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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. Usagi thanks for the reminder on the tekkonkinkreet ost. I dig that one for sure.

    that eluvium track is lovely as well, hadn't heard that one before.

    My favorite off Plateaux of Mirrors is probably Above Chiangmai


    logakht - songs please, not just artists with huge discographies.

    Bob - yes that is lovely - haven't listened to that in a while


    SAW II - i find half of it maybe to be pretty.


    Sorry I should be more specific - beatless ambient please. Thanks for all the recommendations so far!!!

  2. Kaka flopped at Citeh - so i don't see it.

    Alternate universe in which Kaka signed for City, and not Real Madrid, in 2009.


    If Real Madrid don't even put him on the bench, then everyone should stay well clear. He is Brazilian after all.

    If rumours are true though, keep eye peeled for increase in ladyboys in Manchester.


    Kaka flopped at Citeh - so i don't see it.

    We need an M'Vila, or Javi Martinez. Not a destroyer - Carrick is one of the best in the game at intercepting passes. I really liked the Carrick-Cleverly combination against Italy...


    M'Vila is pretty similar to Tiote and Essien IMO, but a better passer. I like the Carrick-Cleverly midfield too. Carrick is a fantastic intercepter but he's poor in the air, and Cleverly even more so.

    i think Tiote is overrated to be honest. M'Vila is like Essien in his prime, so that would be alright. Not gonna happen.

    Rumours are that we have shown a strong interest in a Mexican midfielder - Herrera

    We also have the Chilean striker coming in - wonder if the berb or chicharito moves on first.

  3. Piers-Morgan-RVP.png




    @piersmorgan Arrrrr poor piers. @piersmorgan whats up now big man


    — Wayne Rooney (@WayneRooney) August 15, 2012



    Im in shock!


    — Cesc Fàbregas Soler (@cesc4official) August 15, 2012



    Is it that time yet @piersmorgan ????


    — Rio Ferdinand (@rioferdy5) August 15, 2012



    @rioferdy5 destroying @piersmorgan !! Shuuuuuut up @piersmorgan !


    — Gerard Piqué (@3gerardpique) August 15, 2012


    And the reason Rooney & Ferdinand are trolling Piers Morgan…


    No pressure @persie_official – but if you leave #Arsenal then I’m going to throw myself off Santa Monica pier in lead weights.


    — Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 19, 2011

  4. went to macdonalds this morning for a breakfast hangover meal. They had some terrible r'n'b music blaring, olympics on the TV and to top it off there was an infuriating beeping noise coming from some machine behind the counter.

    My tender head nearly exploded. All I wanted was to enjoy my meal in fucking peace. Jesus what the fuck happened to a bit of peace and quiet whilst eating. Fucking retards, I honestly felt the urge to go up and grab the silly bitch behind the counter by her hair and repeatedly slam her head down on the counter.

    Next mass killer right here.

    Sorry but expecting peace and quiet at a McDicks is very fucking optimistic.

  5. I'm not sure how I feel about Reamde.

    It's a lot of fun, I'll give it that. And funny.


    SEMI-SPOILER: I think Neal needed to let off some steam after Anathem. But I sort of needed moar world-building, particularly with respect to T'Rain cultures/economies/technology. Because it's Neal Stephenson.

    Well, I'm only 70 pages in, but I'm enjoying it's lightness compared with Anathem. Should be a good couple of nights.

  6. Although if you read the book, you'll find that Bin Laden and his motley crew of Saudis were not really welcomed by the Afghan mujahideen (who were funded by the CIA), except for his money - he wasn't funded by the Saudis, he made his money in construction. The Saudi government were wary of him, and after he was expelled from the country, the Taliban didn't really want much to do with him either.


    Also, Al-Qaeda means leaders, or commanders. Not "the database".

  7. a fascinating conspiracy theory in best selling book form


    the Looming tower



    making the case through a series of over reaches, anonymous intelligence officials and baseless confessions gathered through physical torture, we surmise that Al Qaeda was a dastardly group that existed as an organization before 9/11. The book tries very hard to prove that the phrase al qaeda was used by the group itself to refer to itself before 9/11, and it also tries to imply that Al qaeda is an organization and not simply a tactic of various militant groups. As much as it tries it provides no convincing evidence or proof for either assertion and acts as the backbone for the 9/11 official story along with the commission report.

    Use of Al-Qaeda by the organization itself is reasonably well documented prior to the September 11 attacks.


    The evidence for Al Qaeda as an organization (not some all-powerful global terrorist organization, but it is an organization) is pretty strong too.

    The list of interviewees, the bibliography and the notes to the book are very useful. Note that Wright tried to minimize the number of anonymous sources as much as possible. Also the initial mention of Al Qaeda to the FBI was through testimony that was not coerced.

    But then again, I am a lizard person.

  8. Jazz with hip-hop beats? Umm not sure if serious - anyways, check jazzmatazz vol 1+2, and a lot of the Red, Hot and....series. Groove Collective, other artists sometimes labeled as "acid jazz".


    I been on a huge Ron Carter kick lately - here's a couple of tracks from Red, Hot and Cool and then Red, Hot and Indigo



    and here's one of the craziest versions of "Walkin'" around.

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