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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. yea that's fully ridiculous tbh. Like how cheap is it to do repairs on heavily maimed robots?


    Also, the robots are made from organic matter yes? Just like real people? So apparently it's ok to just uh... "disable motor functions" which probably includes breathing? You can apparently just let them stand "in (not so) cold storage" without their feet disintegrating, or them starving. don't they need to poop and eat? If not, how do their bodies not fall apart from lack of metabolism?


    Well they have that little magic gun that repairs skin and such. But if they get burned alive, like they did maeve after she burned herself alive, they get a full rebuild besides their brain. At least that's what I picked up. That's how her spine got modified. They get molded into body. Especially a main actor like maeve they have  mold ready to go to rebuild her body from the white goo. C'mon man it's scifi have a little fun.

  2. I had no GAS for 1,5 years since birth of my son. I have barely 1-2 hours a day for music making. Furthermore since the end of last winter i had to put major part of my gear into the big ikea box because that configuration had enormous amount of overhanging wires here and there. Kid could overturn my table one day (nowadays he would do this immediately). Also dozens of power supplies were lying on the floor so i had to free up some space on the table for them. 


    Nevertheless i start to experience some sparks of GAS from time to time:

    Audiothingies Micromonsta

    and Elektron A4


    But then i realize that i have no money due to nowadays exchange rate + lack of time and i stop GASing (i wouldn't mind to have micromonsta though lol).

    Also i made most compact, flexible and all-sufficient (to me) configuration for today. Thanks to OT and it's posibilities.








    I'd also like to get Eventide DSP4000 or H8000 and mess with it via VSig  :catface:


    I've got something similar, got second axoloti on the way. OT + Bassstation II + axoloti/axocontrol for synth + axoloti w/ case for fx + effects unit + compressor + mixer + prophet 12(newest purchase!!!!!!!!). That's the setup I'm aiming for at the moment.


    I also really want an old eventide DSP unit like you suggest? Are we twins? I want to build a stupid diagram like you have above.

  3. Aw man, thanks bubba and sweepstakes, thank goodness Octactacks seem to be universally sold out in everywhere but Japan atm

    I'm sure you can find one. I got mine off craigslist for like $900. Check ebay. I know a local store (portland OR) that has them in stock too.

  4. Currently trying to figure out what to replace my tetra with. I absolutely hate working with it now that I removed all computers from my setup. Part if me is thinking minilogue, part of me is thinking jump up to an A4(but it's so much MORE than a poly synth and I think I need a poly analog somewhere in the chain), and then part of me is thinking, wait, I love how this thing sounds, give me a a prophet 6 desktop module. What I should really just do is use what I have until I run out of creativity, because my setup is totally fine right now.

  5. I think it's a good thing the releases are staggered by some months. So his return will be more drawn out, and we'll feel it was an 'era' vs feeling like he released everything in just a few months and went into hiding again.



    I think we'll get something big in a year or so. I get the feeling he's going to take his time with whatever the new ambitious album will be. Meanwhile putting out other things like older tracks and side projects. I'm going to say 1-2 more side things, then a new album?

  6. what is your favorite app for making drum sounds and drum loops? I was thinking about getting an ipad for on-the-go loop creation. I would like to be able to make high quality, unique drum sounds and be able to get the audio loops back later so I can chop them up in renoise later. My workflow right now is very sit-down oriented and the one thing I lack is percussion sounds and loops. I've got all my synths hooked up through hardware, got all the effects and arrangement and all the shit I want down. But I don't have a convenient drum workflow besides opening up a shitty sample pack of drum machine samples.

  7. I'm pretty surprised how much hype this has gotten. This thread has already far surpassed the ODS thread which I would have assumed to be way more popular. personally ODS is one of my favorite releases, mostly because of simple slamming and serge rendered which are two of my all time favorite (now) released live tracks. Also because the rest of the tracks are also great. This EP is great and I am grateful for it, but I'm nowhere near the obsession level I can get on some releases.

  8. If those tracks weren't released in the way they were at the time then we'd probably be getting a lot of these on EPs instead of the cheetah tracks. Fuck these are incredible. Flutternozzle, lisbon B acid, 3 notes con, love 7, stabbij. That would make a lovely EP. Or a bodmin EP! He could still repress them to vinyl. It would be really nice to have that.


    EDIT: almost forgot about carnival acid. These tracks are as good if not better than the rest of analord.

  9. damn this sounds a billion times better than the stream

    yeah for one it's not fucking MONO!


    EDIT: but yeah fuck, the mastering on this is really good.

  10. they misspelt sine waves

    "hello warp, for this album 10 of my friends got together and created album art on the beach, here it is!" "Richard, you realize this is grossly misspelled?" "Ah fuck.. you're right. well here's a picture of some rocky cliff I quite like. Let's put some text on that and call it good"

  11. oh sorry. i meant the ODS leak was in mono I think. way back whenever that happened.


    EDIT: And also yes it seems very mono to me as well. I haven't like, analyzed it but it's obviously mono as fuck.

  12. The cheetaht7b from zane whoever's stream was real lush and stereo-y, however the stream of the same track from the bleep stream is nearly mono, which honestly is ruining it a bit for me. It definitely sounds better in stereo, and that's kinda the point of the track, imho, to envelope you. I'm not sure if this is just an issue on my end. And if it is really basically mono we still haven't heard the damn EP for what it's worth.


    I should clarify that it isn't 100% mono, like 7b sounds like ther is a bit of stereo in it, but.. that could just be an illusion since I've mostly heard it in stereo.

    Didn't they fuck this up last time with ODS? Or maybe it just leaked in mono. Dunno.

  13. hmm... now that you mention it... yeah...?


    haha I fucking love this quote from rich earlier today:


    "cheers people, just wanted to put out some chilled solid jams that I really like, helps diffuse the hype around me a bit, plenty of time for dropping some future bangers, don’t want the paparazzi camping outside my fucking house right now."





    well releasing this type of stuff fucks off most of the 4 second attention span internet click posse.


    where'd he say this?



    soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/comments

  14. haha I fucking love this quote from rich earlier today:


    "cheers people, just wanted to put out some chilled solid jams that I really like, helps diffuse the hype around me a bit, plenty of time for dropping some future bangers, don’t want the paparazzi camping outside my fucking house right now."





    well releasing this type of stuff fucks off most of the 4 second attention span internet click posse.

  15. cirklon1 reminds me of analord 6 but then I start getting rolls that sound straight out of RDJ/cometodaddy era which I didn't really expect to hear from aphex ever again but it's awesome.

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