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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Good food, good wine. Staying in with some high test beers and WATMM. Love you all. May 2019 bless our ears.
  2. Got my lovely Squee dub in the post. Only to find this waiting for me....fuck you very much Canada Post for leaving it in a frozen ass parcel collection box, where it had clearly been crushed by other parcels, and the cold I’m pretty sure caused it to warp... Anyone with hints on straightening vinyl...?
  3. Basically how we all feel. It's retaliation from the Chinese - Canada arrested the CFO of Huawei for extradition to the US (they claim Huawei is violating sanctions on Iran) and so China retaliated by taking into custody a former diplomat and my friend. holy f*, so basically he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... this is oddly like the Bridge of Spies scenario.... Yes. A victim of China throwing a temper tantrum. They’re not used to not getting things their way.
  4. It's retaliation from the Chinese - Canada arrested the CFO of Huawei for extradition to the US (they claim Huawei is violating sanctions on Iran) and so China retaliated by taking into custody a former diplomat and my friend. The difference of course is that the two Canadians have been charged with "engaging in activities that undermine China's national security" (a very nebulous, vague charge with no specifics released as yet - and imo unlikely to ever be released as these charges are just BS), and are being held with not much recourse to legal advice. The CFO of Huawei was charged with something specific, and is out on bail in Vancouver, as should be the case in a system where rule of law is respected. The Chinese mental gymnastics is pretty outstanding here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/china-responds-kovrig-sparpv-wanzhou-1.4958518 As usual, Trump fucked it up: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trump-undermined-canada-huawei-arrest-1.4951409
  5. Like I said to Tessier, everything helps and is appreciated. Thanks so much amber dude. :)
  6. Usually don’t but thought I’d try something different this time round. Don’t need much, as the marinade is to enhance the flavour of the steak, not overpower it. Usually just salt and pepper then brush with olive oil and grill on medium to medium-high heat. I only do cast iron when I’m blackening with like a Cajun rub or similar. Was interesting grilling outdoors as it was like -15 or so. Meat stopped cooking basically instantly once removed from heat.
  7. This time around I marinated the steak with a little balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, touch of honey and some salt. I only rub steaks if I’m blackening in a cast iron. Dry rub in ribs is a different story altogether.
  8. I know, I couldn’t believe some of the answers were his actual responses.
  9. 12/12. They set it up to be easy: just pick the answer that seems most clownlike. Merry trumpmas
  10. Ta muchly. Red stuff is quinoa with beets (put them in the rice cooker at the same time). Steak was maybe just a touch overdone (like maybe 30 seconds too long on the grill) but still juicy as fuck and flavourful as hell. Carrot and parsnip from local farm, their carrots are so fucking good.
  11. Lot of fucking eggnog and rum. Steaks are marinading and about to go on the grill in an hour or so. Decent bottle of red ready to be opened in advance of meal so it can breathe (really need decanter) and fucking bobs your uncle.
  12. He wasn’t doing business with Kim Jeong Un. He ran cultural tours to North Korea so that people with an interest in the country could learn more about it first hand. He held discussions about the country pre and post tour, which helped contextualise the experience. There’s propaganda from the “West” and from the North Koreans and the tours provided a small window to break through a little bit of that propaganda. Regardless, he’s being held for no legal reason in a Chinese prison where there is no due process, and no rule of law. His business is based in China, and there’s a strong chance he won’t be able to continue his work there, as well as be in massive debt when he comes out. The last Canadians who were held by the Chinese were there for two years. I’m posting it because he’s a friend, if people want to give that’s great, if not, well, as the meme goes, understandable.
  13. Uh this is kind of weird, cause it's not my problem, and it's not in the first world. My good friend is being held in a Chinese prison. Some other mutual friends have started a gofundme to help him out. The goal is modest, and I know none of us here are wealthy IDM scions, but any little bit would really help. https://www.gofundme.com/michaelspavor
  14. How quickly would Hannity drop to his knees if El Naranjo asked him for some fellatio? I'd guess somewhere between a femtosecond and planck time.
  15. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    I dunno, this whole “too lazy to work” myth seems to get pushed a lot by the right. Being on the dole is no fun, I’d wager greater than 50% of those “too lazy to work” would actually rather be working than sitting around on the dole spiralling into depression.
  16. Plus if you're a farm owner (and there are not many, agribusiness is big business) in the US, you get mad subsidies. You get money to not grow shit, you get money for taking care of your fields properly, etc. If people actually knew how much money farms got, they wouldn't talk about socialism anymore. http://www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari-melber/watch/-this-is-different-mattis-out-shutdown-looms-stocks-fall-doj-turmoil-1403634755756 WINNING!! There's a book called "USSA" or something like that where the Russians have installed a sleeper agent as the chairman of the Federal Reserve and he causes an economic crisis leading to a situation where the pesky Russians almost get away with taking over the US (and they would have gotten away with it to, if it weren't for those meddling kids). Wish I could remember the title, it was fine for a bit of pulp fiction. Anyway - very similar scenario to what's being played out now.
  17. Ah the farm bill. A great piece of socialist legislation.
  18. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46594341 A decent article from the beeb including a jargon explainer lol
  19. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Also that 51% stat is not accurate, although I’m sure most in here know that. lol
  20. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Joke’s on him, I’m not even an admin.
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