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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Best to ignore this chap. He just posts in current events type threads to get a rise out of sensible people.
  2. FTFY My FWP - one of the Canadians being held by China is a good friend. Kind of worried about him. Sorry to hear that. You're not still doing work overseas at all are you? These are all surely political grabs right? Hope he is alright.. Edit: if it's Michael, it looks like consular access has been granted... They’re both named Michael lol. But it’s Michael Spavor who I’m friends with. I haven’t heard anything about consular access-edit: looks like Michael Kovrig was granted a visit from the ambassador. And yes these are 100% political, and trump’s big mouth fucked us royally.
  3. FTFY My FWP - one of the Canadians being held by China is a good friend. Kind of worried about him.
  4. Your friend deserves to be scorned, mocked, ridiculed and humiliated for spending that much money on something so fucking ugly.
  5. It has been Ventnor Ave forever and ever and ever and ever.
  6. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Did you see his (Pees-Bog) tweet in.fucking.Latin.
  7. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    that's the thing, i guess. and its not even about blaming facebook, per se. they're making money and have some amoral position in all of this. not that i agree with them being amoral about it. that's just a given at this point. here, perhaps its more about various parties pulling the political levers - playing marketeer/propaganda - through unregulated outlets. all sorts of money is being poured into political influence. perhaps this is the norm in the states. but please keep that bs out of european politics. really hate that "propaganda" is being spread by all kinds of parties with private and even public money. whether or not facebook should be regulated like normal media outlets, is as far as im concerned not directly the issue. the issue is more that these are unregulated 'public announcements'. these kinds of public announcements should be regulated. regardless of the distribution format. Do you mean the adverts from the lobbying groups? Total agreement here. Those things should go die in fire.
  8. Yeah I was referring to the stretching bit of yoga. Acupuncture really can work wonders for muscle and joint pains. Don't let them try and convince you it can cure cancer though.
  9. Manged to get my laptop repaired after spilling beer all over it rather than having to buy a new one!
  10. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    I mean, governments have been paying media companies to air public service announcements for a long time, it's just that facebook isn't regulated like a media company.
  11. Have you tried a physio/chiropractor? acupuncture? yoga?
  12. Is your life actually an IT Crowd extended series? You need to jot these all down and create script for a mini-series. Seriously amazing. Edit: just in case, i'm not taking the piss, this is seriously hilarious stuff.
  13. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    The ESM is not a mitigating measure to the intrinsic problems with the Euro currency. If the EU wants to compete with the US (and potentially ASEAN+3 (much) further down the line) they would do well to increase centralization of policy decisions. If the EU wants to keep the Euro (and I agree, simplified currency rules make day-to-day life much easier in a giant bloc like the EU or US), then the fiscal policy of Euro members needs to be centralized. This would actually reduce bureaucratic bloat, as it would do away with much of the bureaucracy in the individual nations. Yes sovereignty would be impacted, but that is a tough question that needs to be asked - in his globalized world, do you want to be a sovereign Greece/Italy/UK, or do you want to take more fulsome advantage of the economies of scale that a bloc with unified monetary and fiscal policy would provide.
  14. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Ireland had a certain set of conditions that allowed it to recover in spite of austerity, not because of it. The biggest factor was probably the export activity of multinational companies. Austerity was possibly necessary to correct public finances (though there could have been other solutions), but as you pointed out, the pain imposed on the working/middle class of Ireland was completely unjustifiable. The Euro may have survived, but the intrinsic risk is still there, and no mitigating measures have been taken.
  15. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Exactly (and that's ignoring the fact that austerity measures have never worked to combat recessions). Monetary union without political union was doomed from the start.
  16. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Not at all. The dollar works because one entity sets monetary policy for the US, and the US also sets its own fiscal policy (as does Canada). The EU, countries set their own fiscal policy, but have no control over monetary policy. If every state in the US set their own fiscal policy but had to adhere to the monetary policy of the federal gov't, you'd see the same problems that Euro-members face.
  17. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    The concept of the euro currency is fundamentally flawed. Sweden is better off kicking that can way down the road.
  18. Wad Dogs War Wogs Bar Dogs War Hogs Car Dogs that one could go on for a long time... The Hog of War The Fog of Wat The Bog of War Etc etc etc A fine dark comedy.
  19. Lime Bandits Brazzil Fear and Loathing in Las Vegan The Adventures of Baron Munchassen 12 Donkeys The Fisher Ming
  20. This sounds like the opening to an episode of the IT crowd.
  21. Yeah, I can't wait for banks to become obsolete Don’t hold your breath.
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