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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. On 9/22/2019 at 9:18 PM, Bubba69 said:

    ok what does this mean exactly? I am intrigued.

    OK so the system has a few things running all the time, like SuperCollider, its Lua environment, reverb and compressor, tape player/recorder, etc. One of the things always running is called "softcut" which was most accurately described as "scriptable tape". Basically it's 6 syncable mono, loopable read/write tape heads with configurable crossfading between loop start and end, variable rate, static filters, feedback, and slew/lag times for levels and rate. There's 2 buffers and you can stick when anywhere you want.

    It's kind of like the idea of the Octatrack's volatile/live-sampling memory, but you can script it with Lua, so you can make samplers, delays, etc. And there's no artificial barriers to stop you doing things like recording and writing to the same spot simultaneously, or at different rates, etc.

    Without gushing too much, you can get crazy stuff out of it pretty easily but it also just feels really smooth and creamy. I still like SC for when I wanna get really grainy, or super phase-precise things like comb/allpass filter networks, or if, y'know, I want an LFO, but this thing is really the bees' knees for everything else. You have to find or build your own control structures to use with it, but there's lots of examples. It's kind of like the best parts of every sampler/delay/recorder I have ever loved, rolled into one.

  2. TidalCycles is really great. But it demands a certain way of working and has limitations that I sadly have decided I can't abide right now - specifically, it demands that you pretty much use it as your only sequencer, or at least that you use it as the master clock, and you just kind of leave it running all the time and expect to start/stop it on beat. Also it's kind of tricky to build macro/song structures in it. If you are cool with that, it's a beast. And even if you kind of aren't cool with that, there are satellite projects emerging to bring its excellent syntax to other environments, especially web/JavaScript.

    It's an incredibly fast workflow and you can conjure up surprising stuff really, really easily. It's easy to think in. If you're interested in it but intimidated, just go through the excellent tutorial and things will click almost immediately. The only really tricky part for me was setting up the whole Haskell/SC/Dirt stack and getting the whole thing back up and running when it crashed (note: don't try to go too much further than 1/1024th notes and it probably won't crash on you much). A lot of that is surely down to me using it on an outdated laptop.

    • Like 1
  3. I recently got a norns. I'm not saying my gearlust is dead, but it really flipped it on its head. For the first time in a long while, it brought into stark relief a lot of gear I have that I really don't need or even want. It crossed a bunch of stuff off my GAS list. There's a lot less sense putting up with someone else's synth/module design when you can reach in and change everything.

    If you're willing to dig in and builld (as with any modular environment) it brings a lot of novel and just common-sense stuff together in a really reasonable, intuitive way. It's really good to have a real computer that really feels like hardware, just works, and is just, well, pretty.

    The softcut delay / "digital tape" system is just brilliant too. It's so me. I can't believe no one has thought of it before; it's pretty close to perfect.

    For those balking at the price tag, monome is working to release some more affordable kit to make the system more affordable. I couldn't be more pleased with it as it is, though. Now I just have to build some decent apps... see you in a few months ?

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, ambergonk said:

    Dunno how I missed this, but I'm guessing that rear bumper is part of her car? Hell naw, I don't want some batshit-brained (albeit slightly milfy) cat lady co-opting the progressive movement. No thanks.

    In my experience there's decent overlap between Bernie bros and anti-vaxxers / conspiracy theorists / weirdo-believers.

  5. 36 minutes ago, ascdi said:

    Maybe a stupid question — are people just uploading pirated music to archive dot org now, or are these Coil releases now somehow legally available for free?

    I know, I probably shouldn’t be asking

    I think it's a combination of the two. Who owns this IP now that John & Sleazy are gone, and do you think they'd fight to get it taken down? Isn't it better that the (modestly pressed) music is being heard at all? There's also a healthy niche of collectors who basically guarantee every pressing sells out, so there's almost certainly no financial threat. 

  6. 1 minute ago, bendish said:

    If it were a Warren Sanders ticket I’d have faith. The rest and especially Biden have shitty records and will tank it. 

    Yes. I'm worried that some, particularly Biden, also have a good chance of getting MeToo-ed at the worst possible moment. I know it's a shitty thing to think but it's so easy to imagine. 

  7. I think you're right about the "information warfare" (Alex Jones aside lol). I think the dems need more bite. Not aggression per se and not deigning to petty deception, but not holding back either and definitely not engaging in the tedious identity politics that the dialog has indulged for the last few years.

    The hearts and minds to win over aren't in our safe spaces. Frankly I think it comes down to showing them how the Republicans are fucking them over, not in a tragic, angelic tone but with well-deserved, focused anger. Which is different from lazy, inbred, habitual hatred.

  8. I think we may be talking past each other here. My point isn't that the dems are wrong or stupid or deserve derision,  certainly not that they are unworthy of running the country. My point is that in order to run the country they have to first win the elections. Pouting about the bad guys won't move that forward. 

  9. 23 hours ago, bendish said:

    You hear a lot of stat analysis, electoral college predictions and doubt as to whether the dems have it in them...but I have a feeling this tumor is going to be destroyed in 2020.

    Maybe I have too much faith in humanity. 

    What you have too much faith in is Democrats' ability to get their shit together. They're on the right side of history but rallying the votes is like herding cats.

  10. 10 hours ago, ignatius said:

    everything is because masculinity is threatened. 


    According to Penn State professor of psychology Janet K. Swim, men can be unwilling to perform environmentally friendly tasks if they perceive them as ‘gendered’, such as using reusable shopping bags.

    The fear seemed to be that if men were to engage in these allegedly gender nonconforming tasks, other people might think they’re gay.

    I think toxic/fragile masculinity is legit a major factor in these shootings... and probably Trump support too. How the fuck do you dismantle that though? Even some (particularly stupid) women perpetuate it. Hammer balls indeed.

  11. On 8/5/2019 at 11:39 PM, ignatius said:

    are there other problems? of course. USA is a weird culture and very self centered in the world. the fear of outsiders "taking what i have" is buried deep inside a lot of people.

    To me, this is the root problem. From federalism/states'-rights to the 2-party system to filter bubbles, the us-versus-them attitude is so deeply ingrained in American culture. It's not just closed-borders immigrant xenophobia and racism but it's also hating your neighbor for the signs in their window/yard.

    It's kind of a mindfuck, too, because when you accuse someone else of it, you really become guilty of it yourself. There isn't real grownup dialog anymore, just endless drawing and defending lines in the sand. And violence.

    We're all planting the seeds.

    • Like 2
  12. 5 hours ago, hello spiral said:

    I was black out drunk when I filmed this. I'm actually pretty impressed I managed to record my screen AND edit. Even though this is probably the Worst Review Ever


    I love the soundtrack. 

    Never heard of Pinoy's Choice - is that a Filipino brand? I'll see if I can find some. I usually get these:


    Somehow when I first played the review I accidentally skipped all but the last 12 seconds and it was pretty funny that way.

  13. 7 hours ago, xox said:

    If money’s no problem buy the Amphions, as Nil already said. You can’t  go wrong with them. They’re the biggest hit at gearslutz for the last 2-3 yrs, for the money, of course.

    They seem to be $1000 each plus another $1200 for the amp, though. I guess they punch even above that weight?

    Also, what's the benefit of a separate amp? Does it just make repair/replacement easier? It seems slightly more inconvenient, but maybe it gives you more options. 

  14. The money isn't a huge issue but I read about some build quality issues with the BM15As, like the tweeter dying. Also it sounds like they have the same transformer hum issue one of my Rokits developed. 

  15. Never heard of APS and they seem hard to find for order online, but holy smokes did the Klasik get glowing reviews. They seem a lot more affordable than comparable options as well. I'm intrigued. With the bass ports on the back, how far from the wall should they be?

    The Dynaudios are a little north of what I was looking to spend but "so fucking tight" is just the kind of bass I'm looking for, and the front ports will be handy in my small room, especially since I'm looking to cut down on the amount of clutter and bulk in there as I upgrade - for example, replacing the big ugly garage sale dining table  for my desk right now with, uh, a desk.

    And more generally, what would acoustic treatment look like? Does this generally mean a bunch of foam panels? The DIY bass traps sound interesting too.

    Also, my ceiling is this funky foam-looking tile. I'll try to take a pic. I don't know exactly how to describe it or what the material is (hopefully not asbestos lol), but it looks like something you might find in a retail store or office, especially in the 80s or 90s. It seems like it has dampening qualities - is there a way to objectively test this without dumping a bunch of money into test equipment I'll only use once every 10 years? I can ask around but I don't think there's a big recording community in my town that I could loan equipment from.

  16. Okey doke, third or fourth poster here looking to jump from KRK Rokit RP-5s to something decent. Recommendations and mockery welcome.

    I'm a lazy dilettante, so while I'd like something detailed and fairly flat, I'm looking for something a hair on the sweet side - basically, accurate but not super punishing. While I'd like to be able to go down to about 30/35 (or at least accurately down to 50) I don't want to deal with the crossover and external sub that 2.1 requires. I know a lot of it is subjective and down to room physics, but I don't want to have to churn through a lot of different pairs if I can avoid it.

    Tentatively looking at the Adam A7x and Genelec 8040a. Looking to spend no more than 2500 USD.

    Should I try to fix my room first? It's about 12x12x8' with a like 6x4x8' closet (bass trap? lol) and honestly I haven't even scratched the surface of that whole thing. That seems like a real rabbit hole from egg cartons and blankets to treatment foam to I don't even know what.

    I don't want to deal with a shitload of math or black magic. I just want something I can plug in, with a minimal amount of prep, and make sound good, and I have a little bit of money to throw at it.

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