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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    “A Farewell to Arms”. Manly men doing manly things. But fuck me Hemingway can write. It’s like the third time I’ve read this and his descriptions of places and people still give me thought boners.
  2. Congrats! And you reminded me I need to buy some new tires. Damn.
  3. USA buddy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2012/07/20/the-best-and-worst-paying-jobs-for-doctors-2/amp/ Also the link you posted is in CA dollars? So you’re saying doctors make more in a socialist system? Note that the issue here is the profit of the labour goes to capital in the US system, but goes to the actual labourers in Canada. So no issue in doctors making that much here. Note the point I’ve been making: in America, you spend more for worse health outcomes. Also, when Bernie brought up Medicare for all on that fox townhall, he got a loud cheer.
  4. Wait, I thought you lived in Japan 100km away from Fukushima? I'm confused. Did you just assume his geolocation? Lol. Travel, MDM Chaos. 3 weeks in Japan, two of them roughly 112 km from the Daiichi reactor site. Did anyone catch Bernie’s town hall on Fox?
  5. Where are doctors making that little? https://globalnews.ca/news/2898641/how-much-is-your-doctor-making-what-you-need-to-know-about-canadas-physician-workforce/
  6. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    So bizarre watching Japanese news, they showed a clip from a townhall in Hagworthingham, which has a population of about 400. These are the people voting to leave. A group of people whose idea of exotic is a tinned tikka masala from fucking Tesco.
  7. Probably. Opera has been built around privacy for some time. Thanks for doing the work for me!
  8. Dude, I live in Canada. I go to walk-in clinics all the time. Yes there are doctor shortages, of course they are worse in Moncton NB, because it’s not a place reasonable people want to live, even though it’s the largest city in the province, its population is around 80k. You keep saying you’re not right-wing, fine - all I’m saying is the points you raise in your apparent non-argument (“A”is not good, “B” isn’t good either!) are ones the right wing uses all the time, and has been doing for a long time. The answer is probably in a mixed system like the ones in Germany. But profiting off people’s health problems is obscene.
  9. What’s their log retention policy? good question. haven't looked into itOpera is pretty good on privacy in general, am just asking, cause I would love to stop paying for my VPN, and was just wondering if you knew offhand.
  10. Dude, one fucking incident, that was a result of underfunding for rooms at the hospital, is not representative of the norm. You think that shit doesn’t happen in the US? https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.ajc.com/news/man-dies-new-york-hospital-waiting-room-found-hours-later/NnXy5kX6j0aWMZigoEvecP/amp.html https://www.emsworld.com/news/10336183/texas-man-dies-after-waiting-16-hours-treatment-er Fuck it, the results are endless. https://www.google.ca/search?client=safari&hl=en-ca&ei=oKG0XIfLE43VmAWi-Z3IDg&q=man+dies+in+us+er+from+waiting&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.0.41l8.0.0..63937...0.0..0.0.0.......0....1.......8..0i71.6IS6feewiNU Again, you guys spend insane amounts of money, for lower health outcomes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2801918/ And that “waiting time” talking point has been a right-wing one for decades in their argument against “socialized medicine”. Yes Canada has some problems with its system, but privatization and profit-driven medicine are not the answer.
  11. Just got two types of whisky from the Nikka distillery gifted to me by the father-in-law.
  12. This is one of the funniest posts you’ve done. Why are you repeating Fox News talking points about the Canadian health care system? https://askepticalhuman.com/politics/2018/9/10/debunking-right-wing-healthcare-myths-wait-times-rationing https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/podcast/2018/oct/truth-about-waiting-see-doctor-canada And yes, Canada has longer wait times than the US, but as those two articles demonstrate, wait times are on a priority basis - just like in the US. Canada has comparable or better health outcomes than the US https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2801918/ As an added bonus, no one goes bankrupt/into crushing debt because they are sick. In my experience, doctors are some of the hardest working people you will meet, and the work they do is often times the literal difference between life and death, so they deserve to be paid well. They are also often very compassionate, but they show it in a professional manner. They have to be somewhat detached, otherwise the work would overwhelm them, much like police who investigate child exploitation/human trafficking. To accuse them broadly as a group of people who place no value on human life is ridiculous and insulting.
  13. ah, I remember the days when that kind of speed was unfathomable... Yes we all remember connecting through dial-up at 28.8. But this is 2019. I think I went through their cap or something cause it’s even more shit than usual.
  14. Staying at my in-laws at the moment, their internet is godawful. I think it’s a 1MB/s connect. Takes fucking years to download anything.
  15. If I can suggest working the big muscles rather than every key muscle? Chest, back, shoulders, legs. And for the love of god, no sit-ups/crunches. Congrats on getting back into it :) Thank you sir :) I'm already avoiding sit-ups like the plague. Already tweaked my back a year ago by doing so, so I've been doing leg lifts, push-ups, and planks instead. And working those areas via weights is basically what I had in mind, especially the torso and glutes. I just don't wanna end up like one of those swole bros whose upper body looks like that of Roblox characters but has broomstick legs. Squats are such a good exercise. Them and some deadlifts will help you not look like an unbalanced freak.
  16. gotta light? Nah a bud light Early in the morning, face crud from like a mud fight Looky here, it's just the way the cookie tear Prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle rookie year If I lived in a space station I’d be posting more actively, especially with trumps “spaaaace foorrrce”
  17. Oh I wasn’t calling Sheathe a reason edge lord. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. The “base emotional responses” line just t-t-t-triggered me.
  18. this guy has a great life ahead of him, excellent job prospects and a stable future for sure.Did you just assume their species?
  19. Sure, it’s much easier to appeal to base emotion than reason* but that doesn’t mean it’s useless to try. *I often find that so called “reason” edge lords are among the most dogmatic of thinkers, and will rarely consider other points in their “analysis”.
  20. If I can suggest working the big muscles rather than every key muscle? Chest, back, shoulders, legs. And for the love of god, no sit-ups/crunches. Congrats on getting back into it :)
  21. Huh all this time I thought it meant to try and verify what you read through investigating the claims made. Also, didn’t we have this conversation earlier in this thread? Or was that someone else who made the same ridiculous claim?
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