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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Everything is so huge and chunky.
  2. Or look at it this way, "stay indoors to make sure your elders won't end up having to sit alone in a nursing home for another 2-3 months without being able to get visits from any of their loved ones". If you have any kind of decency and brain activity that's what you will do. I just pulled the "old man yells at cloud"-card, didn't I?
  3. These are the reasons why it's spreading here. I guess it's mostly the last two points, because as soon as the bars and clubs opened again those stupid fucking teenagers went back to where they were in the beginning of March. Also, as I mentioned earlier, people are only wearing masks in situations where they know they'll be fined if they don't. So people will wear their masks on public transportation, but when they go out shopping they won't.
  4. Holy shit, what a bunch of nonsense I wrote. Let me just correct that, hahaha
  5. Yeah, look up the Uighur muslims in China. Or watch this... Anyway, COVID-19 is going nuts here again. I went out to buy dinner earlier and I wore a mask. At the mall I saw maybe thousands of people and no one decides my girlfriend and I and another couple wore masks. EDIT: haha, ok, so what I meant to say was... Anyway, COVID-19 is going nuts here again. I went out to buy dinner earlier and I wore a mask. At the mall I saw maybe thousands of people and no one besides my girlfriend and I and one other couple wore masks.
  6. As promised I donated all the proceeds from my latest release to "Black Girls Code". Yesterday afternoon I sent them $511.
  7. I'll follow up with this classic video...
  8. Or maybe just timed exclusive? https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-09-17-final-fantasy-16s-exclusivity-is-a-mess
  9. Glad to hear someone else liked it. I'm not sure repeated viewings will necessarily reveal anything groundbreaking to the viewer. I think it's one of those movies where "intuitive logic" or "abstract logic" is the key to understanding it without being able to put your understanding into words. I'm not even sure I like talking about it because the feeling you're left with (if the movie sucked you in and I can totally understand why some people are put off by it) is extremely subjective. My girlfriend and I talked about it for a couple of hours after watching it and whenever I tried putting my thoughts into words it all just fell apart. So whenever I tried explaining what I thought happened I felt like an idiot. I guess you need to be a poet or something to be able to put these feelings into words.
  10. Got a phone call today that I had to help out but nobody could know. So I took over and what a mess. I have just finished up what I could and it's now 10:47 PM and I still have work to do on another project.
  11. I've done a lot of work for them, but this was for another department and the woman in charge is a fucking maniac. Anyway, I received a message at 03:30AM asking if I was still up so I'm wondering if it turned out that they actually needed me.
  12. Yeah, same here. Fucking morons. Some parents here have said that they feel bad for their kids because they can no longer go out during the weekends and party. I honestly didn't think we had such idiots living here.
  13. I've spent 2 days getting briefed and helping a client figure out how to approach a project for... let's just say... an internet company people use every single day unless they use Bing. After two days of this I'm told that I'm not allowed to work on it because I'm a freelancer and therefore not covered by the NDA my client signed. My client repeatedly tells them they need me for this project. Not-Bing refuses to let me work on it. My client then comes up with a plan that allows me to work on it without Not-Bing knowing. I'm just about to get started and then my client - for some fucking reason - decides to tell Not-Bing that I'll be working on it anyways. I bet you can imagine how that went over (poorly). So now I'm supposed to pass on my processes, knowledge etc. to someone else and I end up with nothing. What a load of shit.
  14. Squee


    I know it's not going to be boring per se, but it looks extremely boring. Looks like it's going to be 3 hours of Mr. Frowny Face staring at people with all the teenage angst in the world in a super desaturated world. And that music... holy shit, hahaha! Whoever thought that was a good idea deserves a spanking.
  15. You would think there'd be a law against being this stupid.
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