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Everything posted by Berk

  1. Just (re) discovered Oppenheimer analysis. Lush
  2. I suspect so, the new firmware with the supposed fix still isn't there. When they complete it, I expect the release of the RD9 won't take long, as they wanted to get the firmware right before they put it out
  3. Is kingdome come: deliverance worth getting if you liked witcher 3 etc?
  4. How do spoilers work?? [Spoilers] tag doesn't work anymore?
  5. Started the last of us 2 this weekend. It's well good so far imo
  6. I'm at a pizzeria reading forums about the RD8 and noticed that when people say synch instead of sync I get really pissed off Still homeless
  7. Berk

    House Music

    Livin Joy is ace, thx youtube recommendation algorithm
  8. Berk

    House Music

  9. Was checking out "when they see us" yesterday evening. It's alright. This track caught me off guard though, great vibe and reverb in that piano
  10. Berk


    Ahh yes marvelous finally some goddamn ART
  11. Yeah for sure, it's a great price Someone on gearslutz already found out how to mod to make the cy and hh more punchy
  12. k52vEdR1MCk Some videos out there already. Imo hihats sound a bit too thin And I'm skeptical about the accent. On the og it really changes the timbre of the instruments, it probably only makes them louder on the beh Also: no rd9 yesterday despite the fact that it was 9 September, I still cri because of that
  13. Gave horizon zero dawn another go. It's pretty fun. They totally ripped off Witcher 3 gameplay wise, but they did a good job at that. The gameplay is pretty great. The Story and voice acting is meh. And I don't care much for the machine stuff, even though the game is built around those things lol. 7/10 I guess. It frustrates me that I cannot enter huts though. I mean I want to check out interiors of houses and shops. Only the ruins at the start seem to be an interior thing
  14. I'm off today and woke up way too fucking early. some beers last night and was just chilling. Now I feel like shit and tired but not able to fall asleep. Hate it when that happens
  15. Yeah, it's taking really long. There's this fb post from May though that kinda restored faith for me. I've got an RD8 and it works pretty fine I gotta say. But it did freeze a couple of times and sometimes on start the first step doesn't sound. I read that if used with Ableton sync horror is brutal " RD-8 Bug Fixes We are aware that the RD-8 needs improvement related to various issues such as MIDI sync. We have decided to rewrite quite a fair chunk of the firmware so we can also integrate it with the SynthTool. Please give us a bit of time - we'll get it right. Thanks"
  16. Yeah there are some bugs for sure, they said they're still working on them though. Hopefully bugs get fixed via firmware update
  17. Btw some pots of the TD3 are really accessible. Eg. The vcf offset can be trimmed down to make it sound a bit darker. Even I was able to do this. Although I somewhat mangled the screw of the vcf offset, so be careful. Not a big deal as you can also access it from the solder side. Just more hassle
  18. Really looking forward to the RD9.
  19. Cool! I hate that these things are all such a steal lol, gotta stop wasting all those squids
  20. Yeah big fan of those electrofunk hits
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