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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Had a movement today that must have weighed upwards of 2kg. Felt bloody fantastic afterward.
  2. I'd listen whilst eating a pasty.
  3. A really good article on the Health Care debacle to be found at politico. Inside the GOP's Health Care Debacle
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/mar/24/republican-healthcare-plan-bill-vote-pulled-obamacare-trump A) He declined to answer questions about policy changes because he doesn't understand public policy B) He should be asking Kim Jeong Un about how to promote loyalty within the ranks.
  5. Oh come on, you can't expect them to be actually principled.....it's texas after all.
  6. Title fixed. Also I might be gay for D Lo Also new Actress is always nice Also Clarence Park is Clark's best so far
  7. Upon reflection of several users' comments, I think the time has come to put this bad boy thread to bed. All trump related material will go in the "All trump thread"
  8. It's not even a real budget. It's like a framework for a budget.
  9. Not going to happen - South Korea has an interim leader, and the country's more left-wing parties are looking to take advantage of the disarray of the ruling party as they suffer backlash from the various scandals involving former President Park Geun-Hye. Those left-wing parties favour engagement with North Korea. China - no chance. Japan, yes the defense minister said it, but that would be a huge blow to the party, as the country is generally pretty happy being a (mostly) pacifist nation. Plus their economy is still in the shitter. First strike-option is a no go anyways, no one wants to be responsible for the huge loss of life that would happen. As usual, the Trump administration has even less of a clue than Gordo. what do any of those things or countries or people have to do w/what donny the douchebag wants to do??? for fuck's sake he thinks he was wire tapped by obama with help form the british and watches tv all night as his source of information to base his decisions on.. he's a fucking circle jerk chatroom wingnut in human form. he doesn't htink he needs to consider the rest of the world when acting. couldn't care less about things like coalitions etc. could be syria first though.. then maybe n korea. I believe that under current rules of engagement with US, South Korea has final say on any first strike attempt. The US doesn't have enough troops in the region to launch a serious assault. Regardless, the title of the article you linked to was "Tillerson stresses regional cooperation to curb north koreas weapons programs." So that's what those countries have to do with that article.
  10. Not going to happen - South Korea has an interim leader, and the country's more left-wing parties are looking to take advantage of the disarray of the ruling party as they suffer backlash from the various scandals involving former President Park Geun-Hye. Those left-wing parties favour engagement with North Korea. China - no chance. Japan, yes the defense minister said it, but that would be a huge blow to the party, as the country is generally pretty happy being a (mostly) pacifist nation. Plus their economy is still in the shitter. First strike-option is a no go anyways, no one wants to be responsible for the huge loss of life that would happen. As usual, the Trump administration has even less of a clue than Gordo.
  11. hells yea! water with a splash of lead In real America, you pay extra for the lead.
  12. The national dialog is so far to the right that even his holiness Reagan looks like a dirty red commie compared to the 2017 GOP. Yep. Watch this: Gotta long for those days when discourse was civil.
  13. Bets on the season finale being the start of the uprising, with season 8 being the war against Negan... and i'm back there's just some itch i can't ever completely scratch when it comes to this post-apocalyptic stuff (probably since the original fallout games)...the slow rebirth of societies, the paths they choose to follow and how they develop and adjust. about 40% of the show is about all that and i guess it's enough to overcome the turgid shit. and now with that negan thing it became even more interesting as the core group is basically enslaved. i think it's the third time i'm ditching it and coming back to it, lol. [emoji382][emoji382][emoji382]
  14. What does covered in acid even mean? Is it like a bathtub with 303s all over the place? Does Ceephax play live there?
  15. This chart is a little misleading though, because total population of the US is not the same as the population eligible to vote. Still, voter apathy is one of the big issues the US democratic system faces.
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