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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. I always spend the majority of my playtime in Forza Motorsport and Call of Duty mashing the start button in an attempt to skip all the driving and shooting.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbuqhTkEJyg
  3. Wow, the multiplayer in Watch Dogs is amazing. It's like Bloodborne with the whole invasion things, except you try to stay hidden (and appear as a regular NPC on the host's screen... I think) while you install backdoors or simply observe them. Even more fun when they don't know you're there and you make stuff around them break. Amazon.
  4. That's a great game, Oceans. Finished the Dragons Keep DLC for BL2 and found it to be surprisingly playable. Maybe because I was slightly overlevel so I could mostly skip the boring shooting parts. Pretty good overall. The Hammerlock one was dreadful though. Playing GTA V at the moment. Good game.
  5. Finally decided to soldier through the last two DLCs in Borderlands 2. Hate pretty much everything about the game, in particular the stiff shooting and awful characters/"jokes", but it's been mocking me from the shelf for over a year now. If only I'd picked up the regular version instead of the GOTY one, things would've been over a long time ago. Should just shelf it forever but part of me hopes for at least one of these last DLCs to be somewhat funny. At least then it won't have been a total waste of money. Just time.
  6. Playing through Max Payne 1 again for the first time in a decade. So good, even today.
  7. Halfway agree... somewhat. The problem with the game's combat, the way I see it, is that it only really gets interesting halfway through when you've unlocked all the workbenches and a good array of skills. Until that point you spend way too much time holding down the attack button and waiting for your skills to recharge. On the other hand, the combat in Origins was a whole lot more stiff and slow, so I figured there was no reason to "warn" tri about it.
  8. Wtf? Why bring up apologizing out of nowhere? Who the fuck are you talking to? Hiding behind a badly set up general statement just to avoid adressing someone directly, LOL. Well, since shameless namecalling is allowed now, especially after your insightful never apologize because free speech speech, lets go full Rubin Farr Maturity/Mentality. You're clearly an even more retarded hipster than me and you need to stfu even more sorry this is reality, deal with it LOL USA USA *this bit of free speech reality was posted with Moderator Approvaltm* If you're being serious... no. NO. Do not play it. If you haven't already. and if you like Origins, pick up the Awakening expansion instead.What about Inquisition?lol Well I liked Inquisition a lot. A lot of people dislike it because of the huge amount of fetch quests, but really, 90% of them are optional to advance the story. While it's not as dumbed down as the second one it's still significantly simpler than DA:O and the story (if you care) is the same old. If you like exploration and building up your own character, with armor and weapons you build using materials you find, then you'll probably get some enjoyment out of it. There's like ten big hubs to explore and plenty of endgame bosses (dragons) to focus on. tl;dr: It's no Skyrim but if you liked Origins you'll probably like Inquisition too. It's miles above II at least. *prepares for eugene to give a speech*
  9. If you're being serious... no. NO. Do not play it. If you haven't already. and if you like Origins, pick up the Awakening expansion instead.
  10. No split-screen in Destiny as far as I remember. Unless they added that since launch.
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