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Everything posted by SR4

  1. yet another reason people pirate! Thanks for the advice guys!
  2. so its a HPdv6 Pavillion laptop 6 GB RAM Intel Core I5-2450M CPU @2.50 GHz Intel HD Graphics Family (this is the problematic area here) and just for reference...im not trying to run Skyrim or anything like that, but the new Crusader Kings, Victoria II...basically some older and current strategy games...my impression is that CKII isn't all that graphics intense...as with most Paradox games.
  3. interesting....do you mind if i post the computer model/basic stats and see if that confirms your hypothesis? id really appreciate it.
  4. SR4

    Now Reading

    Calling all history nerds or Francophiles....can anyone recommend a relatively good overview of the French Revolution? I only have texts in bits and pieces, texts that only really focus on the Wars and Napoleon, or on the effects of the Fr. Rev. in their colonial territories....I really want to get a good handle on what was happening in France itself. A well reviewed academic manuscript or even textbook would be preferred, but public historys /journalistic manuscripts are absolutely fine as well...this is more for personal hobby, not for a paper or anything.
  5. No / Very no. That's the problem with lappy innards (though foolishly is the route I've gone for in over a decade), aside from ram & hard disk upgrades you're pretty much with your base system components. yeah, laptops don't last very long if you only use them for gaming. for this reason. the price of the card wont be the issue. itll be the labor charge youll have to pay to have a tech guy put it in for ya. cause if you try and do it yourself you may as well just beat the thing into submission with a hammer. ah...well thanks for the advice....so in other words im just sorta fucked for now, ya? maybe save up for a desktop down the road?
  6. this is slightly off topic but im going to be honest and admit i know NOTHING about graphic cards. Ive been really interested in picking up more recent Paradox Interactive games for my laptop (by no means a gaming behemoth, but very well prepped for EUIII and other strategy titles)...so Ive been running the "Can You Run It?" website, and every single time the only thing I fail on minimum requirements is on my laptop's graphic card. So my question is, is there a relatively affordable graphics card that will let me play the newer cadre of PC games relatively well? Just to be clear, im not planning on spending anymore than 200 dollars, if that. Also, are laptop graphics cards easy to install? Ive never done it before. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this.
  7. I was skeptical as hell myself. the beer proved a very, very wise purchase.
  8. had this a few nights ago...first beer in a while....and man it was amazing...Dogfish has done it yet again....I hope they make this one a regular rotation...goes down insanely easy for a 9%. Apple cider, oranges, cinnamon, and a dash of something spicy...drink this one cold as all hell.
  9. Lumumba 7/10 A decent biopic...but it feels way too streamlined...everything moves by really quickly and with little more than surface explanation of what's going on. Would have been interesting to see what was going on behind the scenes with Mobutu...but man those last 20 minutes are really haunting.
  10. yeah....basically if you get Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing up to 100, you are complete beast potential. But it requires a lot of micromanaging (potion making, selling off potions, store the ones you cant use, etc. etc.)
  11. Nah Skyrim is satisfying, clocked about 60 hours. I started off as a hack and slasher but have since refined my enchanting and magic skills too, bit of an all rounder. Definitely worth levelling up your smithing skills quickly so you can improve weapons and armour, same with enchanting so you can make a reletavely tame one handed weapon into something pretty potent. You can up your smithing skills quickly by making iron daggers, just buy or steal lots of iron ingot and leather strips. I like just exploring and discovering shit, occasionally dipping into the main quest, just try not to hoard loads of pointless shit. You can store stuff in chests if you want to use them later. I dunno, post-patch iron daggers hardly make a dent in the Smith leveling process it would seem. Honestly if you wanted to get maximum enjoyment out of the game, just save up enough to buy a house to throw all your stuff in, sell the rest, and just go questing. The rest will come according to preference.
  12. short answer: Yes. If you just want to enjoy dungeon crawling and questing, don't try to level up in Enchanting, Smithing, or Alchemy. Then you are dealing with serious micromanagement. I spent a few hours of my second game just repeating processes to build up levels....I had hit lvl 30 before even doing a serious quest....
  13. also, another heavy IPA, recommended for the winter, Troegs Brewery-Flying Mouflin Ale. Imagine a super hoppy IPA with sweet chocolate...mmm goddamn i want some now.
  14. Im not a huge fan of most Ommegang, but Three Philosophers is definitely ftw. Ive probably mentioned this plenty before, but its probably my all-time favorite heavy beer: Just imagine every single dark, rich fruit under the sun ripened and thrown into a bottle of strong, strong ale. Warms the stomach and pleases the tongue. You'll want to drink this guy room-temperature IMHO for best results..maybe slightly/briefly chilled.
  15. good. he should never get work until they put Rez HD on the fucking PS3.
  16. are you incapable of pressing the hotkey that switches the camera from 1st person to over-the-shoulder? lol so i started up Yakuza 4 again. damn this game is so amazing. Great story, great characters and the open world is fantastic. if you've never played it you need to go buy this right now. what is it on PS3? are you incapable of pressing the hotkey that switches the camera from 1st person to over-the-shoulder? lol so i started up Yakuza 4 again. damn this game is so amazing. Great story, great characters and the open world is fantastic. if you've never played it you need to go buy this right now. what is it on PS3? oh i see. no, not what im talking about. Even when you do the over-the-shoulder perspective you cant really zoom in to see facial features/minor changes like you could in Oblivion. Maybe they fixed that on PC, but I haven't seen a way to do in on PS3.
  17. started another game of SKyrim, hoping to complete all the major quest lines. One thing that really blows my mind about this game is that you dont have a screen on the inventory to see what your character looks like (changing armor, weapons, etc.). There is even more than enough room to show that on the inventory system screen...why didn't they keep this feature from Oblivion? Drives me nuts.
  18. Ive had beef tongue tacos from a lady I work with many times. Beef tongue tastes fantastic.
  19. dunno if this has been mentioned yet, but no joke, the cd in the Skyrim Soundtrack entitled "Atmospheres" is gorgeous. Jeremy Soule really deserves to be an ambient legend. [youtubehd]wIHZwEwkQ-s[/youtubehd]
  20. they have Brooklyn across the pond? awesome! glad you hear you love the pale ale as much as I do.
  21. is this what they drink all the time on Half In the Bag?
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