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Everything posted by Berk

  1. crappy phone pics
  2. brian eno - dee blue day i would like it more without the guitars i think... still very good i'm robably talking out of my ass, but it sounds like you can somewhat hear in this song "how" he roduced the joshua tree and stuff
  3. i have a studio consisting out of IKEA tables entirely, not very comfortable tho lol. I'll post a pic soon. guess it's still more like a "studio" tho
  4. drexciya - aqua worm hole fucking great tune
  5. afrika bambaataa - looking fr the perfect beat
  6. nice, I'm about to buy one off someone as well
  7. Backdoor.Spyboter.A listening to analord is great when it's raining outside (bwoon dub)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=andEhwDKRqQ&fmt=18 lol I like it, great game as well
  9. new order - age of consent wicked strings
  10. lisbon acid perhaps got to do with the treaty of lisbon?
  11. gavin bryars - the sinking of the titanic
  12. Burial - Homeless I want another Burial album
  13. Ravel - Laideronnette, Impératrice des Pagodes
  14. Does this mean there are new tunes, even if it's a tour only EP? I would love some new Broadcast, don't really like what I've heard from that collaboration LP/EP
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