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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. I may just have to give in now after reading the last few pages. Fuuck. Let's see how the end of this week pans out.


    I would wait.... I got pretty sick of the shitty rips. This release deserves better quality. There are so many subtle high-end verb-tails and pads and percussion sounds and transient detail that just gets lost and muddled up in the rip. It sounds alright on speakers in a room that's already muddy but for headphone listening you're missing a lot of detail, I feel.

  2. Pro tip: Next time you listen to 1st 44, remember that richard did this mixdown live and that he performed the record scratching and yelling live, those are not samples you're hearing. ( I don't actually know this but I like to picture him in a swivel chair yelling into a home-made microphone and scratching a turntable and switching up sequencer patterns on the fly while twiddling aux send amounts on the mixing console.


    Deleted this from my computer last night until it drops in full quality. The urge to redownload is killing me.

    I’ve had like 30 “final listens”.



    Same. I've listened to it so many times that my brain has started to "filled in" the shittyness with what it now thinks is hifi but deep down I know it's still ass.

  4. I FINALLY managed to track down where Richard debuted a version of "pthex" live (by using the search feature of the forum with me as an author for the word "unreleased)


    starts around 2:30 



    I distinctly remembered the tempo breakdown around 4:20. 

  5. I've tried getting into footwork a few times now.  Some of the Jlin stuff is really good but otherwise it sort of grates on me.  I can tell this EP is influenced by footwork, but I'm absolutely in love with this.  Go figure!


    Despite the clear footworky playfulness on some of the drums, it's not really straight up trying to be "footwork", i think he just likes having a new way to make rhythms. Like abundance, it starts off with a really clear footwork vibe and then it sort of morphs into a SAW 1 era ambient techno piece. It's actually insane how much abundance sounds like a SAW1 track towards the end.

  6. My drukqs comparison is lazy. This is much newer than that.. and frankly more exciting than a drukqs rehash. It’s unrepetative with nimble beats flying everywhere... but with a vibey, spacey, emotional undercurrent that gives me a bigger buzz than anything he has released since... Jesus.... a very very long time.


    This is better IMO than having an EP of 5 unreleased drukqs tracks. And that's coming from somebody who's favorite aphex album is drukqs. This is drukqs-level shit with just as much ambition but without the limitation of working with just a tracker and a bunch of samples on a laptop in the 90s.


    This reminds me of the freedom that came from that earth portal track or the marchroma track but with far crazier beats and better mixing and production.

  7. I would kind of describe this as all the analog lushness/gear paying off in the best ways. The pads and vintage samplers really shining here. Plus a bunch of constantly changing reverb, panning, delay fx, lowpass filtering, tight cirklon triggering, and even motherfucking record scratching. It sounds like each of these tracks took weeks to put together. Each of these tracks deserves it's own video, hope we get at least one more official vid. This is the shit he was working on and really excited about with all those soundcloud comments about being too obsessed with making new tracks to do anything else. The production sounds fresh too, sounds a bit more like some of the modern production works that I think are really cool, like that autolux album pussy's dead, or some death grips stuff.

  8. The distorted voice that comes in for the end 2 minutes of 1st 44 is so fucking sick, sounds like a fucking airhorn lol. reminds me of the impactful  moment in 54 cymru beats when when the retriggers get all fucking loud and distorted and make a melody.


    I hope bleep sends out full quality a little sooner to the people that ordered it like they did with syro (didn't they? after the leak?).



    I will hold my fucking ground on this one.





    I already regret it. I absolutely hate the shitty quality of the audio but I can't stop repeating the tracks because they are blowing my mind. Like I love every track on this EP already. More than anything on syro, more than most things on the tuss, and more than any of the recent EPs. I'm going to burn out on them and then won't be able to fully appreciate the full quality release.


    I think my faves in order might be 1 .1st 44 2. pthex 3. mt1 4. abundance 5. t69 collapse. - hard to say though, any of those preferences could change.

  10. Kinda bummed he skipped dubstep and went directly to footwork when dubstep was going wild I kinda hoped he would make some aphex style, guess he was having babies and stuff. Maybe he released some dubstep under an alias.


    Oh shit pthex was played live as well!! Very few people here payed attn. to that. I think he played it at the japan show. Wow pthex is a fucking monster. Wonder what DAW or sampler he used.


    EDIT: i think it was an early version of a section of pthex. acid line that's in a different tempo/rythm

    are we going on the idea that pthex is literally too crazy to put on vinyl? or is there some technical reason..



    Might be 45 rpm so it wouldn't fit.

  12. Oh shit pthex was played live as well!! Very few people here payed attn. to that. I think he played it at the japan show. Wow pthex is a fucking monster. Wonder what DAW or sampler he used.


    EDIT: i think it was an early version of a section of pthex. acid line that's in a different tempo/rythm

  13. The pads in this track are so nice, there are 5 distinct pad sounds.. I think... . There's the super gooey pads drenched in chorus/lesie, the super bendy chords, the detuned saws that come in during the breakdown, the nice chimes and the end The detuned saws panned slightly left. One of my favorite parts of the track is all the detail going on in the poly synths in the high frequency ranges, t. I also love the effect that is on the high-hats that sounds like a modulated chorus that gives it a sort of tasty chewyness to them. Theres also a large variety of bass sounds that are quite awesome, a bunch of them come in at the end of the track!!! The end of the track wasn't my favorite at first because the melody sounded just a bit generic to me, but it has grown on me just from the amount of detail of different sounds coming together. Also that point at 4:10 where the delay times hit, that sounds pretty sex



    "T69 Collapse" is a great track, and the video was fun (nice to relive some elements of Weirdcore's visuals after having seen them live in Houston), but I must say I'm really surprised that there was all that hype just for an EP. Really puzzling.


    I'm feeling the amount of money spent on the awesome promotional posters and the video (which must of been a pretty penny) must be recouped in some way. So there must be more on the way. Has to be a few more live shows and an album. Hopefully.


    hey man it's Warp's sales dept. speaking, we need help figuring out how to make this record label thing work out, we think you're the man for the job



    I'm thinking that just because something is an EP doesn't mean it's not a cash cow, esp. in the world of electronic music, vinyl, etc. Also I really doubt those billboards cost them all that much. Aphex is popular enough it'll make them money easily. This one is a lot easier to promote than like, cheetah or ODS which are really not the most exciting. This track is exciting and has a cool music video, the primaravera track is exciting, this will be a big EP for warp. Think of come to daddy EP. They spent loads on a music video for that, and probably loads on promotion. You think that was a waste of time because it's "An EP"?

  15. Some of the code at the start of the video is a slightly mangled version of the .json files that the Cirklon sequencer saves. If you freeze the track near the start you can see what instrument he named each output track of the Cirklon after.


    I saw that! Pretty neat. What do you reckon made the main bendy bass line that comes in near the beginning, maybe the tx81z, or was than an analog bass?

  16. I don't know what it is but his new stuff sounds "thin" to me. I'm assuming the mastering is great for dynamic range or something.. maybe I got used to super compressed modern mastering? I remember thinking this when I heard Xmas Eve for the first time. I still prefer the muddy live recording of that one before it was released. 


    I think it's hard to mix this kind of thing. A lot of the background acid lines are quiet and the drums are way up front, including heavy repeated kick drums. So the mix needs lots of room so the kicks don't sound thin but they don't overpower the track either. It's got a similar sound to syro mastering I think. Drukqs was kind of a similar situation, the tracks are so busy that the mixing needs to cut a lot of bottom end off. I personally like the mastering of this release though. Not too compressed but still very loud and punchy.



    Also the primavera track has been CONFIRMED to be on the new album (via shazam lol). Mt1 T29r2


    Also, anyone  notice that the that T69 collapse has the exact synth loop as the t69 field day track at a certain point?

  17. It's funny. I was even there live for this song in houston, and I didn't really like the track all that much, washed out and couldn't hear much of the detail. hearing it in Hi-Fi on headphones it really shines though. Love the little flangy bits, and subtle reverb changes and compression and gating going on in the background, and ratcheting on the drums with that super tight timing. It's growing on my with each listen.


    EDIT: if we get the primavera track in this release I will bust a nut.


    I'm thinking it's all previously-unheard material, the houston/primavera tracks will land on whatever LP comes next, if at all.

    I'm still feeling pretty good those 2 tracks will most likely be on this EP.  Also willing to go as far to say that the Primavera track may be the track we'll be hearing late tonight.



    Good. I'm glad we got nostradamus himself to weigh in on this matter.

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