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Everything posted by Squee

  1. It honestly confuses me when people/reviewers say that Joker is "toxic" to the general public. Are we back to the satanic panic era? It's... a movie.
  2. Yeah, my comment was directed at the media as well. But they need cra-aaa-aa-aaazy headlines to pull in readers.
  3. People should just ignore him. I think that would hurt him the most. Just like in that episode of The Simpsons where the only way to kill brand mascots is to simply not look.
  4. In The Tall Grass -1000/10 This is one if the worst movies I’ve watched in ages. The acting was god damn ludicrous.
  5. People are reading shit into everything these days. It’s a movie. Not a diary. It's a movie about the poor and unfortunate people who are run over by the big guys. But it is 100% Joaquin Phoenix’s movie. He carries the entire movie on his shoulders with ease and extreme grace. He’s amazing.
  6. There are plenty of rumors. I’ve read every one of them and I’m sure it’ll somehow make the movie better.
  7. Recently did a whole lot of sound design and music for one of my favorite studio monitor companies and a video game I've been working on for the past 2 years is getting released on 17 days on Xbox, PS4, Switch, Mac, and PC. Pretty excited for all of it.
  8. I went to LEGO House today.
  9. El Corte Inglés was the shit when I was kid. They had so many different Star Wars toys!
  10. lol But I'm not kidding when it comes to Sonarworks Reference. When I treated my studio I was a bit too... ehm, thorough. So much so that I lost a lot of low end. I then tested out Sonarworks and lo and fucking behold it fucking worked. It did a massive difference and all my mixes have been pretty much spot-on since I started using it. You can download a trial and just use a decent mic to calibrate your monitors. Just to see if it's something you need. If you can hear a difference and it sounds better then consider buying the full bundle including the mic.
  11. Yeah, don't buy your acoustics panels. Build them yourself and save a fortune! And the money you save from building them could be used for buying Sonarworks Reference ? It's a shame about the BM15As though. I'm gonna get their new Core 7 or 47 speakers later this year.
  12. Blue balls but for the ladies.
  13. Holy shit, I knew Dan Aykroyd was into the paranormal and UFOs, but this rabbit hole goes deep.
  14. Man, return those monitors immediately.
  15. I recommend watching it with Youtube's autogenerated subtitles for that extra touch...
  16. Seriously though, I hope you end up loving these monitors. I did a mix today for a cartoon show. I used Adventure Time as a reference and holy shit, it's so easy to replicate mixes with these monitors. I just tested the mix side by side with Adventure Time on my TV and it sounded exactly the way I had intended.
  17. I didn't know either until I decided to compare pictures from studios all over the world.
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