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Posts posted by chenGOD


    Not safe for anyone:



    I just sharted at work. I haven't sharted in many years, and the only time I've sharted since 6th grade was when I was sick enough not to go into work. Today was a sickly wet one, but it came with no warning.


    I must have clenched better than anyone has clenched before, because nothing got past my cheeks, leaving my boxer briefs as spotless as the lamb of god. I was able to clean up in the restroom stall (which, as a nested FWP, smelled like rotting lobsters [not from me]).


    Since I would have gotten away with this without anyone noticing, I figured I should share it with watmm.



    :ass mindsplosion:


    how didn't it come out of your arse? do you have a holding bay? lol how could you even walk to the toilet?


    i'm confused in the best possible way.


    fucking lol at a poop holding bay.

    I can picture the little dude responsible for poop scheduling at the holding bay.



    Derivatives and differentials homework =(

    thats not even close to being a fwp.


    It's not?


    new fwp.... my fwp's aren't first world enough. :happy:


    What, you think kids in developing nations don't do differentials and derivatives? There are probably 20 million or so Chinese and Indian students who are kicking your ass at differentials and derivatives!


    (and mine too, but that's because I believe math to be entirely non-rational and thus refuse to participate in such shenanigans)

  3. the worst part was that it didn't happen once. it happened, then i got up, sat down, did another pose, and when i got out of the second pose it happened again. then that whole process happened one more time. i wanted to die.


    two of the girls that were there hang out with me sometimes. i can't show my face around them ever again, let alone my gassy vagina.


    Next time just do a regular fart after eating some bean burritos the night before. No one will even remember the queefs.

    Then gently sniff the air around you and produce a beatific smile.

  4. oe is a fairly western writer. read a personal matter if you like that one, it's probably his best book. if you want a really japanese writer i suggest yasunari kawabata. of course they all suffer in translation.


    How does Oe compare to say, Murakami Ryu?



    My coffee's not warm enough, but there's not enough left for me to justify microwaving it.

    Put some whiskey in it and drink it properly.


    FWP: I suck at photoshop.


    Any luck finding a place to live in Vancity?


    Have applied for a few apartments, going to look at another one tomorrow evening. Fingers crossed on that one, it looks great.

  6. I need a breather from Underworld so I'm now filling my brain with this grim shit:




    How is it? I want to read that one soon.


    Currently reading:



    As I was supposed to read it in class, but really, one can only take so much rampant globalization cheerleading. I mean, I like globalization, but it is not without its faults.

  7. And yeah, Vancouver is really excellent for Asian food. Plus, the amount you save on sushi more than makes up for the extra $100+ you pay on rent each month. I don't even like sushi that much, but it's so cheap in Vancouver that I feel like i have to eat as much of it as possible while I'm there.

    Don't come and eat the shitty cheap sushi. The difference between cheap sushi and the proper deal is phenomenal.

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