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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. This is just uggghhh https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/10/world/asia/trump-afghanistan-policy-erik-prince-stephen-feinberg.html tl;dr
  2. Sorry, just having a bit of fun. It is well written, I almost spit out beer laughing last night at that last post.
  3. Lol Mbappe. I agree with most of what you wrote about Lukaku, he also needs to work on his hold up and link up play. Shocking that you lot aren't trying to improve your back 4 more. Keita is a very decent B2B, but I don't know who he replaces in your midfield, and not sure he'd be happy to come as a squad player.
  4. ^^^ that's pretty garbage tbh. The engineer should just punch in the drummer at the appropriate spots. My fwp: at a bar in the hotel near the airport, closed and I don't have any access to more beer. Would love another one. Speaking of another one, my guilty pleasure for the day is liking that DJ Khaled song that features Justin Bieber. Fml.
  5. Sounds like he went into the bathroom to knock back some angel dust.
  6. So, respective fans pleased with transfer activity so far? I'm ok with Lukaku, I might have preferred Belotti. I think the thought is we will get Griezmann next season. We need a defensive midfielder badly though. Lindelof will be solid, very good with the ball at his feet.
  7. The related news stories for that are equally as amusing. Well done all around Orlando.
  8. worth pointing out that those wild hippies don't see a future in solar power providing a large % of global power any time soon, from another article on their site: http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/oil-and-gas/our-insights/five-things-bill-gates-gets-right-on-energy It's always possible to find localised success stories when it comes to renewables, like highlighted in your first article, and there's room for growth in that area still. The problem comes when you try and ramp things up to global scale. Both for building batteries, solar cells, and wind turbines, this would call for a ridiculous increase in the amount of mining for all the elements required in construction, with rather devastating environmental consequences, and no guarantee you'd even be able to meet demand, or keep prices low enough for it to be feasible. The batteries don't even last very long, so factoring in the constant need for replacement and the resources required shoot up even more. All that could be mitigated by mining asteroids or something, but that's obviously some way off. If the growth in storage capacity happens like all other technologies that take advantage of efficiencies of scale, the change will happen sooner rather than later. The reason I posted that link from McKinsey is that it is very surprising for them to actually post something like that on their site - they are the epitome of conservatives when it comes to energy policy. I don't necessarily disagree with you on the idea of nuclear being a part of our energy solution, but there is nothing that says we can't do both at once. We should be looking at increasing our ability to use renewables as much as possible.
  9. An interesting article on energy from those wild hippies at McKinsey Global. http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability-and-resource-productivity/our-insights/battery-storage-the-next-disruptive-technology-in-the-power-sector
  10. Your memory is wrong. You expect it to be IV, because that's how we learned Roman numerals in modern times. As you can see from a google search, this question has been asked many times. Going back to 1986 on this bad boy... http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/438/why-do-clocks-with-roman-numerals-use-iiii-instead-of-iv
  11. I wish this guy would just write a goddamned blog post. I mean, respect to him for collating news sources, but seriously, 40-tweet long tweet-storms on the regular means it's time to get serious about writing.
  12. http://mathtourist.blogspot.ca/2010/08/iiii-versus-iv-on-clocks.html?m=1
  13. In other words: "We have reviewed the tapes, and after discovering they have too much incriminating evidence, we have decided to forget they existed."
  14. I don't use Reddit for much, I'd say 98% of my usage is for soccer related stuff and then sometimes it's useful for answering queries. There is however this sub, which you may want to peruse at your leisure: https://www.reddit.com/r/wowthissubexists/
  15. Here's the subreddit you're after. https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/
  16. Saw War Machine the other day. A pretty damn good exposition on the absurdity of US foreign policy in the middle east. Also that Neil Blomkamp short is great, I want to see that fleshed out into a TV series. It reminds me of "V" in some ways, but obviously more gruesome, and the alien terror is not so subtle.
  17. Is there no limits to how long a case can sit before going to trial? Or does it vary based on jurisdiction. Pretty sure it's 18 months here (across Canada), otherwise it's deemed to violate the charter of rights (right to be tried within reasonable time) and the case gets thrown out. Criminal trials in provincial court have to be wrapped up in 18 months, criminal trials in federal court have to be wrapped up in 30 months. Delay by the defence does not count toward that ceiling, nor does institutional delay that is not the fault of the crown prosecutor. If it goes over those ceilings, it's automatically considered an unreasonable delay, unless the prosecutor can show that either a) some unforeseen event occurred (like an illness) or b) the case is especially complex in that the nature of the evidence or the issue require longer than usual trial times or preparation times. 10 years though, that's definitely a human rights violation under the UN declaration of human rights (to which the US is a signatory).
  18. Totally viable option. Most important component is the bowel movement.
  19. I suggest a nice relaxing bowel movement. Get settled in, bring a newspaper, your phone, maybe a fan if it's very hot. Take a good hour to sit on the toilet and shit. You'll feel like a new man after.
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