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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. I enjoyed this when it came out. One of the better screen adaptations of Le Carre's work. I also thought Laurie was pretty good in this. Affable enough on the surface but a real bastard underneath it all.
  2. Is Murray the twit who thinks England is no longer a Christian nation or am I thinking of some other daft fool?
  3. Lol at all the bitching about Mr Robot. Best show since twin peaks for creating that "wtf is going to happen next" atmosphere. Loved the last episode. The C-64 was a nice touch.
  4. Totally not true. Had a dog once shit all over the bed while we were out for a couple of hours. Stupid fucking creature had eaten something out of the trash and gotten diarrhea.
  5. What is it? I used to drive an Avalanche lol (*ducks*) lol almost as bad as the woman in my neighborhood who drives a custom F150 whose hard bed cover has a spoiler on it.
  6. I did see a girl in Hollywood yesterday with shiny hot pants that had Serious Bitch Written across her ass.
  7. Yeah after just four days driving here, Ican safely say the traffic lights system in LA was clearly designed by someone high af. Yeah the lane changing in LA is ridiculous. I'm sure it's the cause of 70% of the traffic congestion on the interstate.
  8. Ok, first of all you Mario Andretti wannabe, it's spelled brakes Obviously the experience will be subjective, it's that human condition. But there is a direct correlation between speed/aggressive driving and fatal crashes. I think distracted driving will overtake that and drunk driving as the number one cause soon though. I was in Santa Monica the other day, didn't seem too bad there - the brakes thing I guess doesn't phase me anymore, cause people in Vancouver hit their brakes at the slightest curve in the road. Like I said, coming out onto Wilshire, it just seems like it's full bore straight off. And the interstate is a clusterfuck, because you have this mix of people driving fast and switching lanes all over the place while you have others driving slow as fuck. The thing that cracks me up though, about people who drive fast in the city (urban areas in general) is that you're not gonna get to your destination that much faster - lights and traffic will ensure that. It's like, how much is that extra 5 minutes worth to you? (not you personally Nebraska, that nebulous, everyman you)
  9. if by driving by maniacs you mean really slowly and everyone thinks nobody else exists I agree with you. I don't what parts of LA you been driving in, but when I come out of the hotel I'm in onto Wilshire Blvd, you have to basically floor it right away. There are some really aggressive drivers in LA I've found. They're not good - just aggressive. We have bad drivers in Vancouver - but they're just incompetent. But these fucks in LA who think they're Mario Andretti are much more dangerous.
  10. I'm in LA right now, and people drive like maniacs here. Also the disparity in wealth is ridiculous.
  11. FLOL "the cyber is so big" - imagine him saying that in a Schwarzenegger voice. So good. I don't even know how the fuck you respond to something like that.
  12. Why is Mike P wearing a garbage bag and Korean middle-aged desperate housewife trousers?
  13. Took the car through the car wash today - less than an hour later, bird shit on the car.
  14. I don't know what poll I'm supposed to be looking at there (you've linked to the page that shows all the polls), but this one (last update 17 days ago) disagrees with that supposition http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2016-national-democratic-primary this shows that Clinton won the popular vote: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/democratic_vote_count.html Which was the case even before the convention: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/hillary-clinton-clinches-democratic-nomination-according-to-ap/
  15. Aside from people conspiring to break rules/laws and launder money in order to subvert the democratic process, of course Working together does not equal a conspiracy. You'll have to prove that laws were broken. So far, no one has. And again, no democratic process was subverted. You do know that Bernie lost the popular vote right? It didn't hinge on hanging chads or deceased voters, it was by a wide margin. This mewling over the past serves no one, least of all Bernie Sanders. Is Hilary perfect? Of course not. Undoubtedly she has many flaws - we all do as humans. Hers might count for more, what with potentially holding the highest office in the land. But if you were a Bernie supporter, you should vote for Hilary - here's why. http://qz.com/742209/dear-fellow-bernie-fans-our-candidate-lost-in-2016-heres-how-we-can-win-in-2020/
  16. I think what they're going for is that he's regaining control, he'll eventually supplant Mr Robot, but whether he'll regain all his memories or not...? I think they'll just leave the Angela thing where they left it, just showing that there's corruption everywhere, whatever her plan was is a waste of time. It'll be all about her and the fed now. Yeah that's actually more likely - it was just the weird scenes where he was experiencing seeing Mr. Robot talking to Darlene and Cisco. I think the NRC will come back into play at some point - but yes probably focus more on the relationship between Dom and her. When Cisco was back at the smart house getting the tape - was there someone else behind him coming down the stairs? Obviously there was someone else lying in front of him off camera, but I thought i saw a flash of someone walking down the stairs in the background. Will have to rewatch. 3 more episodes left for this season right? My baws are fucking tense thinking about the pressure on fsociety.
  17. Loving where Mr Robot is going - Elliot is starting to go full dual-personality disorder. Will he end up being an unwitting dupe with the Dark Army seemingly in league with E-corp? What will happen with Angela's revelation to the nuclear regulatory committee? That seemed really fucked up.
  18. Again, unethical, probably yes. Tampering with the voting process no. Again, why are you surprised that the DNC would work to get the lifelong democrat elected? They're not supposed to be impartial, read their charter about who they should support. I mean, Bernie has even gone back to being an independent. And he doesn't even seem to care as much as some of his supporters.
  19. Ummm what happened with the DNC was not "tampering with the democratic process". Was it unethical? Probably yes, but not illegal, and not vote rigging, or suppressing people's ability to vote. i still don't understand how people are actually surprised that the Democratic Party supported a lifelong Democrat over someone who just joined in order to caucus with them.
  20. Get back to me when Hilary has repealed the laws. Then you can hop on the "see chen you're just naive" bandwagon. Last year she gave some of the private prison donations to a woman's prison charity - not all of it. Look of course lobbyists give money to politicians - that's the name of the game. Does it mean politicians are going to always act on their behalf? No. And really - do they think it will improve their position by $100,000? That's such a negligible amount in terms of the total industry, it's not even worth the time. It's probably just a way of saying "hey, we're still here", or possibly "don't put us in one of our own prisons for breaking the law." And for the record, I think private, for-profit prisons are abhorrent, even more than regular prisons.
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