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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69


    From https://aphextwin.warp.net/release/68148-aphex-twin-selected-ambient-works-volume-ii:


    Blue Calx:


    Recorded in Linmiri [Lannerlog bedroom studio], probably the last track I ever recorded in that house, quite fitting really, end of that era. I made it when coming back to visit my parents in Cornwall after moving away to go to college to do a degree in microelectronic engineering, which I thankfully never finished, was so boring, always preferred teaching myself, so much more satisfying, letting your mind wander where it needs to go. I heard Derrick May pressed this up onto vinyl so he could DJ it, I wonder if that was true?



    track 19 [side 5, track 2, omitted from CDs] ("Stone in Focus"):
    This track has now thankfully been found and uploaded here, I was very worried it had been lost, very relieved*** It was not included on the original CD’s as there wasn't enough room. I usually always give priority to the vinyl versions of all my releases as I never ever really liked CD's much, think I would have liked CD's a little bit more if you could put 90 mins on them, who decided they were to be 74 mins anyway? Thinking about this now I'd love to try and get Warp to do high quality chrome cassette versions of all my Warp musics, maybe even metal ones if possible. If I wait a year or so for this I could include all the extras on the cassettes as there would be plenty of room, would have to sign the tracks over to Warp first for a physical release, something I don't have to do for this website but that shouldn't be too difficult.
    #22 ("Spots"):
    Someone I used to know, you know who you are, worked as a cleaner in a police station and kindly pinched me a police interview tape. It was with a woman who murdered her husband, it's the background audio in this track.
    #23 ("Tassels"):
    featuring an EMS synthi 'a', mk1, Studiomaster star mixer, recorded 184 Southgate road, 1st floor, London. Bought the synthi when I was about 19 from Robin wood at ems, Ladock, Cornwall. Saved all my money for it for a long time, one of the first synths I ever bought and I know that machine inside and out, magical piece of equipment, always felt like it was made specially for me.


    #23 is one of my favorite SAW II tracks if not my favorite. Awesome to hear him talk about it.




    reddit user pointed out that the rozzbox uses preset patterns on a softynth https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/6ps32c/rozzboxv2mam4_phoscyon_pattern_presets/



    I'm highly doubtful of this. If it's a 303 sound, then it's probably from a real 303.



    I'll give you two reasons why I'm not doubtful


    1. He used TWO different presets from phoscyon.

    2. He released this track with  pretend analog extmix 2b. Which sounds very similar production-wise and richard has himself admitted it was soft-synths.



    Every time I head on the internet it usually ends in disaster but here goes:


    There is actually an explanation of how he made the track on the aphex twin warp site by the man himself but hey don’t let that bother you!





    Interesting. Well there has to be a reason why that pattern is so similar. I refuse to accept it is a coincidence 


    reddit user pointed out that the rozzbox uses preset patterns on a softynth https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/6ps32c/rozzboxv2mam4_phoscyon_pattern_presets/



    I'm highly doubtful of this. If it's a 303 sound, then it's probably from a real 303.



    I'll give you two reasons why I'm not doubtful


    1. He used TWO different presets from phoscyon.

    2. He released this track with  pretend analog extmix 2b. Which sounds very similar production-wise and richard has himself admitted it was soft-synths.

  4. Fu


    I'm still not over how good midi pipe2c is, total classic up there with MADMA and Beautiful Japanese People 



    thanks for the reminder. Such a neat track. I've only been obsessively listening to korg 1b but I need to give this one a chance again.


    I'm not sure why people love MADMA so much tho. I've listened to it a few times I didn't really get that into it.


    It's a fun little sampler workout.


    I do, I quite like Richie's posts


    He speaks from the heart but with a dry sense of humour. Dry sense of humour is always good in my book. A lot of people struggle with such, which makes it even funnier lol.

    He gave a loving description of PlayerPro in the Drukqs comment section



    i think he's talking about mr. sombrero aka richie sombrero not richard aka daddy1


    but yeah, that post is really good




    The reason this vid exists is because when my good friend Leila wanted to remix it, she asked if she could just have the melody without the drums, to make it easier to work out, so I thought be a nice little treat to make her a movie of it.

    About PlayerPro though,Id like to write a chunk about that program.


    Its very simple compared to modern things like Renoise BUT it had some advantages over it

    Here’s the main things I loved about Playerpro. You could drag instruments from the list on the right, directly into the arrangement window, this alone makes writing things SO much faster than say Renoise and SO much more fun and less ballache.

    I know you can play them in from the keyboard but you need both.

    Next is if you right click a note in the arrangement window, you get a list of possible column functions/FX AND notes with octaves, This is a really fast and intuitive way to program and most importantly edit things you played in.

    Ive tried in vain to make Renoise coders listen, help!


    You could print plugin effects directly & destructively onto the sample, hence fr eeing up CPU but you could hear the effect first before you printed it.

    I've really pecked several people to do this and it did get finally done in Renoise but its still not as accurate as PP, gain is not handled correctly last time i checked, Renoise has that great highlight part of the arrangement thing but the gain doesn’t get worked out properly when you have a bunch of fx, be top if this is fixed now?

    The other reason this feature is so good and powerful is because most people these days setup EQs on each channel etc and they just sit there wasting CPU and most importantly the urge to carry on tweaking it always remains.

    You would be amazed how it can train your brain to get it right the first time when you are forced to make a decision about EQ and then can’t change it, a bit like with a digital camera, you just take loads of shit pictures of the same thing instead of one thats right, I’m generalising.

    But every sampler VST i’ve seen does this as well, its the wrong way to do it, all your plugins should be available in the sample editor to apply to samples, not on the mixer, well you need both.

    I think its because in the beginning of audio on DAWS, coders were fixated about replicating real mixing desks and recording bands but this didn’t take into account the new way people were going to start using DAW's

    But even if you can’t take that discipline you could just have an undo history on the sample..so you wouldn’t have to re EQ the EQ if it were wrong..you could also have an amazing cpu guzzling EQ on every sound.

    It just doesn’t make any sense to have a live EQ on static samples..yet every DAW does this, unless I missed one? Ive checked all of them and they all do that..frustrating when everyone goes down the same wrong road.

    Also helped code some really different sounding granular and FFT plugs for it which was the icing on the cake…

    But it was really limited so would prefer those functions in Renoise rather than resurrecting good old PP.

  6. he said he's planning to upload loads more tracks so, I would just hang tite on some of the ones you expect to see.


    This is basically his soundcloud 2.0 it seems to me. Got the community interaction, can post comments and tracks and video tidbits. Main difference is he can charge money for tracks which give more motivation to release the really good shit and master it, etc. (Pretty sure all of the soundcloud stuff we've gotten so far has been mastered for the store)

  7. I'm still sorting through all of this. Love what I'm hearing so far especially the new Field Day and Rushup Edge tracks.


    Is the Primavera track among these? I haven't come across it yet but want to make sure I don't overlook it if it is in here.


    No it's not, neither is the Houston track. I'm guessing those are cuts off of his new shit. I don't think there's any other recent shit besides the korg tracks.

  8. This I like:

    "Anyway there should be a load more HAB's, theres no real logic to how and when tracks will appear. Its just when i come across them basically but yeah got big plans ahead in sorting my archived tapes n stuff."


    Where was that posted?




    Can't believe he didn't add this track 


    one of the best lost tracks from icbyd

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