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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Singapore and South Korea are both using massive tracking efforts that have serious privacy implications. Along with Japan, it’s already been a societal norm to wear masks there for some time (a couple of decades or so). China’s incompetence resulted in this being worse than it needed to be. Plus their tracking efforts are even more draconian than South Korea and Singapore. then you have fuckwits like this trying to normalize those approaches: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/ so yeah while the Korean efforts at testing should be applauded, their tracking shit is unacceptable.
  2. Did you hoard a whole bunch of essential oils?
  3. Picked these all up yesterday. Well lush. Unbelievable how consistent Aleksi is with with his output.
  4. Ironically, cleaning up air pollution may increase global warming: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cleaning-up-air-pollution-may-strengthen-global-warming/
  5. Mate, if you're not ok, and you're stressed, maybe find someone to talk to - seriously - these can be stressful times for sure. I don't think anyone here is taking serious medical advice from hello spiral (at least I hope not), so I think you're over-reacting in your replies to him. Be well! Take a walk (where there aren't people obviously) and stop consuming so much media on COVID maybe?
  6. I mean over-reacting to spiral's post.
  7. Seems to me like he's gently poking fun at them thinking using hand sanitizer allows them to go to the bar. Also seems like you're way over-reacting. Are you ok? Stressed?
  8. I like this approach. Targeted herd immunity.
  9. For a different perspective: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-us-shale-oil-producers-are-at-the-heart-of-the-saudi-russia-price-war-2020-03-09 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/08/putin-sparks-an-oil-price-war-and-us-companies-may-be-the-victims.html https://www.ft.com/content/9161e62c-5cb1-11ea-b0ab-339c2307bcd4
  10. The systemic problem affects all voters of all ages - I'm not blaming young people individually, I'm blaming them as a group. If you are serious about wanting change, don't expect people to hold your hand. I don't think young people are inferior - plenty of old lazy fucks as well. There are just more young people who are. Clearly you missed this line. I think we should move away from first past the post, to a ranked ballot/PR system. I think we should use blockchain technology to facilitate online voting. I think you guys should get rid of your electoral college. Why the fuck you think the people who benefit from these policies will hold your hand and lead you to the voting booth is beyond me. I also fail to understand how you could forget that voting day was coming soon - if you are remotely interested in politics. The Democratic Primaries have been front page news for coming up on two months - how much more of a reminder do you need? Who do you think is more likely to even consider the idea of implementing any of those policies - Trump or Biden?
  11. What a terrible argument. His first attempt to support his argument is to go on the offensive is:"To say that something is wrong with young Americans as a group is to say that something is inferior about young Americans as a group." Wrong is not a synonym for inferior. The reasons that people for example say that young Americans are apathetic about politics can be summed up in the following quote (which the author of the article oddly poses as supporting his argument). "Simply put, many young people want to participate, care about what is happens in the political arena, and plan to participate. But they find doing so too big of a hassle to actually follow through on their good intentions," Gen Xers are still in the work force, still have the same hassles (and more, having kids and families and more responsibility at work than many millenials or zoomers), and yet still managed to get out and vote (an interesting cohort, because the last 6 years of Gen X fall under age 45, and people under 45 in general (which would include millenials) supported Sanders, while the rest of the cohort overwhelmingly flipped to Biden). So yeah - apathetic. The author then goes on to write the following nonsense: "Simply put, the reason young Americans have been less likely to vote than older voters is the same reason for the better part of American history people of color have been less likely to vote than white people; why women were long less likely to vote than men; why poor people have been less likely to vote than wealthier people; why prisoners have been less likely to vote than non-prisoners." The first part is undoubtedly true: people of colour have long been subject to discriminatory policies. The second part is 100% false: in the immediate aftermath of women's suffrage, yes, women were less likely to vote. Women have however, long been more likely to vote than men, even in younger cohorts. (PDF 1) (PDF 2 - see p. 8-9). Poor people vote in larger overall numbers, simply because they make up more of the population (a simple statistical truth). But yes they vote in smaller percentages for their cohort - there are undoubtedly polices in place that make it more difficult for the poor (young and old alike) to vote (probably transportation and lack of time off work being major culprits), and there is probably some correlation with education levels. Prisoners have been less likely to vote because they literally can't - to compare them to young people is frankly speaking, offensive. The author then goes on to complain that "voter registration rules are often confusing." I'm sorry, but if you want to vote, and understand the issues you are voting for, you should be able to figure out how to register. He goes on to state that "Automatic voter registration markedly increases the number of first-time young voters." SO in other words, young people need to have someone hold their hand? But I thought they weren't apathetic. Additionally, while same day-registration laws are on the books in "only" 21 states, they have been so since 1973 (PDF 3 - p.5). But we know from PDF 2 that youth voter participation has declined since then. Making it easier for people to vote means a more inclusive democracy, and policies to do so should be explored and implemented. But - voter registration policies are not discriminatory in any meaningful way. Evidence indicates that same day registration has some impact, but not enough to push a large mass of youth voters out to the polls. Will automatic registration provide that push? Maybe - though I suspect not. Online voting would likely increase it more - and it looks like effective voting software using blockchain technology is going to be rolled out in the near future. In the meantime, young people need to get out and vote, and if they're serious - none of those issues are discriminatory by age. tl;dr - young people are lazy fucks. (source - i was one). Bonus: if you respond with an ad hominem (e.g. ok boomer, status quo bootlicker), you get a suspension.
  12. I heard if you eat it, you win.
  13. The guy lists himself as an independent analyst, who just happens to be sponsored by refinitiv (massive financial data firm). People have been over leveraged since forever, but y’all should definitely try and time the market. Lol
  14. Mate, the mortality rate for 20-50 is .25%. Going to the hospital if you’re in that age range is fucking selfish. It’s not a nitpick either it’s just pointing out an error in your argument.
  15. Sure give them a call. Don’t head down there and risk infecting the world. Social distancing!
  16. What the fuck good is going to the hospital going to do? There’s no cure. Rest, hydrate, flu medicine and no wanking.
  17. I could have happily lived my whole life without seeing that image.
  18. They definitely have more options than that. Whether they choose to use them is a different story. They’ve already pumped a bunch of money into the economy (lowered interest rates, $1.5T cash injection, and QE). The real issue is gonna hit when supply lines get totally fucked.
  19. See, the trouble is Brexit came too late. God rest ye merry gentlemen.
  20. Assuming the next game happens....
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