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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. And Liverpool fans wonder why everyone laughs at their club? Sending Carroll out without having a replacement confirmed and signed on the dotted line... basic, basic stuff here.


    Regarding Drog, rumours (generally unfounded from what I can see) that he and Anelka unsettled due to some sort of problems with the way the club is being run, allegedly... mentioned in here for instance: http://www.independe...ba-8101403.html


    Oh - but that article says "Sources close to the player last night suggested that a move back to the Premier League was not viable and that Drogba would begin the Chinese league season in November."


    I don't think Dempsey would have been close to being a replacement for what Carroll offers - very different types of players.

  2. Loving Akira Kosemura and belong. That Solyaris sounds lovely, am gonna try and track that down.


    graham lambkin/jason lescalleet - air supply - is definitely interesting...beauty is in there...dunno if I would call it pretty again...but thanks for the recommendation...:)


    Also just discovered the Grouper album A I A: Alien Observer. hot damn that is gorgeous.

  3. good job spurs. I said dempsey was a good signing before he was linked at all, a great impact sub that will get 10 goals a season and get rid of in three years.


    REALLY bummed about moutinho, but I bet he was all like fuckkkk tottenham izzz bullshit


    fucking lol. can totally hear it.

    I have an irrational loathing of Clint Dempsey, so I hope he hits more woodwork than Liverpool did last season.

  4. but the gratuitous overpricing is across the board for textbooks! .... >.


    My sociology textbook was 180$!!!!!

    Yeah, it's expensive, but a fucking ton of work goes into making textbooks!

    Yes that's true, but when they make a new edition with barely any changes and insist on that being required instead of older editions, that's fucking robbery.

  5. Fucking professors who put their own goddamned overpriced textbooks as required reading for a class. Motherfucker.


    ? I wouldn't think the university would allow that?!


    Conflict of interest and all that business....


    what class is it?


    lol it happens all the time in universities.

    Economic History of Modern Europe.

  6. Haha, apparently a deal was ready to be agreed with Fiorentina, but Berbatov just didn't show up at their contract meeting. What a dick. At least get someone to ring and tell them.


    His non-appearance at a scheduled meeting in Florence to undergo a medical and complete his move prompted a furious reaction, with the Serie A club claiming the 31-year-old did not "deserve our city, our shirt and the values it represents".


    "The player and his agent had embarked on a flight to Florence, with tickets paid for by the club," said Fiorentina in a statement. "But they never arrived because of reckless and arrogant actions of other clubs which have nothing to do with the values of honesty, fair play and sporting ethics."


    I guarantee that Berba and his agent were sat in a hotel around the corner ringing every other Premier League team and telling them, 'give us something right now, or we sign for Fiorentina'.

    There were rumours of a Juve signing for the Berb too. Fiorentina would be lucky to get him, but apparently he wanted to stay in the Premier league, and wanted to be with Jol (who used to manage him).


    Adebayor, Defoe and youth-promotion Harry Kane. Not bad, but they could do with someone better than Defoe. Apparently, in pre-season friendlies they've played Bale in such an attacking position that he was pretty much a striker. He's definitely good enough to play anywhere.


    Defoe is quite suited to the premier league - plays off the shoulder, is quick and has a good nose for goal. If he can stay healthy he'll do well.

    While Bale is an excellent player, undoubtedly his best position is left wing. When he bombs up the wing there and is whipping in crosses he is one of the best in the game.


    lol at Carroll to Hammers - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/liverpool/9507172/Liverpool-to-go-for-Arsenals-Theo-Walcott-if-Andy-Carroll-joins-West-Ham.html

    If liverpool sell him that's going in the appropriate thread...LOL@Liverpool

  7. It's amazing how language can have such different meanings for people.

    For example, while I love Tim Hecker's Harmony in Ultraviolet, and think that it is some truly beautiful music - I don't htink I would ever describe it as pretty. I would say much the same about Substrata actually - although it contains possibly my favorite ambient piece of all time (kobresia!!) it haunts me....

    The Tetsu Inoue piece that Awepittance posted, and the Loscil piece that Redruth posted are both what i would call pretty (as examples on this page, there have definitely been others in the thread).

    Anyways some good recommendations that I haven't heard before...


    And robbie you can probably answer this - how much involvement did Mark Spybey have in Zoviet France?

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