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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. i never understood these covers. make your own music. All that energy for what?

    Well for one, I guarantee that this cover is going to get him a lot more attention and views than an original piece of music. So, exposure if that's what this person is looking for.


    I'm with you though, personally I would find that exercise boring and would probably start working on my own thing shortly after starting it.



    Despite that low DR score, it sounds far, far far better to my ears than say, ICBYD which has a higher DR score. I mean the mix/mastering, I'm not referring to preferring the songs.


    Why might that be?

    Likely because you're confusing dynamic range (the range of dynamics - i.e. loud sections vs quiet sections) with something else?


    Isn't there an implication that low DR would be overly compressed? I'm probably misunderstanding, agreed.



    Could be. But also compression isn't necessarily a bad thing nor is it the only thing that contributes to the overall sound of the mastering.

  3. I really wish I could hear the unmastered tracks off syro. I feel like the mastering on this is a bit heavy from the dynamics side of things. They did a great job making it all gel together but I feel like everything feels a bit squashed and stuffed up and some of the parts could breath a bit more. (compare to say, rushup edge).


    EDIT: transients are too squashed. Attack and release time on the mastering compressors were too fast. Maybe richard wanted it that way, but I still want to hear original mixdowns.

  4. hoooly shit, sound design on the nord modular is an amazing timesink, but oh boy is it worth it. I'm working on a 4-part drum kit to control with the octatrack and it's just such a dream to work with in terms of being able to get my ideas down accurately (and then spend hours tweaking :P). It's got some weird limitations (e.g. the voice expansion doesn't increase patch size, only polyphony) but I love weird limitations :D

    This makes me suddenly want a nord modular to go along with my octatrack.


    Actually I have two fucking axoloti's I'll make a drum machine with that.

  5. Relocated from the cupboard to the bed



    haha I have both a TG33 and a bass station. What's the thing way up on the left in plastic wrapping? Looks kind of waldorfy but obviously it's something else.

  6. Yeah I think Renoise takes a lot of the pain out of trackers and it also gives you some nice, unique modulation options. Besides MilkyTracker, Jeskola Buzz is nice too. That said I do think it can be a cool exercise to play around with a tool that you only know about based on music that was made with it - you can learn a lot about the mindset of its creator that way.

    PM if you would like to chat about controlling the OT externally. I haven't found anything really good out there but I have some ideas and some means to implement them and I could use a kick in the ass to get some momentum. That goes for anyone interested, btw ;)


    Buzz is amazing. I haven't used it in years, but it was my main weapon for a while.


    I am considering eventually switching to a pyramid(or a cirklon) for sequencing for better polyphony support, but I think I would still end up using the sequencer on the OT to do OT stuff. Right now I am just trying to stretch the OT as far as I can, even though it can't handle overlapping notes properly on one track, makes my prophet 12 sad.


    This has actually inspired me to check out another coveted piece of gear (or in this case software). Right now I am trying to compile playerpro tracker and poke around with it (richard used it to make drukqs).

    honestly, you're probably better off using Renoise, or if you want to get oldskool (and want something free) and only use samples, something like MilkyTracker. I can understand the novelty factor of using something RDJ used, but trackers are trackers, when you use them to sequence samples.



    I love renoise, and i have come VERY close to emulating the drukqs beat-style and techniques using synth samples, drum samples, renoise and a few effects. I wouldn't dream of actually using that old piece of software for serious shit (I can't really use computers for music in general now anyways). It's mostly a curiosity thing. Especially richard's comment about creating some of the DSP algorithms for it and that it had some really unique features. Just wondering if there's anything that makes it special besides your standard tracker.

  8. Damn! that's actually pretty cool. I didn't know that the volca did that. I did know you could do some start point/break chopping stuff on them though.


    Octatrack is my main sequencer, so I haven't really looked at whats needed to control it externally, that's good to know though.


    This has actually inspired me to check out another coveted piece of gear (or in this case software). Right now I am trying to compile playerpro tracker and poke around with it (richard used it to make drukqs).

  9. I think I figured out it out. I found the sysex reference for the s6000 and apparently it's possible to control that was sysex. The QY700 can send exclusive messages directly inserted into the sequencer. (funny that modern sequencers don't have this ability, I can't find it on the cirklon, the pyramid, the octatrack...). I also think a lot of the effects were abusing the time stretch function on the s6000 in addition to the retrigger and starting point manipulation.


    It would be nice if a more modern sampler were made that could accept CC for all these parameters.


    Don't rule out the sampling playback power on the s6000.

    Yeah and I was completely wrong on here a few years back when I was adamant it was a 'buffer override' effect he used (well not completely wrong, the result is the same - just the method is different): What he does for those 'buffer' glitch samples you hear in GP,DYKS, Ultravisitor are actually samples being retriggered at a really rapid rate (presumably through the s6000) and then the sample start time is then modulated to slide through the loop



    I'm trying to research into this sampler but I can't find a way to do what you describe. (modulate the starting point of the sample)


    he posted something awesome in the uchoob links




    fuckin lit

    Holy shit. I have so many questions. Sounds like JLIN on crack or a footwork dance competition. So mystifying to hear those sounds coming from an azerbaijani wedding band.


    Seen this before... maybe here??? I can't remember where I saw it first.

  12. Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - Tyranny


    The name alone is probably enough to turn a lot of people off. But I gotta say, the song "Human Sadness" is an absolute monolithic psychodrama beast of an 11 minute song. It's so glaringly amazing that I've not gotten to give the rest of the album enough attention. It really cut through to something in me. 


    digging this, thanks

  13. I think actually the stupidist thing I'm having a hard time wraping my brain around with the octatrack is adding fills. Besides setting the cross fader to adjust the pb start sample, and the freeze delay on master, I haven't figured out an easy way to add subtle drum variation. I really wish the OT had the same brains as the A4 and AR.


    I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but here is an example of some break chopping stuff I was doing on the OT (I'm still sort of at the experimental stages of things)



    For the sort of drum roll sounds (well, besides what I naturally am getting out of the break samples), I make heavy use of retrigger and slide triggers. Slide triggers are SUPER useful, and you can get all kinds of crazy effects. It basically takes any parameter locks  between the first trigger and the next (which can be a silent trigger if you want) and it morphs between them. I like using pitch, length, retrigger time, etc.


    Actually in this track I use retrigger time with slide triggers on the snare drum and I start messing with it more and more in further iterations of the pattern: 


    EDIT: Also if you want to do ghost hits, you can use retrigger or, use the next trigger over and while you are holding the trigger you can use the left-right arrows to adjust timing offset to the left so that it hits immediately after(whatever you want really), adding a p-lock in will let you change the volume/pitch/filter/slice/len/whatever a little bit on the second hit. This offset is also how to accomplish triplets without changing the grid. (similar to using a tracker with delaying a certain number of ticks to accomplish triplets).


    EDIT2: another trick I found is that the time stretch single drum hits kind of sucks so sometimes you can get a little ghost-hit/fill effect if you crank it up.

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