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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. On 2/23/2020 at 10:01 PM, IDEM said:

    Dyer will be more up your alley then -- it actually owes more to Thomas Bernhard than to Lawrence. It's really genuinely funny in an existential way.

    I'm halfway through Charlie Kaufman's Antkind atm. Incredible. Should appeal to a lot of people here -- think Pynchon meets Kafka meets Beckett with a side of DFW and PKD. And then some.

    Here' the Kirkus Reviews review:


    This sounds awesome. I love his movies.

    On 12/31/2019 at 3:35 PM, Atop said:

    Dead Astronauts by Jeff Vandermeer 


    I'm not really sure what's going in this novel based in his Borne universe. It's very psychedelic and abstract but with more focus than stream of consciousness. I'm enjoying being lost in a haze of time and dimension shifting realities, traversed by three beings attempting to correct wrongs committed by the Company. Oh, and psychic blue foxes. 

    I've been waiting for this for what must be a year by now. This is definitely on my list.

    On 3/7/2020 at 5:12 AM, Lada Laika said:

    Just started Charlie Jane Anders’ “The City in the Middle of the Night” and enjoying it quite a bit. No wonder she ditched io9 - she can actually write.

    Not familiar with her work but this sounds really interesting too.

    • Like 1
  2. Audeze Mobius sound fucking amazing, but I'm on my 2nd pair and it's getting the same problem with the band cracking. Their customer support was great last time around, though.
    EDIT: And they're a bit north of $200.

  3. Gave up on Gibson's Peripheral. I think I'm just tired of the Gibson "many threads merging into one" shtick.

    Started reading The Pale Fire and finding it much more enjoyable, although (because?) the premise is pretty bonkers.

  4. 1 hour ago, chim said:

    I'm not against daws but I never want to program another midi note or micromanage audio snippets again. Kills the vibe so hard. 

    I agree but I think there's a sweet spot. For me (right now, anyway) that seems to mean first making the base elements away from the DAW. Then I put on my mixing and editing hat to clean it up, which I'm starting to enjoy as I realize I don't really have to spend that much time on it.

    Cutting up individual notes sucks. Moving bars around and being able to surgically remove a minute of wanky, dull tweaking is great. I have been kind of against that in the past, but now I'm finding it liberating.

    1 hour ago, modey said:

    I go through phases. I actually kinda want to have a go at proper composition again soon, as I've learned a lot about chord to progressions since the last prog album I made. I don't do piano rolls though, I've always felt more at home with a tracker. 

    I also feel way more at home on a tracker. Unfortunately editing is a bit tedious on Renoise when it comes to moving events around in relation to other tracks. I'm trying to use instrument phrases more to help with that. I might give Redux a shot at some point too.

    • Like 2
  5. I'm pretty stoked for this. I was already lusting for the M:S - the Elektronauts folks who actually make tunes instead of whining have sung its praises and made some wicked stuff with it. I hope my will is strong enough to wait until next year to buy either one, but I think I'll ultimately end up with both. Either seems like a real sweet spot of limitation vs. power, has a great sequencer, roughly knob-per function UI, sounds great, has a good form factor for throwing in a bag and taking to a buddy's house OR chilling on the couch. Also that new battery handle means I can go for a walk at lunch and make tunes under a tree or on the bus. Different strokes I guess - the people who are hating on this thing probably can't coax half-decent stuff out of a PO/volca/gameboy either ?

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  6. On 2/6/2020 at 8:13 PM, sweepstakes said:

    Trying to understand SC pattern sequencing for like the 5th time. Wish me luck. I hope it clicks because I can hardly fucking stand using other sequencers anymore and I can't be arsed with developing genuine musicianship.

    I think it's finally starting to click this time. The P-syntax is a lot more verbose than Tidal, but I'm finding it easier to wrap my head around. Also abstracting, cross-referencing, and redefining streams live is much cleaner than I remember Tidal being. Already making some half-decent primitive techno. The source code is also much clearer so I can study those to make some of my own streamers (for e.g. reversing streams).

    • Like 1
  7. YT recommended me a bunch of modular videos today and I actually tried to watch them and 2as just like fuckthisfuckthisfuckthis

    Loving the inappropriate things the Bastl Thyme I picked up in Dec does to my little PO posse.

    Trying to understand SC pattern sequencing for like the 5th time. Wish me luck. I hope it clicks because I can hardly fucking stand using other sequencers anymore and I can't be arsed with developing genuine musicianship.

  8. 23 hours ago, modey said:

    Yeah honestly thats a main reason why I want it. That late-80s to mid-90s rompler sound really does it for me, and it looks much easier to edit than the original synths from around that time.

    Does the Argon8 contain full length samples or just single cycle waves?

    I agree but to me part of that sound is the aliasing and pitching samples down until they sound like Satan's trash compactor. It gets just close enough to that sound to make me lust for a K4 (whew lad have those gone up in price).

    Just single cycles on that Argon8. It's got a much narrower focus and comparatively takes itself way more seriously. I'm sure the Wavestate is an absolute riot and if it was a little cheaper it'd be an instabuy for me (not that the price is unreasonable at all).

  9. Wavestate looks pretty lush for jambin' once you get all your stuff set up, but it looks pretty fiddly/menu-divey to get there. Also it seems to really want to have that kinda plasticky, Dad, Korg sound (what's with the ubiquitous reverb?) - the tables/architecture on the Argon8 sound a lot more exciting.

  10. 1 minute ago, caze said:



    before the Ukraine scandal broke there was a clear gap in the polling in favour of not impeaching, since then there's been a big swing towards impeachment. the rabid base are never going to be won over, so why bother even taking their views into consideration? you only need to win over a couple % of ppl who voted for him, or even just demoralise them into not showing up on polling day.

    I had read the opposite, that he surged in the polls once it was clear that the impeachment train was full steam ahead. I realize that without a reference that's just hearsay...

  11. I'm with salv... once again the dems pursue justice at the expense of public opinion. The "demo" in democracy is people, not law, and a lot of those people are vindictive dipshits that are only going to strike back when they feel threatened. Trump just got his underdog seat back.

    -Should- he be impeached and punished for his crimes? Yes.

    -Will- it make the right come to Jesus and stop supporting destructive populist fucks? No way.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    I really want a BIM but there are so many more practical ways I could use that money.

    The BIM I can definitely live without; I'm not feeling any pressure to complete the set. Between SC and Octatrack, I have all the mod delay I want. If I ever wanted more, I'd go for the Thyme. It does sound very good, though.

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