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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. But to be fair, that's been Ridley all along, no? GI Jane: women can be buff too. Thelma and Louise: men can really suck, you know? Black Hawk Down: Soldiers can be heroes, if you ignore context! I think Body of Lies is one of his more subtle films, and it can still easily be boiled down to: Arabs are people too. Visually Ridley has always had a knack for beauty and subtlety, but "message wise", mm, not really. I think Blade Runner (and to a lesser extent Alien) were sort of flukes...
  2. I didn't realize Scott is 74 or something...my vote is for encroaching senility, as to why he wants to revisit past glories. Better to leave well enough alone (although I haven't seen the flick yet).
  3. I was on the fence before, but the 6 houses sealed it, color me intrigued!
  4. what's worse is that the modern Scott is too busy jerking off in Minecraft to fully realize his talent. That probably goes for Aphex and Boc too. And me.
  5. I'm happy I haven't been spoiled yet, "Snape kills Dumbledore!" style. Look forward to seeing it with a fresh mind and eyeballs. I'm sure it'll still be full on senile-Ridley style, but have pretty picshurs.
  6. I hear the new movie is going to be a musical, following the life of a street-urchin replicant who transforms himself from rags-to-riches using a combination of luck and guile. The stirring musical number in the finale, sung by the replicant from the summit of the Tyrell building, is the rousing "Replicant? I say, Replican!"
  7. agreed, just the first one is enough. The idea that there is a generation that exists who hasn't watched Alien is troubling, I thought my generation was the last in existence.
  8. Hm, that was a pretty great interview! Although I have no idea how talented he is. Sounds like he wrote the viral TED talk, which I thought was a bit...obvious. Never watched lost. this is very true! For some reason I never saw the finale for TNG when it originally aired, but I just watched the entire series recently from start to finish, and was very, very impressed by the last episode.
  9. Bwahahahahaha That what you guys get for insisting on an R rating, now they have to make their cash in other ways. I hear in one pivotal scene, Noomi Rapace's character distracts a proto-facehugger by getting it to nurse on a frosty can of Coors
  10. Well, not to spoil anything, but I've heard the plot of the new Blade Runner flick is
  11. I still have not seen the more recent Prometheus trailers, thank jeebus. I've always felt this way but living in China and watching it transform into capitalist whoredom before my eyes has only confirmed: capitalism is basically just the continual rape of your senses and innocence. I'm not talking about the evils of child labor and class warfare, I'm talking about having every single one of your inner impulses categorized, appealed to, and porned out in the slickest of ways. Most of us know this is happening but it still affects us. Travel to a place like say, Cuba, and you'll suddenly get a wallop of what life without constant background brain-rape is like. It's totally alien and pretty nice. Not many places like that left on earth.
  12. lol. Get off your high horse. Thelma and Louis was a deep and soul-searching treatise on why hormonal women should all go kill themselves.
  13. yeah, I started to watch the 2nd international trailer, then shut it off after a few seconds when it became apparent that it was "hey doods, here's the cliff notes version of the plot of Prometheus!"
  14. oh yeah, I had those guinea pig guys while in Peru! They also have beer made with spit in Peru. Chicha.
  15. clean breaks and coffee, what's not to like? Tres watmm
  16. Chinese wasp grubs...I couldn't find a picture of them being deep fried, but they're pretty common out in the countryside. I've never seen a hive with such big fucking chambers before, the grubs are super beefy, they look like mini squirming mcnuggets. Taste like them, too...pretty delicious (as far as nondescript deep-fried protein goes). I'd wager they could actually become popular in the West if people didn't know the source...
  17. Hákarl: Hákarl or kæstur hákarl (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈhauːkʰadl̥]) (Icelandic for "shark") is a food from Iceland. It is a Greenland- or basking shark which has been cured with a particular fermentationprocess and hung to dry for four to five months. Hákarl is often referred to as an acquired taste[1] and has a very particular ammonia-rich smell and fishy taste, similar to very strong cheeseslathered in ammonia. The Greenland shark itself is poisonous when fresh due to a high content of urea and trimethylamine oxide, but may be consumed after being processed (see below). It has a particular ammonia smell, similar to many cleaning products. It is often served in cubes on toothpicks. Those new to it will usually gag involuntarily on the first attempt to eat it due to the high ammonia content.[1] Hákarl is traditionally prepared by gutting and beheading a Greenland or basking shark and placing it in a shallow hole dug in gravelly-sand, with the now-cleaned cavity resting on a slight hill. The shark is then covered with sand and gravel, and stones are then placed on top of the sand in order to press the shark. The fluids from the shark are in this way pressed out of the body. The shark ferments in this fashion for 6–12 weeks depending on the season.
  18. so happy it only took two posts to get to ortolan. Truly legendary! but you forgot the part when the bird was kept in captivity and fed so much fat that its liver grows far beyond its normal size, eventually severely limiting the functions of the bunting's other organs! I also believe you put the entire thing in your mouth with the head out, and then bite down, having the head drop to the floor and leaving you withfatty armangnac-y roasted goodness. yeah, I got too bored with trying to copy-paste different parts of an NPR interview...thanks! :)
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