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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Well, this will surely end well. https://gutierrez.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/guti-rrez-being-asked-leave-ice-meeting-capitol-speaker-ryan-and
  2. Pretty much this. I'd probably argue that there has been at least some independent scrutiny done (to my knowledge anyways) on the dossier that the Russians have on Trump and that some of it has been verified. I don't think Trump is a puppet of Putin, but definitely think there is more going on there than what's on the surface. Witness the whole Crimea thing recently, Trump thought Russia would give it back, Russia said "Fuck you" and Trump didn't even whimper as he rolled over and took Putin's cock (just the tip for now).
  3. Technically, the orange fuhrer has put himself up for reelection already, as he wants that sweet sweet campaign cash to keep rolling in.
  4. This is unfortunately not how people operate. The information is widely available, and you have people who are educated, intelligent and quite literate, jamming their fingers in their ears and going "LA LA LA LA FAKE NEWS!!!!!" as loudly as they can.This has been widely shown by two of the most prominent behavioural psychologists around. 1) Maybe I'm talking about interpersonal/moral information, not factual political information (i.e. Carl Rogers, not Snopes.com) 2) I'm gonna assume you're referring to 'motivated reasoning' And not the ~100-year old concept of 'cognitive dissonance' (which is riddled with outmoded assumptions)... So, what do you think is happening in the 'la la fake news!' person? Because here's the beautiful thing about 'motivated reasoning', Chen: Motivational states can be modulated by cognition! (It's a miracle!) So if the motivational state is 'avoid/reduce anomalies' (e.g. political information we don't like) And obstacles to that motivational state cause negative emotion Well, yeah they are gonna avoid negative emotion (Maybe Google 'predictive coding' and 'free energy principle') But check it out: We know how to change that... (while we're playing this condescension game:) You should Google 'exposure therapy' Because it's kind of a big deal Oh and also: human beings are not static fixed-in-stone things (Obviously!) You can feed information into them and change their behavioral patterns (Again: a miracle!) Maybe also Google 'fixed mindset' vs 'growth mindset' Because it's also kind a big deal Maybe Google 'cognitive behavioral therapy' too Also a big deal I'm talking about factual political information, because without factual information, everything else is muddled bullshit. If you are referring to "moral information" then your statement: "Maybe instead of pity/resentment/etc we should figure what information they would need to act differently, and give it to them" is basically saying "Those Trump supporters are sure a dumb bunch, if only they had the correct moral information." You're simply couching your statement in codified language. Sophistry at its finest. But apparently you're also talking about political information (see bolded). And all the exposure therapy in the world isn't going to change the mindset of someone who is blocking the exposure. These people are not willing to put in the effort required in a growth mindset.
  5. This is unfortunately not how people operate. The information is widely available, and you have people who are educated, intelligent and quite literate, jamming their fingers in their ears and going "LA LA LA LA FAKE NEWS!!!!!" as loudly as they can. This has been widely shown by two of the most prominent behavioural psychologists around.
  6. Hottest cameltoe 2017[emoji91][emoji91][emoji817]
  7. Plenty of regret going around: r/Trumpgret @Trump_Regrets But yeah it needs to build into something more.
  8. When people throw sarcastic or condescending comments at me (e.g. "Lemme tell you what your problem is...") Then yes there comes a point at which I respond with sarcasm or condescension (Known in game-theory circles as "forgiving tit-for-tat") Forgive some 'tits (lol)', and don't necessarily respond with 'tats'?Pretty sure that is 'tit for tat (now with forgiveness!)' You're just delaying the start of tit-for-tat. If it was tit-for-tat with forgiveness, after you start playing, you randomly forgive some of the other player's competition. As to all your other rambling (and by the way, part of communicating effectively is tailoring how you write to make sure your words are read and understood easily, so instead of lashing out when people complain about your style of writing, maybe consider their criticism from a constructive point of view), here we go: a) that's great you get out into the real world of your city - but what's the population of Portland, like 70k? Wiki says the 2010 census put it at 66,194, leaning democrat and pretty white. So straight off, your "n" is pretty small (because even if you spend all day, every day at the busiest thoroughfare in the city, your sample will not be very representative) . Second, your assumption that they have no use for the people they pass in the street introduces observer bias. Finally, your "data" in your first paragraph in no way supports your conclusion. b) You haven't defined your worldview, you just made a statement, asked two questions, and then didn't provide an answer. c) you might not have had an account on tumblr, but you sure as hell surfed enough of them back in the day. Of course leftist authoritarianism exists in the real world, but as evidenced by the continued existence of free speech and the non-firing of people like Jordan Peterson, or other "controversial" professors, it has had very little impact on higher education. This is not the cultural revolution. d) FB exists outside "social context" as it is a computer mediated space. This is not like Benedict Anderson's "Imagined Communities" because the individual exists, but the individual is not imagined in the same social context as you. Let's get back to Trump: New Deputy Director of CIA had Leading Role in Torture of Detainees
  9. When people throw sarcastic or condescending comments at me(e.g. "Lemme tell you what your problem is...") Then yes there comes a point at which I respond with sarcasm or condescension (Known in game-theory circles as "forgiving tit-for-tat") This is not "tit-for-tat with forgiveness" by the way.
  10. Yeah well, lemme tell you what your problem is(Your problem is three-fold, which is one louder, innit) 1) I place some emphasis on the online world, and some people think that is already "too much" 2) I am not a proponent of linguistic relativity I am a proponent of "you can learn something about people's inner lives based on which words they choose to share with the world" 3) I appreciate your well-meaning attempts to point out my (ostensible) errors, but I'm sorry I don't trust your assessment on this one Limpy, by your own admission you are somewhat of a hermit. You are also (whether you realize it or not, or care to admit it or not) a proponent of linguistic relativity, as evidenced by your various posts on what Wittgenstein would have to say about the use of language. You glean "information" on people's lives from tumblr, facebook and various social media. People use language to hide their true selves as much as they use it to reveal themselves. Additionally, words have social context, and do not exist in isolation. Without understanding the milieu in which the words are spoken, you can not truly understand the words. This is why your understanding of the world as seen through tumblr (remember when tumblr was going to bring about the downfall of higher education because of safe spaces?), facebook (apparently on your facebook, people spend a lot of time yelling insults at each other) and other social media (where life is performed at best pseudonymously, and at worst completely anonymously, and is generally removed from the individual's milieu) is flawed. Again, perhaps it is different in your physical surroundings, but my experience of the world unmediated by the computer screen, in a quite "liberal" city, is one where people are very disturbed by the Trump administration, but they don't call the people who voted him in "fucking idiots". Of course this is anecdotal, and not data per se, but it is a much better estimation of the world than what comes through in social media. Anyhow, sorry to everyone else for being a limpy enabler.
  11. Limpy, as far as I can tell,your problem is twofold. 1) you place far too much emphasis on the online world 2) you seem to be a proponent of the "strong" variety of linguistic relativity, but most sociologists, linguists, and yes, psychologists, are in favour of the "weak" variety. A third possibility is that you're not going outside your bubble (which I'm probably guilty of as well, which is why I don't see the "fucking idiots" you see) and you don't see what policy makers are saying.
  12. A) Or what if we were to learn that science and religion are after the same thing TL;DR = B)everyone's a fucking idiot, so you just need to shout louder A) They're not. B) that's not what is being proposed, hence, windmill tilting.
  13. In other words, it's difficult to create and implement a long-term strategy when you're in jail or dead. Limpy: Keep tilting at them windmills.
  14. Welcome to your new theocracy. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/02/us/politics/trump-vows-to-destroy-law-banning-political-activity-by-churches.html
  15. Robbie and his sister, Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky etc etc. What was your response to them?
  16. Holy fuckballs. He's either a better actor than Raygun, or he's already got full blown dementia. Tremendous. Freddy Doug.
  17. Fuck what if Trump is so gone he actually just thinks he's on another series of The Apprentice? I mean who knows what kind of drugs bannon is slipping into the presidential water supply.
  18. All of our newspapers are referring to it as a terrorist attack. They have been very clear that it was a french Canadian as well. Edit: just saying it doesn't look like our media has the same shitty agenda, which is nice. Community response so far has been very positive as well. It's basically being universally condemned, as it should be. Editeditedit: but I see now he hasn't yet been charged with terrorism related charges, which is horseshit IMO. Says investigation pending but yeah. Can almost guarantee he will be charged with terrorism. His actions fit the legal definition of terrorism.
  19. I'll watch the video later today, but I don't think generalizations help much at all. I also don't think I'm wrong to say many people voted against personal and societal economic benefit, because of a lack of education, especially in critical thinking.
  20. how many layers of irony is he on right now? am i a little baby? We r all little babby The last season of the USA has a rather dank sense of humor. Small typo, i got u fam.
  21. What became of the Arab Spring? Do you think the people who wanted democracy and dignity have just all given up? Or do you think the people who were in power before maybe just didn't want to give up power so easily? Russia after the fall of the USSR was nothing like another American colony, the corruption and fraud that went on with no basic social safety nets (and yes, the US has some safety nets, although I'm sure Pence, Ryan and his ilk would like to see those done away with, and will be working hard to accomplish that) ensured that the economy was doomed to fail. You might be surprised to know that the Chinese government is not representative of its people, and just because the CCP doesn't hold truck with "western values" doesn't mean that a lot of people don't want them. Of course it's not easy to stand up for what you might want when there's a real fear of getting disappeared. How is America receding from the world going to promote values of equality and dignity for all? How is taking away funding for NGOs that even mention abortion going to promote women's health? And that's some good cherry picking from the Zizek video - why not choose his qualification at the start of the video - where he says he is horrified by Trump and calls him a catastrophe? Or the part where he talks about not receding from internationalism, but changing the international agreements? The "liberal left" is a nice generalisation, but it is no more accurate than calling all conservatives racists, and frankly, Zizek should be ashamed of himself for making such a sweeping statement.
  22. how many layers of irony is he on right now? am i a little baby? We r all little babby
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