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Everything posted by fenton

  1. Cool Story Bro A slapstick comedy directed by the coen brothers in which George Clooney starts an obviously entertaining anecdote but is interuptted by cameo roles from hollywood actors who chime in to say "Cool Story Bro! Tell it again!". Due to funding restraints the credits roll before the story is ever completed but what happens next is really shocking!.... After the credits there is an advert for 2015's Cool Story Bro 2: More Of The Story, starring Tom Cruise.
  2. It's showing a preview in the edit package, you need to render the titles now. Then they will be there on export.
  3. ER: Memories. A psychotic producer releases his quaintly made powerpoint presentation featuring backstage shots from the 15 series long medical series. John_Williams.midi provides the score featuring a vintage SoundBlaster soundset.
  4. I'm so up for a Hellraiser binge this weekend.
  5. It did throw a curveball on my expectations but then it referenced No Country for Old Men / Cormac McCarthy in that the predators keep on outsmarting each other until it just gets too much and something gives or a wolf or horse save the world. It was all a dream anyway.
  6. The Cinema This winter... Watch a guy go to the cinema and watch this film while you are watching it. Which side of the screen are you standing?
  7. Norwegian Wood: Genre fiction author Haruki Murakami directs as 29 famous musicians do renditions of 'A Hard Days Night' in their kitchen while the director cooks spaghetti and mutters approval. Noted for a groundbreaking effect where the script is translated into Japanese then back into English using google's text to voice translation engine. Other than this dialog track, the audio is silent. In the IMAX edit, the dialog track is slightly delayed and or pitch shifted in each surround channel, so it really feels like the robot Beatles ensemble is there with you, and inedible reusable miniature plastic spaghetti meals are seemingly thrown into the crowd, until the crowd realise this is a 3D effect placed in post production.
  8. Edge of Tomorrow: 7/10 Really funny and a little bit of a headfuck. James Cameron does Groundhog Day.
  9. Ah come on, it would be easy enough for them to do a 'live set' at home and record it straight outta the desk, and master it if they needed. Make a kickstarter.
  10. Scary Movie 429: Now Everybody is Really Dead. In a pastiche of found footage horror, sentient robots from the year 2054 discover the last remaining CCTV footage - 6 cameras - focused on the same road junction and edited together using a human simulation algorithm. The footage is composed of several decomposing bodies. In he year 2025, everybody in the world had been killed in a series of murders parodying every horror movie ever made.
  11. fenton

    Now Reading

    I'm listening to Dr Sleep on audiobook, it's been making me fall asleep. Think I have spent several hours getting 20 minutes in.
  12. Who will we chuckle about eating while, unbeknownst, eating them, except suspecting it a bit, but eating it anyway, because fuck it. ?
  13. I am making an assumption: Hitman is purposely crashing Bilbo's party. Poor Bilbo is gonna reap what he sowed and something insufferably sad is going to happen to the postman.
  14. Except - the fat cop woman is still working the case ala Rust, and the hitman hasn't called in that favour from Bilbo Baggins.
  15. On the verge of crying, as I often am when I visit someone / have someone visit then leave [ / they leave ] for the airport / train station. Much wobble of chin. So sob. Should I have had my ex of 4 years come to visit anyway? We are still so much in love. It ended so badly and the pain is still there / so much love too. Much problems. I hope they dissipate soon. Healthy diet and exercise regime recommences tomorrow. Much future. So emo.
  16. Hannisesthia: The Reckoning 40 years later, Hannibal Lector is on his death bed in a two bed room at a secure psycho hospital with a bored and mute celebrity chef, played by a celebrity chef. Dr Lector recites in long details recipes which he can't quite remember, in between frequent calls for his catheter to be emptied and vividly shot 3D sponge baths.
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