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Posts posted by chenGOD


    Got accepted into grad school.

    Now to worry about being able to afford rent in my new pad.



    I knew you would be accepted! Congrats.


    Thanks:) Now mu fwp is finding a place to live in vancouver.

    My brother lives in Edmonton - he's getting a 3 bedroom apartment for around $1100 a month. I might get lucky and find a good 1 bedroom for around that price here. Fuck me sideways!

  2. Another level-headed and sympathetic comment from ol' grumpy whiskey nose (regarding De Gea criticism):



    "It has been over the top. It is always over the top when it comes to criticism here," said the Scot. "You have to listen to some idiots in the game. I am not interested in discussing the criticism because we know it is unfounded."


    Jesus christ, I'm getting so sick of him.


    I can understand he wants to protect De Gea, fair enough. But nobody can deny that he haven't lived to expectations.


    And I don't care much respect he deserves, or how great a manager he is. He needs to work on that fucking attitude of his. I like how he always thinks everybody but himself, are just idiots.


    Expectations? De Gea was expected to be a world class shot-stopper, which he has proven himself to be. He has yet to gain command of his six yard box, but that will come in the next couple of seasons. And the criticism has been over the top. You can't expect a 22 year old to perform like Schmeichel or Van Der Sar at their prime, which is often the criticism leveled at DDG.


    Great players/managers always think they are the best at what they do. If you don't, you'll never be great. You have to have the record to back it up (which Fergie mos def does) but to excel at that kind of level you have to have some kind of swagger. It's an attribute you will find in all the greats, regardless of the sport. Even Wayne Gretzky, who is possibly one of the nicest people ever to play hockey, had that swagger - you can see it in the ridiculous moves he tried.

  3. My work is inconsistent, which makes budgeting a real pain in the ass, especially as I'm looking for a place to live.


    Also, not knowing whether or not I'll get into grad school makes looking for real work another pain in the ass.



    I think you will get into grad school. :happy:


    I'm going straight from undergrad into my CMA designation and then grad program. So basically I'm screwed until I'm 28 years old. le sigh... Good luck! =)



    My Fwp... someone tried to break into my garage. Now I'm getting a security system put in. But theres dents in my door from where they tried to pry it open!


    Thanks for the positive thought. At least you're only screwed at 28. I'm screwed a decade later.


    My FWP for the day - I thought I had PhotoShop installed on this computer. But I don't. SO I have to re-download it and it's taking fucking ages.

  4. saying it's leaked is also fine


    Providing a link to a site whose main purpose is to inform people that something has leaked ahead of an official release is CLEARLY a piracy facilitator



    If you can't understand the difference between "saying something has leaked" and "publicly providing a link that allows people to download the album" then you might want to consult a neurosurgeon, as your brain has clearly ceased to function.

  5. I've always thought that buying a gaggle of geese is the way to true happiness, even in troubled times.




    How could this not be a good idea?


    If you've ever walked across a park full of goose shit, you'd understand why this is not a good idea.


    leafblowers. wtf people. do we really need a backpack full of gasoline to pick up leaves?


    and java.






    LOL the other day i saw a city worker blowing leaves off a path that was in a heavily wooded area. TOO MUCH NATURE ON NATURE PATH!



    also, Java the island or the programming language?


    Economic History is mostly about as exciting as watching paint dry.

    Hmm, sometimes maybe, other times I find it quite interesting and compelling. Looking at economic explanations for the end of the Roman empire (in the West), for instance, can be fruitful, and certainly provides a useful counterfoil to some of the more traditional arguments (e.g. blaming it on Christianity or barbarians).


    Personally, I find a lot of European Economic Histories, especially those written by Europeans, to be tedious, racist, and startlingly ignorant of a lot of world history. Also the desire for neo-classical economists to apply market principles to everything is slightly maddening. Because a lot of the times, it was not a goddamned market that drove economics! Also Niall Ferguson should stick to reporting about straight history and leave economic analysis alone, and he really needs to get over the loss of the British Empire, lol.



    oh great! new books to my library then :) thanks! planning to buy The Diamon Age and that one too


    Didn't see your response.


    The Diamond Age is wonderful. "Everyone" "hates" the abrupt ending, but half of that has to do with how fun the book is. It's probably better than Snow Crash, although he's most famous for Snow Crash. The Diamond Age is also probably a better place to start than Anathem, which is pretty brilliant, but not quite as immediately engaging and funny.


    I think his latest novel, Reamde, was a bit of a disappointment after Anathem. It's basically a fun, better written, thousand page Tom Clancy esque shoot out, with typical geeky moments that fail to get the in depth tangential exploration that he's known for. It's not bad, but it falls far short of the mark, imo. His Cryptonomicon does the same kind of thing re: "technothrillers" but does it better, without stereotypical Islamic terrorists, and with lengthy digressions on Cap'n Crunch cereal and masturbation.


    If you end up liking what you've got, definitely give Cryptonomicon a go. I adored the "Baroque Cycle" follow-ups/prequels to Cryptonomicon (Quicksilver, The Confusion, The System of the World), but they seem to be a little divisive.


    Stephenson's pre-Snow Crash books are probably only worth checking out if you're a confirmed fan.


    He's probably my favorite popular fiction writer, and I don't like a lot of them.



    Spot on response. I've read the Baroque Cycle three times, and plan t pick it up again in the new year. Reamde was such an easy read after Anathem. Enjoyable though!

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