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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. That’s a good question, and I don’t have an easy answer. On the surface it seems as if it has no agenda; it positions itself as a dispassionate retelling of the manhunt and killing of Bin Laden. Then the question becomes, why even tell it? Wouldn’t a documentary just be easier and more honest? I guess that’s where my reservations lie, why not try to make it a documentary (sure, access would be hard, but could use the typical combo of talking heads with re-enactments). The direction she chose instead, to focus on Maya, who becomes this unwavering, almost telepathic force of retribution, bugged me. She seems to personify the flaw that is the biggest flaw we Americans need to guard against – namely, always believing our gut impulses are right. I was bothered that I didn’t know if Maya was whole or partly fictional, if waterboarding and other torture did or did not help us locate Bin Laden, etc. It seems like a very well-made piece of propaganda…possibly (although not as much as say, Saving Private Ryan). That’s what I mean about being “politically opposed”. I probably could have worded it better as it’s not a left or right thing. In fact when it comes down to it, I’m supportive of the decision they made to go after Bin Laden (wish they could have nabbed him alive but…). The whole situation was just so monstrous and incredibly thorny, that I don’t think any Hollywood-izing of it is appropriate. The direction Bigelow took was too keep most details cut and dried, but totally Hollywood-ize the character at the center of the story – make her a “tough chick” that is fighting the patriarchy because of her “hunch”, a vulnerable but tough-as-nails broad who fights for what’s right and triumphs in the end (but has a good cry to show she’s still human). But in reality, the situation was we were violating a sovereign nation under cover of darkness in a vigilante move to murder a guy without a trial, a guy who was linked to people we in fact trained to fight the Russians…talk about a clusterfuck. There can be no heroism or glory there. The reality was it was probably mostly analysts in a room who sifted through a bunch of data to find Bin Laden. But that doesn’t make good entertainment. I guess that’s what I mean by politics. Making such a film is an inherently political act, because of the subject matter. And if I judge by effects, the only effect I can imagine the film having is giving people who like the idea of American revenge and “smoking ragheads” a big fat boner. Would have been better not to make it at all (and just make the documentary).
  2. Just watched Zero Dark Thirty. I won't even attempt to defend it against people who ask "why even make it?" "who's the target audience?" or say things like "there's no way a film like this, no matter how much it tries to avoid sensationalism, can be seen as anything other than promoting 'the end justifies the means' and glorifying torture, America's disregard for human rights, and other nation's sovereignty' etc. It's true, it's a weird film to make and there's no getting around it. There's no doubt that Bigelow is a damned talented filmmaker though. My attention didn't drift for a second, unlike with Django (or Lincoln, for that matter). Bigelow is a master of handheld camera usage (that subtle drift and jitter that gives it a documentary feel and glues you to the screen). She doesn't overdo it. So, despite being "politically opposed" to what the film represents, I couldn't help but be impressed at the visual storytelling. 6.5/10, but if I had to evaluate only on the basis of "is it a well done movie", then the score would be higher. I really wish Bigelow would go back to making films like Point Break, so I don't have to think about her politics but can just enjoy the ride.
  3. watched Lincoln. It was an interesting one. Almost devoid of "Spielberg-isms", which is something of a triumph considering the director. Some scenes were really good. Tommy Lee Jones was great, and seeing him in bed with his black maid was surprisingly affecting (have no idea if it was true but it was cool). Day Lewis was ok. A little bit mannered as always, but he resisted the urge to have a "spittle flying out of his mouth" scene. He seemed to have the physicality and walk down pretty well (though of course I can only imagine what Lincoln walked like). At a few points I couldn't understand the dialogue. They did a pretty good job of differentiating the different congressmen. I would have liked even more scenes of realpolitik like the scenes where Lincoln schemes how to delay the arrival of the Southern delegation so that the vote in Congress can go forward. I do wonder how much of all this Florence Kearns Goodwin just made up out of thin air, though. Overall was too pious as expected, but for one of those movies, it was one of the better ones. I'll say 7/10.
  4. man that was dull, plus "acting". They were right though, the crib is sick.
  5. lol she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome
  6. the helmets are so fruity and retro. On the other hand, maybe you have to give them boldness points for not pulling a Chris Nolan and making them more palatable to the trenchcoat mafia crowd.
  7. How was Dredd better than the Raid? I thought the reverse. The amount of kung fu (I know I know it was pencak silat) in the Raid was numbing after a while, but at least it was entertaining. Villain was better, climax was better...dunno on what count Dredd prevails?
  8. Just watched Dredd tonight after all the panty wetting on WATMM. Damn it, you guys fooled me again, like with Django! There were some things I liked about it, namely the feel of the city and the first chase scene. Then it became pretty pedestrian, not to mention a complete rip off of The Raid:Redemption (as has been mentioned, but seriously...). The reason The Raid worked so well is an enclosed claustrophobic space filled with baddies is the perfect location for martial arts mayhem! But gunplay? Not so much. There are only so many things you can do with a gun, and they didn't even really get that creative in that regard. Karl Urban did his best, the partner was pretty good too. Watching Cerce from Game of Thrones team up with Avon Barksdale from the Wire was kind of lol...for a second. I really *wanted* it to be the second coming of Robocop but...Meh. 5/10.
  9. which "day the earth stood still", the orig or remake with KIA-GNU
  10. I'm confused, do you have Crusader Kings 2 for free? In which case, I'll take it! (if it's Europa Universalis, no idea about that...so I guess I politely decline :-)
  11. haven't watched Dredd yet but I like how in all of the screenshots the two red "tails" on Dredd's helmet seem to perfectly cover up Dredd's eyes...how the hell does he see out of that damned visor?
  12. lol. Well apparently he wasn't a vegetable... I actually liked Jake Gyllenhal (sp?) in the flick, he's a bit weird looking but I think a more solid actor than say, Joseph Gordon Levitt (possibly...or maybe I'm just getting tired of Levitt's smirk). One thing that bugged the hell out of me in Source Code was the fuzzy bloom effect all over everything (probably mostly to cover the iffy fx).
  13. the story was terrible, but no more terrible than looper, certainly! I happen to dislike any sort of time travel idea with huge plot holes, but some people are way more tolerant and just enjoy the ride. If you can suspend your disbelief for looper, should be able to suspend for source code? Funny thing about source code, though I thought the twist was preposterous, I strangely found the film emotionally affecting. The ending where the time stops/slows on the train gave me an emotional kick, as intended. Kind of funny.
  14. Question: how much do you like the album so far, overall? Are you still excited to listen to it every time? Does it feels like it has depth and replay value? Any tracks that just blow you away?
  15. ooh, that sounds good, the "rebuilds" part. They use the "track falls apart into lurching spastic colon before ending" trick too many times imo.
  16. Funny page. Platoon is pretty bad, which is funny cuz Stone was actually in Vietnam. I suppose for Stone films, Born on the 4th of July is better? And what's the deelio with people suddenly liking Three Kings. I thought you guys were all David O Russell haters here and I was his only champion...heh
  17. is it a sin that I'm probably just as excited about a potential alcocibras review as I am about the album?
  18. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the most cursed word ever used to describe an artist's sound. 9 times out of 10, when people start using the term "classic" the artist has already passed their vital period. (I know, overreacting on non-evidence, but still)
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