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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. 12 hours ago, Squee said:

    I'm sorry but the music fucking sucked.

    I wouldn't go quite that far, but it was definitely very Hans Zimmery, and very over the top at a lot of points. But I think the whole movie (just saw it tonight) was really trying to hit you over the head. It wasn't subtle at all, and the score matched it.

    The bagpipe theme was hilarious though.

    All that said, I enjoyed the fuck out of it. They did a good job translating a book that is essentially about intergalactic politics to the big screen. It was a pretty fast 2 hours and 35 minutes!

  2. On 10/29/2021 at 8:32 AM, auxien said:

    i did a drone/ambient thing earlier this year: 

    oh well click through if you've got 24 minutes and 54 seconds

    Added to the collection ?

    Also, this from Brian Eno (a b-side to Neroli) is pretty soothing:


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  3. 1 hour ago, mcbpete said:

    If you have an Android phone (might be an equivalent on the iPhone - though probably not without a good ol jailbreak!) I highly recommend grabbing F-Droid ( https://www.f-droid.org/ ) and then downloading DNS66, then switching on StevenBlack's hosts file filter. Blocks add nasties at a system level, even without root!

    iphone and don't feel like i should have to go to that level of use to avoid ads. Which is why I don't use facebook for much at all and tracking is blocked across apps.

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  4. 9 hours ago, drillkicker said:

    It isnt really jealousy for me, its more like i feel personally insulted when i see someone make a post and then i get pissed off and start deleting contacts.  Maybe it's just a problem for me, im not saying other people are at fault it's just unhealthy for me personally because im socially masochistic.

    Man I’m just happy my friends are out doing something fun with the knowledge that not everyday is like that for them. 


    8 hours ago, Himelstein said:

    I think that these have producers reeling you in ultimately to buy products (like media in general) but they have more control and are in charge of the “play” that is happening. Almost sadistically knowing when, if you’re watching “lifestyles of the rich and famous”, your jealousy levels will be thrown off. On the more personalized concept- something like Facebook (while still media trying to make money with ads or whatever) has no real control over those levels. It’s hard to articulate- but there is a huge difference

    Facebook has ads to reel you in. That’s the part I don’t like (because of the privacy implications and targeted advertising), but I mean one of the things I was discussing literally had the word “Better” in it (your home and garden could be better), so I don’t know. 

    it would be interesting to hear more of your take on it?

  5. I’m curious why there wasn’t this sort of outrage around shows like “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” or magazines like “Better Homes and Gardens”. Not in terms of the misinformation capabilities, but in terms of lifestyle comparison and the impact on the psyche. 
    After all, they showed the same things.

  6. On 10/5/2021 at 5:09 AM, Squee said:

    all in all it would cost us around $3200 per month. Oh, and we also had to throw in ALL of our savings and once that was done we were still $40500 short of getting the loan we wanted.

    Jesus fuck, $3200 a month is ridiculous. 
    And 40k short of the loan you wanted? What fucking kind of system are they running in Denmark?

    We bought in 2019, put down just over $40K and ended up with payments of like $2600 a month which is still kind of extortionate. 

    Now sure, Ottawa isn’t a shiny metropolis like Copenhagen, but fuck, housing must be insane over there. 

  7. Finally finished Stephenson’s “Fall: or, Dodge in Hell”.

    The way he describes the tech in the first part it’s so weird how present it is. Like it should become less obtrusive. 

    The story is an interesting take on biblical creationism, but the ending lacks a little. 

    However, there is so much good material in here, and it combines a lot of Stephenson’s ideas and characters from his previous works. Totally recommend. 

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  8. I think he's talking about neuroplasticity.

    Generally, younger brains are more able to create new neurons and neural pathways. But even us olds can still do it, we just need to make sure we don't get stuck in a rut.

    So new experiences are key. Learning languages. etc.


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