
  3. I think you're right. We don't know anything for sure, but I've read and heard rumors that Kojima is stubborn as fuck. Maybe he didn't want his name affiliated with Konami anymore because they kept pushing him to make more and more MGS games? At least, now he gets to work on whatever he wants. He can pitch an idea and because he's Kojima, people will throw money at him. At least I'd think so.
  4. Yeah, the first Max Payne is a bit dodgy, but I would think that Max Payne 2 still holds up.
  5. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night 6/10 An Iranian vampire movie. Style over substance. House of the Devil - 7/10 Pretty cool. Could've been nastier.
  6. Hahahahaha! prepare yourself for weeks of low-maintenance hassle-free stylin'. it's awesome. Not having to dry one's hair is awesome! I could get used to this. no visits to the hairdresser every x weeks. no needing to shampoo every day. no overheating dripping scalp in summer. having your head rubbed feels awesome. the list of pros is long. on the other hand, it definitely suits some people more to have actual hair. I look good with or without but I definitely get more social perks with. so I tend to go winter with and summer without. Fuck hairdressers. Haven't been to one since I was 5 and I've been cutting my own hair for the past 7 years myself. It's way easier than you'd think.
  7. prepare yourself for weeks of low-maintenance hassle-free stylin'. it's awesome. Not having to dry one's hair is awesome! I could get used to this.
  8. Yeah, that would be great. Just like Dead Set. It actually looks more like a movie than a tv-show - at least compared to original The Walking Dead show. But hey, the first episode of The Walking Dead was good and had diverse settings. The next 800 episodes didn't. So the first episode of Fear the Walking Dead might end up being awesome and the next 800000 episodes might just take place in a forest.
  9. As much as I hate the original show, I have to say that this looks a lot better. It actually looks like... stuff happens.
  10. Shaved my hair off for the first time in my life. This... this feels awesome! FUCK YEAH!!!! *shaves entire body*
  11. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention was that in the last two presentations they've done the animals on the different planets have all sounded the same
  12. This game sounds good on paper, especially the procedurally generated universe they keep hyping, but IMO this looks like it would get boring very fast... My worry is that if everything is procedurally generated do any of the planets hide anything super excited or is every planet just a bunch of random stuff and that's that. What makes the planets exciting apart from them being unique? What's the draw? Where's the lore, the treasure, the thing that makes this planet in particular worth visiting? I fear playing the game will end up being a bit like looking at abstract paintings. Once you've seen a dozen paintings they all look the same.
  13. Pretty interesting... I hope they plug it in http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-07-03-ultra-rare-sony-playstation-snes-console-spotted-pictured
  14. Dear fucking God no! The movie is perfect as it is. No need to make a sequel.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj16vfbsM9A
  16. The game can be super frustrating in the beginning. The rage quit teenager inside of me has definitely been brought up more than a couple of times playing The Witcher 3. At first, I hated it. Thought it was stupid and buggy. But then I got the controls down and started understanding the significance of rolling and magic powers. Stay with it a little while longer and if you don't like it once you reach level 12 or thereabout, it's probably not the game for you.
  17. Had the pleasure of mastering 8 VO takes yesterday for a commercial. It was pretty cool. Then a couple of hours later I receive another recording with 13 takes from my colleague, with the exact same script but a different voice talent. I get curious and head off to ask my colleague about my suspicion that I'm mastering fucking audition recordings. I was right. Why the fuck get me to master 21 one takes of something instead of giving the client all the raw files, ask them to pick their favorite one and then get me to master that one recording? Jesus fucking Christ, people are so stupid.
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