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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. Chalmers Johnson - "MITI and the Japanese Miracle". Found this for 3 bucks in a second-hand book shop. Still one of the best analyses of the amazing economic growth Japan underwent in the '60s and '70s.



    Faul/Paul mcartney car crash conspiracy theory, PAUL CAUGHT LEFT HANDED



    More on the McCartney car crash.

    Nothing is Real: Paul was Replaced

    Warning - incredibly long read - grab some coffee and put on your favorite ambient, and read the posts by the poster "jarface" first, as he is the narrator of the story.

    (I think someone on here posted the site, can't remember who, but man - fantastic stuff)

  3. In fact, Stephen King, when he wrote The Shining, was trying to warn the US of the attack on the twin towers by having the twin girls murdered.

    The top half of the "A" in Kubrick's first name is a masonic symbol for power.


    There are actually 6 users of WATMM.

  4. Hope he goes to a continental club and not Citeh or Chelsea. Imagine the fireworks of having RVP and CR7 on the pitch at the same time. The sheer weight of the egos might cause the Bernabeu to become airborne.


    In retrospect, the writing was on the wall when Wenger signed two strikers. Podolski will be a beast for Arsenal this season.

  5. I enjoy quite a few of Snares' releases, the earlier stuff in particular is great. Pretty much everything up until Horse and Goat I really enjoyed. Some of the stuff after that has been a bit more hit and miss. Although I did really like HCCBU and Rossz too.

    But it's not interesting to me the way Cylob's music is. Cylob really challenges you as a listener, he uses tonality and sonority to express himself in ways that Snares just doesn't touch.

  6. Come on you can troll better than that Chen


    no troll.

    Beyond the classics already mentioned:


    Trojan Fader Style

    Formant Potaton

    Bounds Green


    the little gems he put up on youtube:


    His Ambient News project.


    All fucking gold.


    Even his stuff as nonprivate is fucking 1000 times more interesting than Snares' output.

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