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Everything posted by Berk

  1. Berk


    Airiel already got mentioned few pages back, but this song deserves its own post imo
  2. Checking it right now and sounds really nice indeed. Thanks for this
  3. Berk

    House Music

    Also good call on Andres and of course Mr fingers. There's a lot of stuff in this thread I still need to check and I better do it before the links are all dead
  4. Berk

    House Music

    Goddammit how am I gonna listen to all this music out there This is also amazing
  5. Berk

    House Music

    youtube related tracks are still the best suggestions
  6. Berk

    House Music

    lol this bass is so sick
  7. Found this via Tim heideckers office hours podcast and he was yapping right through it like after 5 seconds like he always seems to do. Doug seems nicer in that regard. Glad I could track it down anyway lol
  8. Wow this an amazing band
  9. Just started playing Dishonored, really love it. Deserves the praise it gets on here
  10. Yes, the wdjet eye games are all great also playing unavowed atm, its nice playing Witcher 3 on my PS4 as well atm. I;m late to this party, but goddamn it's to me one of the best games ever made
  11. Berk

    Now Reading

    Pierre et Jean by Guy de Maupassant
  12. Sad news Always liked his shows. Like Joshuatx said Anthony seemed like a nice guy rip
  13. playing vampire the masquerade bloodlines for the first time in like 13 years again. GOG released it along with an unofficial patch that some ppl made because the devs apparently didnt get enough funds to make it less buggy than it originally was. i don't remember the bugs as much from back in the day, but i read that they were ruining the gameplay quite a bit. anyway been loving it
  14. Berk

    House Music

    yeah great one i posted this in a topic i made but ppl urinated all over the thread. oh watmm
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