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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Fucking Dick Cheney has the moral high ground here. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/dick-cheney-donald-trump-muslim-ban-extreme
  2. actually fake...the person who originally tweeted has apologized.... the fact that its believable at all speaks volumes about how sad trump is.
  3. Unsurprisingly, the cheeto-in-chief is signing EO's without even knowing what's in them or having run through them with the officials and agencies that they actually concern. It sure looks good for the voters, but will probably be watered down or just ignored if they are deemed to be impossible, but the voters will be distracted by some other bombastic Trumpism by that time. And Steven Bannon having the ear of a simpleton egomaniac more interested in his image than actual governing, is interesting and slightly worrying since Bannnon has said this https://www.good.is/articles/steve-bannon-leninist I can't wait how it is after the first 100 days of Trump in office if this is what we got in less than a week. I wonder if Trump can break the record for EOs. Weren't Republicans crying over Obama's use of EOs? Also Bannon isn't much of a Leninist if that's what he understands of Lenin's message.
  4. Lol yeah actually. Benghaaaaazziiiii Eeeeemaaaaiiilss It's like the 21st century equivalent of pig hollering.
  5. Ah right. Yeah it'll be interesting to see what makes them turn on him. My guess is it will be after two years and there financial position isn't any better and America is an international laughing stock... Though of course Trumpy will probably still blame it on Hillary.
  6. Guess that quote turned out to be nonsense eh Did I say that second quote? Doesn't seem like something I would have said.
  7. This is a bigger shitshow than I had anticipated.
  8. Seems ol trumpy is using foreign aid to bully other nations. And that's how he's going to pay for the wall.
  9. Yeah but it'll use American made pipes!! And when the oil leaks, well someone will have to clean it up.
  10. They had to be - inauguration is always at 12:00. ABC says Obama 2009 was taken earlier: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/2009-2017-comparing-trumps-obamas-inauguration-crowds/story?id=44927217 This website shows a photo with a time stamp for trump at 11:49 - that's only 11 minutes before his address started. http://addictinginfo.org/2017/01/22/watch-fox-host-chris-wallace-humiliates-trumps-chief-of-staff-for-lying-about-inauguration-crowd-size/ Here's a pic from CNN just after noon:
  11. FAKE NEWS. Bad! The hunger in the US, while a very real and serious problem, is not comparable to what the North Korean people went through during "The arduous march". Give Trump and his team a few years to gut your social safety nets though....
  12. I dunno if I'd go that far. Childish, certainly. Any grown human who can't stand criticism is a child. However, if you talk shit about your boss and your boss finds out, they're likely to react to it. We've all had bosses who can't handle it and would react like that, I know I have. Yes, but when you're the president of the united states, you have a little more accountability than the boss at the 24 hour print shop. And from this article in the Washington Post: That is some straight up NK style media management. I agree that it's shitty and shady, and Trump comes off like a little bitch handling it like that. However calling it full on North Korea is a stretch imo. We're not talking about the freedom of the press, we're talking about official government agencies relating with citizens. If they'd been posting pro-Republican shit (even if factual, as some of their seemingly pro-liberal RTs were), it would be out of line to some degree or another. I'm all for nailing Comey to the wall for intervening in the election, I can't ignore biases from a government entity that really has no place in what they're talking about, even if I agree with them. I mean, it's not as bad as NK...yet. But Trump calling CNN fake news and refusing to answer their questions? His press secretary telling the media what they should be reporting on? Shutting down information sources until guidelines are clarified? There is a pattern there, the Dear Leader would be proud of the steps Trump is taking to limit access to information. Combine that with calls to bring manufacturing back to the US and an increasingly isolationist point of view.... I mean, don't get me wrong, nobody is starving in America, and you don't get thrown in the gulags for criticism of El Trumpy... but still. There's some fucked up shit going on down there.
  13. This shit from the whitehouse.gov page is shameful https://www.whitehouse.gov/america-first-energy
  14. I dunno if I'd go that far. Childish, certainly. Any grown human who can't stand criticism is a child. However, if you talk shit about your boss and your boss finds out, they're likely to react to it. We've all had bosses who can't handle it and would react like that, I know I have. Yes, but when you're the president of the united states, you have a little more accountability than the boss at the 24 hour print shop. And from this article in the Washington Post: That is some straight up NK style media management.
  15. Bought a $4,000 table for $750 all in. Warehouse sales. Love em.
  16. This has to be some meta-troll. Right? Right? And that Kentucky-Obamacare video just makes me sad. Good people conned by a snake-oil salesman and fear of a changing world stoked by populism.
  17. daddy dom / little girl i'll let you figure out the rest ohhhh
  18. Do I want to know what DD/LG stands for? (Feels old man)
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