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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. these assholes are from canada. this is cultural appropriation. absolutely sickening. Sorry eh.
  2. Wow that is fucked. Edit: the Turkish goons beating the shit out of Americans in America. Snowflakes should have had more guns, amirite?
  3. With regard to the VG shopping links, there should be a link that says "click here to skip these deals and go to the link" Also this fucking circus of an administration is hilariously incompetent.
  4. Is To Pimp a Butterfly that old? Didn't it come out in 2015? Still that's a good album for them to be discovering-better than Young Thug or whatever the fuck.
  5. It's still got to pass senate, and the comprises made to please the Freedom Caucus goons are being seen as a poison pill by some republicans in the senate. Edit: but yes it's bad.
  6. I really don't get the point. It's well known that eyewitness memory is some of the least reliable form of testimony. Just because others can't remember something correctly doesn't mean the original has been altered. It's the same with people misusing common language, e.g. "For all intensive purposes" or "irregardless".
  7. See my previous comments about y'all being proper fucked.
  8. Times like these, the Canadian Anthem just plays in my head. We have our problems too, but god damn I'm happy to be Canadian right now. Granted, US' problems are Canadia-land problems, we're inextricably linked. But I like to pretend. =/ Trudeau is a shit in a shiny package. Don't let his shiny veneer fool you. He's just as awful as his predecessor. Objectively not true. Harper was one of the worst PMs we've had since confederation. Just fucking awful.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/04/29/trump-is-now-talking-about-consolidating-his-own-power/ You's all is fucked. Proper fucked.
  10. 19kHz!? That's insane. I think my drops out at around 16-17-kHz. Yeah I thought mine would drop off at around 16kHz but to my surprise it kept going. Stevie G: no it was a permanent exhibit at the Montreal Science Centre.
  11. Awesome possum! My FWS: went to a science centre with the fam over Easter weekend. They had some exhibit about the human body and one of the parts was a hearing test. Can still hear over 19kHz at 42 years old. Whoop whoop!
  12. They might be left over FEMA/UN tents, but that doesn't make it a refugee camp. *chugs BEPSI furiously*
  13. Likening it to a refugee camp is pretty fucking disgraceful. These kids would be crying to mommy in under an hour in an actual refugee camp.
  14. http://www.newsweek.com/ice-voice-hotline-alien-immigration-591296 Yeah saw this at work. Fucking brilliant.
  15. Koryo tours is legit, I've met the current GM a few times. They've been around since 1993-might be a bit more expensive than some of the other groups but they are top quality. Stay away from Young Pioneers if you're thinking of going. Horrible guides and horrible management. Oh look, US policy in NK is the same as it ever was. And the 100 senators to the White House gambit was political theatre. http://m.yna.co.kr/mob2/en/contents_en.jsp?cid=AEN20170427000751315&site=0200000000&mobile http://www.salon.com/2017/04/27/donald-trumps-north-korea-briefing-was-a-political-stunt-to-get-senators-to-come-to-him-before-the-100-day-mark/ Oh and China approves http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1044525.shtml
  16. I heard that thing about the shears in some coverage of their 2014 elections via NPR or BBC new (our local public radio affiliate runs both in the afternoons), forget which city/town they were speaking of. Fair enough - I will say Western media as a whole usually does a pretty shit job of reporting on NK - speculation is so much easier when there's no fear of reprisal. To visit the country, find a tour group who is going there, throw money at them, and then wake up one day in Pyongyang. I was there once as a tourist and once helping a friend out with guiding a large group in the country.
  17. Weird, I've never heard that on either of the occasions I've visited.
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