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Posts posted by chenGOD





















    lol'd stupid hard at this last one ^ whoever did it has never seen a wolf howl


    Just fucking lol holy shit.


    What is that beaver doing to that cock!!


    and have you ever seen 3 wolves howl?


  2. Just finished:

    Defining Engagement: Japan and Global Contexts, 1640-1868.

    Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea

    Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and how there is a Better Way for Africa


    Defining Engagement was very good, an interesting look at Japanese foreign relations during most of the Tokugawa Period.


    Nothing to Envy was sensationalist dogshit.


    Dead Aid was interesting (although flawed in parts) in its critique of aid, but fails badly in economic prescriptions for Africa. Also totally ignores importance of political infrastructure and institutions.


    Next up - a bunch of books on the agricultural revolution in britain. I'm kind of not really excited about them lol. Economic History is mostly about as exciting as watching paint dry.

  3. Maybe I should have been more clear.


    Now I have to decide between working at my current job where I am just getting comfortable and learning a new job that pays marginally more but has more opportunities for upward mobility. Also, I want to ask where these people are getting my resume because it's weird. The division manager at my current employer moved on shortly after he hired me so I didn't have an opportunity to ask. Seemed pretty FWP to me! Stephen-Fail....


    Still not seeing how that's a problem. lol. Oh no - I might have to move from my cush job to one that's even more cush!


    I'm just bitter cause I'm doing manual fucking labour 3 days a week, the BC government is on a hiring freeze, and i want a real job.

    At least it's not below zero in Vancouver though lol


  4. I just got a call from a company (real company with 16bn annually in sales) asking if I was interested in being an Ops Supervisor.


    I don't have my resume posted online and I didn't apply for this position. This is the same thing that happened with my current employer! I never applied they just called lol.


    How is that a problem?

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